- Abbreviata, 284
- Abraxas, 279
- Abruptaria, 273
- Acherontia, 204
- Acidalia, 275
- AcidaliidÆ, 275
- Aciptilia, 295
- Acronycta, 240
- ActÆon, 199
- Adela, 304
- Adippe, 159
- Admiral, Red, 168
- Admiral, White, 170
- Ægon, 189
- Æscularia, 281
- Æthiops, 175
- Aglaia, 158
- Aglossa, 291
- Agriopis, 258
- Agrotis, 250
- Albulata, 283
- Alucita, 295
- Amataria, 276
- AmphidasydÆ, 271
- Amphidasys, 272
- AmphipyridÆ, 254
- Anaitis, 289
- Angle Shades, 258
- Anisopteryx, 281
- AntennÆ, 5
- Antiopa, 167
- Antiqua, 228
- Antithesia, 301
- Apamea, 247
- ApameidÆ, 244
- Apatura, 171
- Apiformis, 213
- Aplecta, 259
- Aporia, 141
- Aprilina, 258
- Arctia, 221
- Areola, 261
- Argiolus, 193
- Argus, Brown, 189
- Argus, Wood, 175
- Argynnis, 154
- Arion, 194
- Arrangement of specimens, 136
- Arundinis, 243
- Asphalia, 238
- Astrarche, 189
- Atalanta, 168
- Athalia, 163
- Atomaria, 278
- Atropos, 204
- August Thorn, 271
- Aurella, 306
- Aurinia, 161
- Aversata, 276
- Axylia, 245
- BÆtica, 188
- Bapta, 277
- Basilinea, 247
- Bath White, 146
- Batis, 237
- Beating for moths, 304
- Dicranura, 234
- DicranuridÆ, 233
- Didymata, 283
- Diloba, 241
- Dilutata, 282
- Dingy Skipper, 198
- Dispar, 187, 227
- Diurnea, 303
- Dominula, 220
- Dot, 247
- Drepana, 232
- DrepanulidÆ, 232
- Drinker, 230
- Duke of Burgundy, 196
- Dun-bar, 256
- Early Grey, 261
- Edusa, 151
- Egeria, 175
- Eggs, 16
- Elephant Hawk, 207
- Elinguaria, 270
- Elpenor, 208
- Ematurga, 278
- Emmelesia, 283
- Emperor Moth, 231
- Emperor, Purple, 171
- EndromidÆ, 231
- Endromis, 231
- EnnomidÆ, 269
- Entomological pins, 76
- Ephippiphora, 301
- EphyridÆ, 275
- Epinephele, 178
- Epiphron, 174
- Erebia, 174
- ErycinidÆ, 196
- Eubolia, 289
- EuboliidÆ, 288
- Euchelia, 219
- EucheliidÆ, 219
- EuchloË, 148
- Euclidia, 264
- EuclidiidÆ, 264
- Eugonia, 271
- EuphorbiÆ, 207
- Euphrosyne, 156
- Eupithecia, 283
- Euplexia, 258
- Eurrhypara, 292
- Exanthemata, 277
- Exclamationis, 250
- Eyed Hawk, 208
- Fagella, 303
- Farinalis, 292
- FidoniidÆ, 278
- Figure of Eight, 241
- FilipendulÆ, 215
- Flame, 245
- Flame Shoulder, 252
- Flavago, 256
- Flavicornis, 238
- Flounced Rustic, 246
- Fluctuata, 287
- Forester, 222
- Lucina, 196
- Lucipara, 258
- Lulworth Skipper, 199
- Luperina, 246
- Lupulinus, 223
- Luteolata, 269
- LycÆna, 183, 188
- LycÆnidÆ, 183
- MacariidÆ, 278
- Machaon, 139
- Macroglossa, 210
- Maiden's Blush, 275
- MalvÆ, 197
- Mamestra, 246
- Mania, 254
- Marbled Beauty, 239
- Marbled Minor, 248
- Margaritaria, 270
- Marsh Moth, 281
- Marsh Ringlet, 181
- Marvel-du-jour, 258
- Maura, 254
- Mazarine Blue, 193
- Meadow Brown, 178
- Meal Moth, 292
- Megacephala, 241
- MegÆra, 177
- Melanargia, 173
- Melanthia, 285
- MelitÆa, 161
- Mellonella, 298
- Menthastri, 222
- Meticulosa, 258
- Metrocampa, 270
- Mi, 264
- Miana, 248
- Micro-lepidoptera, 290
- Minima, 194
- Monacha, 227
- Montanata, 286
- Morpheus, 249
- Mother-of-pearl, 293
- Mother Shipton, 264
- Moths, 203
- —— antennÆ of, 5
- —— catching, 82
- —— traps, 87
- Mottled Rustic, 249
- Mottled Umber, 281
- Mundana, 218
- Muslin Moth, 218
ernal">237 Tiger, Common, 221 —— Cream-spot, 221 —— Scarlet, 220 —— Wood, 220 TiliÆ, 210 Timandra, 276 TineÆ, 303 Tipuliformis, 213 Tithonus, 179 Tortoiseshell, Large, 165 Tortoiseshell, Small, 166 Tortrices, 298 Treble Bar, 289 Trifolii, 215 TriphÆna, 252 Tristellus, 297 Trochilium, 213 Turnip Moth, 250 Twin-spot Carpet, 283 Typhon, 181 Typica, 254 - Vaccinii, 256
- Vanessa, 164
- Vapourer Moth, 228
- Vauaria, 278
- Venosata, 283
- Versicolor, 231
- Villica, 221
- Vinula, 235
- Viridana, 299
- V moth, 278
- W album, 184
- Wainscots, 243
- Wall Butterfly, 177
- Waved Umber, 273
- White Admiral, 170
- —— Bath, 146
- —— Black-veined, 141
- —— Ermine, 222
- —— Green-chequered, 146
- —— Green-veined, 145
- —— Large, 142
- White-letter Hairstreak, 184
- —— Marbled, 173
- —— Small, 144
- —— Wood, 149
- Willow Beauty, 273
- Wings, 2, 8
- Wood Argus, 175
- Wood Tiger, 220
- Wood White, 149
- Xanthia, 256
- Xanthosetia, 302
- XylinidÆ, 261
- Xylocampa, 261
- Xylophasia, 245
- Xylosteana, 299
- Yellow-horned, PRINTED BY
SPOTTISWOODE AND CO., NEW-STREET SQUARE LONDON Transcriber's Note Some minor changes have been made to obvious format and punctuation inconsistencies. Other inconsistent usages have been retained except where obvious typographical errors have been corrected as follows: Page vii '40' changed to '44' (IV. The Pupa or Chrysalis 44) Page 97 'dicover' changed to 'discover' (... not being able to discover the 'entrance out,' ...) Page 188 'Polyommatas' changed to 'Polyommatus' (The Small Copper (Polyommatus PhlÆas)) Page 219 'JacobÆa' changed to 'JacobÆÆ' (Fig. 112.—The Larva of JacobÆÆ.) Page 263 'rested' changed to 'crested' (The abdomen also is crested, ...) Page 334 'Rannock' changed to 'Rannoch' (Rannoch Geometer (Brunneata)) Page 354 'Ibipenella' change to 'Ibipennella' (Ibipennella, 305) Page 354 missing page reference added (Ichneumon flies, 25) Page 355 'Leucophearia' changed to 'LeucophÆaria' (LeucophÆaria, 280) Page 356 'Octomacularia' changed to 'Octomaculana' (Octomaculana, 301) Page 358 'TryphÆna' changed to 'TriphÆna' and moved to its alphabetical position in the index (TriphÆna, 252) Page 358 'Umbricata' changed to 'Umbratica' (Umbratica, 261) ******* This and all associated files of various formats will be found in: /3/4/1/3/34131 Updated editions will replace the previous one--the old editions will be renamed.