When was a lonely heart more truly comforted? My two assistants abandoned work to stare open-mouthed at him. 'Here is Keats back again,--he has got to stay with you women and get l'arning if it kills him dead!' 'Genealogical' and 'irreconcilable' were child's play to him, 'incomprehensibility,' a bagatelle. I sat wondering what if anything would be the proper literary milk for my babes. The table was overturned, chairs were flying, bedlam had broken loose. 'By dogs, now, did you ever see anybody look as good as me?' 'Just feel my muscle,' he said, 'Oh, I'm so nervy!' 'Fight, dogs, you haint no kin, 'F you kill one another, taint no sin!' 'That's where I keep lookout of moonlight nights when war is on.' As I looked, I said to myself over and over, 'Is it possible this is a slayer of men, an eluder and defier of the law?' 'That 'ere little Iry is a-giving Jason the best whipping down in the stable lot ever you seed.' Not until she got out of the tall weeds, and into the branch, was the joyful discovery made that nine little new pigs followed her closely and shamefacedly. 'I got a dead tree up the hollow I practice on all the time.' The first real snow yesterday, and the boys wild in consequence. 'Blant he rushed on 'em like a robbed she-bear, routing 'em in no time.' 'I allow they shot me up a little too, by these here rags on my head.' Blant caught the dying Rich in his arms. Dag gone me, he's got use enough for little Dilsey, by Ned!' I kotch him at it one time. 'Take it, Joe, I refuse to touch it, I have shot my last shoot!' He sat in church the very picture of elegance, the real direction of his thoughts indicated by an occasional ardent glance across the aisle. 'Well, dad burn your looks, where'd you git all them marvles you been selling?' Nucky's voice rang out sharp and clear ... 'Make for them spruce pines! Hurry! Hurry! Hurry!' MOTHERING ON PERILOUS