A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, J, K, L, M, N, P, Q, R, S, T, V
ALLÈGRE, Latude’s fellow prisoner, 154, 185-192, 217.
Ameilhon, city librarian, 55.
Argenson, D’, 60, 72, 95, 175, 182.
Arsenal library, 55, 56.
Atrocities of the mob, 258-266.
Avedick, Armenian patriarch, 133.
BARRAS, 272.
Bastille, its situation, 47;
appearance, 48;
repute, 49, 50;
archives, 50-56;
origin, 57;
site, 58;
construction, 59, 60;
additions to, 61;
appearance in later days, 61, 62;
early uses, 63;
becomes state prison, 63, 64;
prisoners, 65;
its administration, 66;
gradual transformation, 67;
character of prisoners, 68, 69;
secretary, 70;
office of lieutenant of police, 71;
his duties, 71, 72;
becomes like modern prisons, 77, 78;
abolition of torture, 78;
duration of prisoners’ detention, 80;
expenses, 81;
plans for altering, 81-83;
a prison de luxe, 85;
treatment of prisoners, 86;
the rooms, 87;
manner of prisoners’ entrance, 88, 89;
cells, 92, 93;
tower rooms, 93, 94;
furniture, 95, 96;
examination of prisoners, 96, 97;
indemnified if innocent, 98, 99;
allowed companions, 100, 101;
prison fare, 102-107;
clothes, 107, 108;
books, 108, 109;
exercise, 109;
diversions, 109, 110;
funerals, 110, 111;
liberation, 111, 112;
the Iron Mask, 114-146;
men of letters, 147-165;
capture, 238-272.
Berryer, 175, 176, 178, 184, 188, 189, 193.
Besmaus, de, 70.
Binguet, 171, 179.
Bread riots, 242, 243.
Breteuil, 78, 248.
Brigands, 241, 245, 250.
Burgaud, 135.
CAMPAN, Madame de, 144, 145.
Carutti’s theory of Iron Mask, 134.
Cellamare conspiracy, 72, 73.
Character of French government and society, 239-241.
Chevalier, major, 49, 51, 120, 121, 187, 189, 194.
Citizen militia, 251-253.
Clothes of prisoners, 107, 108.
Crosne, de, lieutenant of police, 244-246.
D’AUBRESPY, Jeanneton, 169, 201.
Dauger suggested as Iron Mask, 135.
Desmoulins, 247, 249.
Diderot, 165.
Diversions of prisoners, 109, 110.
Du Junca’s journal, 69, 89, 90, 114-116, 122.
Dusaulx, 51.
Estrades, AbbÉ d’, 138-142.
FOOD of prisoners, 102-107.
Funerals, 110.
GAMES of prisoners, 101, 102.
Gleichen, baron, 130.
Griffet, Father, 120.
HEISS, Baron, first to suggest true solution of Iron Mask, 136.
Henriot, 245.
Houdon, sculptor, 82.
JULY 14th, 255-276.
Jung’s theory of Iron Mask, 134.
KINGSTON, Duchess of, 225, 227.
LA BEAUMELLE, 152-155.
Lagrange-Chancel, 132.
La Reynie, 71.
Latude, 168-237.
Launay, Mdlle. de, see Staal, Madame de.
Launey, de, governor, 256, 258, 260.
Lauzun, 91.
Legros, Madame de, 223-226, 232, 233.
Lenoir, lieutenant of police, 186.
Lettres de cachet, 240.
Lieutenancy of police created, 97.
Linguet, 163-165.
Loiseleur’s theory of Iron Mask, 134.
Loquin’s theory of Iron Mask, 133.
Losme, de, 261.
Louis XIV. and Iron Mask, 137-140.
Louis XV. and Iron Mask, 144.
Louis XVI. and Iron Mask, 144.
Louvois, 70, 141.
MAISONROUGE, king’s lieutenant, 73-76.
Malesherbes, 78, 156, 216.
Man in the Iron Mask, documents, 114-125;
legends, 125-136;
true solution, 136-146.
Marmontel, 158-163.
Mattioli, the Iron Mask, 136-146.
Maurepas, 144, 173-175.
Mirabeau, 166, 167.
Morellet, 155-158, 253.
Moyria, de, 218-220.
NECKER, 248.
PALATINE, Madame, 125.
Palteau, M. de, 118, 119.
Papon’s theory of Iron Mask, 127.
Parlement, 76, 77.
Pensions to prisoners, 98, 99.
Pompadour, Madame de, 173, 206.
Pontchartrain, 69.
Puget, king’s lieutenant, 83.
QUESNAY, Dr., 175, 177, 178.
RAVAISSON, librarian, 54, 55, 134.
Register of St. Paul’s church, 117, 142, 143.
Regnier’s lines, 59.
Renneville’s meals, 103, 104.
RÉveillon, 245, 246.
Ricarville, companion of the Iron Mask, 123, 124.
Richelieu, Cardinal, 63-66.
Richelieu, Duke de, 76, 129, 130.
Rigby, Dr., 253, 254.
Risings in the provinces, 273.
Rochebrune, commissary, 195.
Rohan, Cardinal de, 222.
SADE, Marquis de, 95.
Saint-Mars, governor, 87, 115-119, 127, 142.
Saint-Marc, detective, 169, 176, 180, 183, 192.
Sartine, de, 49, 202, 203, 207, 210, 215.
SauvÉ, Madame de, her dress, 108.
Solages, de, 84.
Staal, Madame de, 73-76, 94, 95, 102.
TAULÈS, de, 132.
Tavernier, 106.
Theories on Iron Mask, 125-136.
Thuriot de la RosiÈre, 256.
Tirmont, companion of Iron Mask, 123, 124.
VIEUX-MAISONS, Madame de, 128.
Villette, Marquis de, 224.
Vinache’s library, 109.
Vincennes, 165-167, 180.
Voltaire, 99, 126, 128, 129, 148-152.