Page_434" class="pginternal">434; as closed sea, 572 n.; sovereignty over, 4, 33, 108, 350, 371, 377, 550, 552, 555; territorial limits in, 655 Baltimore, 247 Barbary, 327 Barclay, Sir Thomas, 689 n., 690 Barebones Parliament, 428; on sovereignty of sea, 13, 413 Barents Sea, foreign trawlers in, 713 Barking, 699 Barneveldt, Elias van Olden, 155, 157 n. Barneveldt, J. van Olden, 152, 159, 162, 170, 173, 191 BarrÈre, on the freedom of the sea, 595 Barrett, Frank, 738 n. Bartolus, on territorial limit, 351, 539, 541 Bates, Joshua, on bay of Fundy, 625 Batten, Sir William, 380, 382, 448, 456 Battle of the Downs, 330 Baty, Dr Thomas, Hon. Secretary, International Law Association, 673 n. Bays. See Territorial Sea. Bayonne, 52 n. Beaufort, de, Duke, Admiral of France, 463, 472 Beaufort, Henry, 56 n. Beaufort, Sir Thomas, 40 Behring Sea, fishery disputes, negotiations with Russia, 581-585; Russian ukase fixing 100-mile limit, 541; gunshot limit accepted by Russia, 582, 585; three-mile limit adopted by Russia, 585; United States on Russian claim, 584; Tribunal of Arbitration, 663, 664, 695, 695 n., 732; Japanese sealers in, 696 n.; whaling in, 585 Belgium, complaints against fishermen of, 615, 616; territorial sea, 658 Bell Rock, territoriality of, 725 British Colonies, territorial sea, 661 British fisheries, foreigners at. See Fisheries. British Seas. See Sea. British subjects in foreign service, 260, 359 n.; in Dutch navy, 251 n. Brittany, 36, 48, 54, 56, 67, 68, 69, 103, 213, 270 Britton, 539 Brixham, 699 Brood and spawn of fish, 213 Brouershaven, 77 Brown, James, 194 Brown, John, 166, 191 n., 194 n., 195, 195 n., 196; sent to uplift the assize herrings from Dutch fishermen, 169, 170, 171; seized by Dutch and carried to Holland, 172, 173; released, 173; Dutch apologise, 173; counsel’s opinion on seizure, 174 Bruce, King Robert, 76 Bruce, Patrick, 181 Bruges, 43, 52 n., 71, 73; fishing charter from Charles II., 460, 461, 504, 616, 617, 772 Brussels, 71, 318, 335 Bucentaur, 4, 567 n. Buchan Ness, 131, 166, 227, 233, 321, 406 Buckingham, Duke of, 201, 266 n., 490, 497 Buckland, Frank, on inexhaustibility of fisheries, 636 Burchett, on Sovereignty of Sea, 311 n., 521 Burghs, Scottish, 216, 476 Chelchethe, John de, 50 Chelmsford, Lord, on territorial sea, 586 n. Chester, 96 Chili, territorial sea, 661 Chitty, on Sovereignty of Sea, 580 n. Chitty, on territorial sea, 597 Christian V. of Denmark, prohibits fishing at Greenland, 528 Churchill, Lieutenant, 486 n. Cinque Ports, 29, 32, 36, 55, 244, 247, 295, 381 n.; complain about foreign fishermen, 144, 145; fishermen of, 58, 90 n., 144; jurisdiction on sea, 213, 544, 544 n.; licenses to French fishermen, 65 Clarendon, Chancellor, 241, 457 Clee, 90 Cleveland yacht, 511 Clyde, Firth of, foreign trawlers in, 647; fisheries of, 83, 221 n., 233, 235, 239; Cnut, King, and the sea, 26; charter regarding Sandwich, 542 Cockaine, Sir William, 202 Cockburn, Lord Chief-Justice, on Bristol Channel, 586, 587, 588; on territorial sea, 591, 591 n. Cockraine, Captain, 437 Cod-fishing, 79, 131, 221 n., 672 Coke, Lord Chief-Justice, 17, 27, 43, 44, 44 n., 46, 66, 213; on appropriation of sea, 363 Coke, Secretary, Sir John, 130 n., 227 n., 268, 269; on the British seas, 20, 264 n.; on the fishery scheme, 359 n.; on the right of fishery, 357 Crail, 84, 175 n., 242 Craudon, 54, 55, 56 Cromarty, 227 Cromer, 90, 296 Crompton, Sir Thomas, 146 Cromwell, Oliver (see also Commonwealth), 13, 28, 65, 72, 337, 378, 404, 410 n., 414, 451, 495, 505; arguments for exclusive fishery, 425; clandestine negotiations with Dutch, 414, 415, 417, 430 n.; on sovereignty of sea, 419, 423, 424, 435; renews fishing licenses for Zowe, 440 Cromwell, Richard, on extent of British seas, 438 Crow, Captain, 479, 480 Cuba, territorial limit, 665 CunÆus, Professor Petrus, 375 Customs limit. See Territorial sea. Dana, on territorial sea, 683 Danby, Earl of, 516 Danegeld, 26 Dantzic, 216, 242 Dartmouth, 267 David I., 59 Davidson, Thomas, 84 Davis’ Straits, 184 Deal Castle, 279 Dean, Major-General, 382, 406, 408 Decay of English fisheries. See Fisheries. Decay of havens and sea-coast towns, 89, 90, 98, 446 Dee, Dr John, 27 n., 95, 111, 125, 203, 214 n., 364 n.; on sovereignty of sea, 99, 101 Delaware Bay, claimed by United States, , 199, 200, 257, 339, 340, 343, 350, 393, 430, 457, 482 Eastland Merchants Company, 160 Eddystone, territoriality of, 641, 642, 643 Edgar, King, 26, 27, 28, 141, 158, 326, 365, 409 Edinburgh, 216, 228, 298, 324, 351 Edmonds, Sir Thomas, 243 Edward I., 7, 32, 40, 42, 43, 44, 49, 51, 58 n., 60, 66, 67, 213, 214, 363, 365 Edward II., 52 n., 56, 67, 254 Edward III., 7, 33, 36, 37, 38, 41, 42, 43, 44, 51, 53, 64, 66, 67, 211, 254, 365, 409 Edward IV., 63, 71, 110 Edward VI., 88, 89, 116 Elbe, 88, 441, 442, 446 Fish tithes, 59, 101, 141, 142, 203, 214, 242, 355 Fish, undersized, 444 n., 608, 636, 704, 706, 707, 708-710 Fisheries, appropriation of, 102 Fisheries, as nursery for navy, 87, 113, 134, 213 Fisheries, charter to Bruges, 461, 772 Fisheries, claim to wide limit by Argentina, 661, 662 Fisheries, claimed for crown, 57, 62, 288, 289, 292 Fisheries, closure of areas, 662, 720. See Territorial Sea, Extra territorial. Fisheries, cod-fishing at Lofoten Isles, 672 and n. Fisheries, Conference at Hague, 1881, 632 Fisheries, decay of English, 86, 87, 89, 91, 92, 115; of Dutch, 534 Fisheries, disputes in North Sea, 631; at Iceland, 110; in North America, 621, 622-630 Fisheries, distant voyages, 57 Fisheries, Dutch, 93, 94, 96, 125-130. See Dutch. Fisheries, Dutch regulations on British coast, 605, 606 n. Fisheries, early English law as to, 66 Fisheries Enquiries—Anglo-French in 1837, 611; by Royal Commissions in 1863, 701; in 1878, 702; in 1883, 702; by Select Committee of House of Commons in 1817, 610 n.; in 1833, 607-610; in 1893, 691, 707, 714 n.; by Sele
7-h@54977-h-8.htm.html#Page_230" class="pginternal">230 n., 232, 235-243, 266, 267, 292, 301, 328, 346, 439, 442, 444, 494, 515, 516, 533, 534 Fishing boats, 33; question of neutrality of, during war, 636 Fishing boats, varieties of, 63, 90, 126, 129 Fishing, old limit on Scottish coast, 79 Fishing, safe-conducts for, 62, 71, 72, 79 Fishing vessels, armed, 34 n., 43, 70 Fitton, Sir Henry, 64 Fitzmaurice, Lord, Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs, on territorial sea, 630, 730, 731 Flag, “honour of.” See Striking. Flanders, 29, 30, 34, 43, 45, 52 n., 53, 55, 57, 59, 60, 61, 62, 69, 70, 71, 72, 75, 83, 88, 92, 101, 125, 209, 253, 255, 329 Fleta, 539 Fletcher, George, 225 n., 239 n. Flushing, 142 Fogg, Captain, 322, 323 Foggo, Robert, 78 Folkestone, 33, 145 n. Foreign En
ef="@public@vhost@g@html@files@54977@54977-h@54977-h-4.htm.html#Page_108" class="pginternal">108, 181, 184, 199, 257, 376, 393, 407, 430, 437; whale fishery at, 200, 527 Grey, Sir Edward, Secretary for Foreign Affairs, on territorial sea, 732, 733 Grimaldi, Reyner. See Grimbald. Grimbald, Reyner, 44 n., 45 and n., 47-51, 54, 409, 740, 744 Grimsby, 32, 699; trawlers of, in Moray Firth, 722, 727-729 Groningen, 81 Groningen-Watt, 578 Groot, de, 504 Groot, Cornets de, 344 n. Groot, Hugo de. See Grotius. Grotius, 5, 105, 118, 148, 157 n., 158 n., 173, 174, 185 n., 190, 191 n., 256 n., 353, 366, 370, 530, 538, 546, 591; appearance of, Mare Liberum, 338, 342; object and genesis of, 342, 343, 344; arguments of, 344-350; defends a Dutch mare clausum, 340, 356; ‘Rights of War and Peace,’ 347 ; on appropriation of sea, 356; on Portuguese and Spanish claims, 339; on range of gun limit, 157 n., 158 n., 549; on Selden’s Mare Clausum, 375; on Welwood, 356 Grotius and James I., 346, 347 n., 351<
, 357 James I., a new policy, 118; antecedents of, 124; proclamation forbidding hostilities in King’s Chambers, 9, 119, 360, 750; concludes peace with Spain, 125; proclamation restraining foreigners from fishing on British coasts, 9, 145-148, 150, 541, 755; remit of Council on, 146; deliverance of Committee on, 147; attitude of French towards, 151; negotiations with Dutch, 151, 155-159, 170, 178-180, 185-194, 197, 198; proclamation suspended, 159; orders records to be searched, 162, 179, 187; grants of assize herrings, 165, 166; instructs assize herrings to be levied from foreign fishermen, 168, 757; indignation at capture of Brown, satisfaction demanded, 172, 174; forbids Scottish fishermen to fish within a land-kenning at the Faroes, 176; requests Dutch not to fish within sight of land, 176; requests Scottish Council to prevent the Hollanders fishing within sight of land, 178; again demands assize herrings from Dutch, 180; claims seas around Spitzbergen as British, 183; appoints commissioners to treat with Dutch envoys, 186; Dutch ambassadors without power to treat of herring fishery, 188, 189; indignation with Dutch ambassadors, 189; again gives way on the herring fishery question, 192; requests Dutch to prohibit fishing within fourteen miles, 192; negotiations with Dutch as to whale fishery, 193; Carleton advises fixing a limit, 193; Dutch agree to keep out of sight of shore, 193; orders assize herrings to be again collected, 194, 196; Dutch embassy appointed, 198; Dutch ambassadors without instructions to deal with fishery question, 199; speech to Dutch ambassadors, 199; indignation against Dutch, 200; Dutch ambassadors advise States-General to settle fishery question, 200; failure of policy of assize herring, 203 James II., 517 James III. of Scotland, 473 Leicester, Earl of, 96, 264 n. Lennox, Duke of, 130 n., 166, 168, 170, 172, 186, 195 and n., 230 n., 353, 461; grant of assize herrings to, 166, 168 Lent, 75, 87, 88, 114, 136, 214, 242, 244; difficulties in enforcing observance of, 114, 115; laxity of observance of, 88, 89; measures to enforce observance of, 88, 114. See also Political Lent. Leon, 32 “L’Espagnols sur Mer,” battle of, 37, 67 Levant, 340 Levi, Leoni, on territorial sea, 664 n. Lewes, 216, 217, 220, 221, 224, 227, 234, 235, 237, 241, 242 Lewis, 216, 217 and n. Leybourne, Lord William de, 45 n. Leyden, 73, 342 Libelle of Englyshe Polycye, 18, 30, 37, 38 n. Licenses for foreign fishermen, 62, 63, 111, 141, 210, 235, 257, 264, 288, 292, 294, 425, 426, 430, 453; for Dutch, 5, 256, 668; trawling at, 713 Morton, Earl of, 225 n., 239 n. Moser, on territorial sea, 562 Muncke, Levinus, 155, 156 n. Mundesley, 247 Murray, Captain David, 172, 195 n., 196 Muscovy Company, 160; whale fishery of, 181, 182, 183, 184, 194 n. Musselburgh, 175 n., 445 Nansen, Dr Fridtjof, Norwegian Minister, 673 n., 728 Nantes, 97 Narrow seas, the, 8, 18, 19, 26, 29, 30, 34, 36, 113, 212, 213, 214, 253, 256, 260, 261, 270, 274, 287, 324 n., 327, 328, 361, 363, 381, 408, 430, 458, 459 n.; description of, 18; herring fisheries in, 67; hostilities prohibited in, 261, 262, 263; prizes taken in, 359 n.; striking in, 204-206, 270, 402. See Channel. National Sea Fisheries Protection Association, 667 n., 706, 728 n., 740 Naval Salute. See Striking. Navare, Michel de, 49 Navigation, freedom of, 3, 478, 502, 503 North-east passage, 343 Northmen, sea power of, 26, 28 North Sea, 21, 22, 43, 246, 247, 382, 432, 434, 465, 466 n.; fisheries, 43, 60, 87, 89, 130, 131, 133, 408, 470; Conference at Hague on, 1881, 632; Fishery Convention, 1882, 634, 637, 638, 639, 644, 721, 722, 725, 726, 735, 737; defects in definitions, 641; question of limit of exclusive fishing on other coasts, 643, 644, 645, 646; Sweden and Norway decline to join, 636; development of trawling in, 699, 700; impoverishment of fishing-grounds in, 706-710, 711, 738, 739 n. Northumberland, Earl of, 131, 243, 264, 266 n., 278, 279, 319, 320, 322, 323, 327, 379, 380, 388, 425, 426, 557; appointed admiral of second ship-money fleet, 287; instructions of Admiralty, 289, 290; instructions from Charles, 295; proceedings of fleet in Channel, 213, 326 n., 35
olicy towards, 82; treaties regarding, 75-82; foreigners at West Coast fishings, 83, 130; jealousy of foreign fishermen, 77, 124; fishing in bays and lochs prohibited, 202; attacks on Dutch fishermen, 77; complaints against Dutch fishermen, 144, 168, 177, 201, 234, 301; complaints against French fishermen, 606, 617; Dutch edicts re fishing, 201; old fishery limits, 226-229; old limit against Dutch, 83, 84; herring fishery in, 59, 61, 76, 79, 83, 143, 221 n.; extra-territorial jurisdiction in, 698; instructions of Privy Council re assize herrings, 757; fishery Acts, 76; fishery scheme, 225, 227; fishery society, 444; fishing in lochs claimed, 218; “land fishing” described, 222 and n.; land-kenning, see Land-kenning; limits of territorial sea, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230; limit of 14 miles in Draft Treaty of Union, 223; limit of two leagues fixed by Dutch, 605, 606; reserved waters, 77, 84, 209, 211, 218, 220, 222, 223, 226-230, 234, 236-238, 445, 547 Scotland, royal burghs, 76, 216, 217, 220, 221; ask that the Dutch be removed within a land-kenning, 221; and fishery society, 445; oppose assize herrings, 272; Cromwell, 423, 424; Dr Dee, 99, 103; De Witt, 454, 468, 470; Evelyn, 514; English writers, 493, 494, 513; Gentilis, 359; Hall, 580 n.; Hargrave, 580 n.; Italian jurists, 6; Jenkins, 484 n.; Loccenius, 550; Molloy, 514; Moore, 580 n.; naval historians on, 521; Selden, 370-374; Stubbe, 496-498; Wicquefort, 495; Baltic, 4, 33, 552; Bothnian Gulf, 4 Sovereignty of sea, Denmark, 4, 8, 16, 33, 105, 108, 158, 339, 371, 376, 530, 552, 567; contested by Elizabeth, 86; England, origin of English claims, 6, 29, 30; nature of, 8, 30; defects of, 33; early history of, 25; under ancient Britons, 25, 26; under Romans, 25, 365; under Anglo-Saxons, 26; under King Edgar, 27; before Norman Conquest, 27; after Norman Conquest, 29; under Plantagenet Kings, 30, 40, 51, 52; rolls concerning, 8, 43, 44, 45, 740, 744; 189; order their fishermen to keep out of sight of shore, 193; send another embassy to James, 199; again without instructions as to fishery question, 199, 200; renew their edicts and order their fishermen not to go too near Scottish coast, 201; proceedings regarding licenses of Charles I., 301, 302, 303, 304, 305, 312, 313, 314, 315; instructions to Evertsen as to striking, 399; to Tromp, 399, 402 n., 405; send Van Dorp to protect the busses from Northumberland, 300; order Van Dorp to prevent acceptance of licenses, 312, 313; send Aerssen van Sommelsdijck as ambassador, 336; on Selden’s ‘Mare Clausum,’ 375; resolve to increase their fleet, 393; and question of striking, 390, 392; attitude to the Parliament, 381; send ambassador to London, 384; negotiations with St John, 384-391; another embassy to London, 391; consider and postpone question of striking, 392, 399; resolve to strengthen their fleet, 393; negotiations interrupted by Tromp’s encounter with Blake, 397; disown Tromp’s action, 405; instruct him to strike, 405; send the Grand Pensionary to London, 405; recall ambassador and prepare for war, 405, 406; send four deputies to the Parliament, 415; negotiations for peace, 414-435; peace concluded, 435 States-General and Charles II., action on fishery Bill, 449, 450, 451; embargo on fisheries, 460, 462; propose freedom of fishing during war, 461, 462; differences with France as to, 463; decision as to striking, 469, 481; orders to their men-of-war on striking, 473; drawn into dispute about striking, 482; yield as to striking, 483, 484; sue for peace, 630, 692; Conception, 588, 589; Delaware, 574, 599, 629; Fundy, 623-625; Granville, 612, 619, 692; Hudson’s, 561; of Argentina, 661; Norway, 670, 672, 674, 677; Scotland, firths, 222, 223, 230, 233, 239, 545, 622, 692; Moray Firth, 721. See also Fisheries and King’s Chambers. Territorial sea, British Foreign Office on, 629, 730, 731 and n., 732, 733; delimitation of North American, 622, 627-630; French Government on, 632; Hague Tribunal on, 732; Institut de Droit International on, 691, 775; International Law Association on, 691, 775; inter fauces terrÆ, 544, 547; measurement of, 639; old English law regarding, 547; omitted in Territorial Waters Jurisdiction Act, 593; principles regarding, 548; six-mile line for, 627, 629, 630, 632, 730, 731; treaty stipulation in 1521, 548; usage regarding, 547, 548 Territorial sea, closed seas, 339, 564, 572, 582, 584, 585, 598, 657; straits, 547, 561, 564, 586, 528, 538, 568, 653, 664, 669-681, 685; method of measuring, 669, 670, 685; rejects three-mile limit, 633, 636, 678, 681; reasons for wide limit, 676, 677; in Varangerfjord, 674; in Vestfjord, Lofotens, 672-674, 677; special limits in, 671, 672, 678, 679; Portugal, 538, 569, 664, 668; Russia, 656; White Sea, 564, 657; Scandinavian limit, 528, 567 and n., 653, 655; Spain, 538, 569, 664-668; South America, 661; Sweden, 538, 653, 664, 669, 674, 675; method of computing in, 669; United States, 661; various limits claimed by, 575; Uruguay, 663; Venice, 571 Territorial sea, opinions of publicists in first part eighteenth century on, 565, 566; of recent publicists, 603, 605, 681, 688, 689 Territorial sea, opinions of Abreu y Bertodano, 559; Aschehoug, 686, 688; Auber, 691; Azuni, 564, 565; on Bays, 565; Bishop, 683, 689; Bluntschli, 682, 688; Bodin, 171, 174, 175 Top-sails, lowering of. See Striking. Tordesillas, treaty of, 5, 106 Traders, hostilities between, 53, 54 Trafalgar, 15 Trawling. See Fisheries. Treaties, England and Burgundy, 1405, 1408, 69; 1417, 70; 1439, 70; 1467, 71; 1478, 72; 1496 (Intercursus Magnus), 72; 1499, 73; 1506, 73; 1515, 73; 1520, 73; and Castile, 1351, 67; and Denmark, 1468, 110; 1490, 109; 1523, 109; 1583, 110; and Flanders, 1320, 55; and France, 1303, 44-46, 49; 1403, 67; 1471, 72; 1528, 75; and Portugal, 1353, 67; 1439, 70; and United Provinces, 1585, 433; Scotland and the Emperor, 1541, 78; 1550, 79, 179; Scotland and the Netherlands, 1291, 1321, 1323, 1371, 1401, 1407, 1412, 1416, 76; 1531, 1541, 188 n.; and United Provinces, 1594, 81, 157, 169, 173, 188 n., 257, 388; Great Britain and Belgium, 1852, 617, 645; 1882, 637; and Denmark, 1882, 637; 1901, 647, 740; and France, 1686, 526, 622; 1786, 572; 1839, 612; 1867, 619; 1882, 637; and Germany, 1882, 637; and Mexico, 1888, 679 n.; and the Netherlands, 1625, 433; 1654, 435, 436, 455;
ml#Page_302" class="pginternal">302, 304, 340, 342, 364, 384, 399, 405, 416, 441, 454, 460, 470, 474, 517, 527-529. See States-General, Dutch, Netherlands. United States of America, disputes and negotiations regarding British North American fisheries, 532, 581, 621-630, 731 and n.; regarding Behring Sea, 541, 583, 584, 695 n.; territorial sea, 599, 661; fixes three miles for neutrality, 21, 93, 573, 574; various limits claimed, 574, 575, 650; influence of, in adoption of three-mile limit, 650 Uruguay, territorial sea, 663 Ushant, 103, 290, 399, 437 Utrecht, 81; treaty of, 531, 582 Vagabonds, 98 Valck, Jacob, 81 Valin, on territorial sea, 562 Vane, Sir Henry, 269, 414, 422 n., 439 Varangerfjord, 674, 695 VardÖ, or VardÖhuus, 86, 97 n., 108, 109, 110 Vasquez. See Vasquius. Vasquius, Ferdinand, on dominion of sea, 341, 351, 353 Vattel, on territorial sea, 560; on appropriation of fisheries, 561 Venice, 30, 91, 186 n., 191; sea sovereignty of, 3, 4 and n., PRINTED BY WILLIAM BLACKWOOD AND SONS.