PROCEEDINGS BEFORE THE AUDITORS DEPUTED BY THE KINGS OF ENGLAND AND FRANCE FOR THE REDRESS OF THE GRIEVANCES BETWEEN THE SUBJECTS OF THE TWO COUNTRIES. 27-33, Edw. I. (Abstract of Chancery Miscellaneous Roll. Bdle. 5, No. 6.) Richard Bush against Reyner Grÿmaus.Libel (Libellus). Richard Bush of London complains that a ship called “la Blacog~” of London, going from Winchelsea to Dieppe in August 1301, containing goods to the value of £157, was attacked by Michel de Navere Denial (Contestatio negativa). The said “Cheual~” asserts that he was not in that country at the time specified, nor for nearly a year afterwards. Rejoinder (Repplicatio). To the answer of the “chevalier” that he was not admiral till some time after the events specified, the attorneys of said Richard reply that they will advise with their master as to the truth. William Bush of London loaded a ship called “la Mariote de Seland” at Antwerp for London with goods to the value of £175, 17s. 8d. Michel de Nauere and others of Calais came with three galleys to the foreland of Thanet at the mouth of the Thames in May 1298; took said ship to Calais and there disposed of the goods by the aid of Henri de Ganewe. Said William demands restoration and £20 damages. To the demand of William Bush the said John1399 replies “en la maniere q~ il fait a la demande Cecile,”1400 that it does not concern him, but “mos~ Henri et Michel de Nauare.” Said William further complains that he loaded a ship called “la Blithe” of London in Brabant for London with goods, value £40. John Pederogh seized them at the mouth of the Thames in July 1303, took them to Calais, and there disposed of them by the aid of Edward de Mabusshon. William demands restoration and £8 damages.1401 Said John replies that at the time specified he was not on the sea at all but in Paris or on the road to Calais. Thomas Cros against John Paydro.Libel. Thomas Cros of London, executor of the will of Thos. Cros his father, who was executor of Henry Box of London, complains that said Henry loaded the ships William le fiz Henri, Godefroi de Duffle, Michel de Middelborgh, Johan Athelard, Johan le Chaundeler in London, to go to Brabant (which ships were of Brabant) with goods value £672; Michel de Nauuere and others of Calais with three Exception requiring delay (Excepc~o dilatoria). The said John says it is not for him to reply, as the complaint concerns not him but mos~ Henri de Genes and Michel de Nauare, who are abroad where they cannot be had. “Watier le Hert de Mallins” and Rose de Salisbery of London loaded at London a ship called the Johan Azelard de Mallins with goods value £28, 19s. 2d. Michel de Nauare and others of Calais with three galleys seized said goods out of said ship, then anchored off the foreland of Thanet (May 1298), took them in their galleys to Calais, and disposed of them by the aid of mons~. Henri de Genewe. Said Watier and Rose demand restoration and £6 damages. Cecile atte More of London loaded at London for Brabant the ships William Petersone of Seland, William Henriessone of Seland, Johan le Chandeler, with goods value £158, 19s. Michel de Nauere and others of Calais in May 1298 seized said goods out of said ships (then anchored off Thanet) and disposed of them at Calais by the aid of Henri de Genewe. Cecile claims restoration and £20 damages. Cecile atte More complains that in July 1303 Johan Pederogh and others seized goods of the said Cecile at the mouth of the Thames out of a ship called “la Blithe de Londres” coming from Brabant, and disposed of them at Calais by the aid of mos~ Edward de Mabusshon: value £10. Cecile prays restoration and 40s. damages. Said John replies that at the date specified he was at Paris or on the road to Calais, and not on the sea at all. Thomas atte Hurst of London loaded at Berwick the “Distaf de Haneford” for London, with goods to the value of £11, 18s. 8d. They were seized by men from Calais off Blakeney on the Tuesday after Saint Bartholomew 1303,1402 and disposed of at Calais. Thomas prays restoration and damages. The said John [sic] says that the above demand concerns “mi sire Reniers de Grimaus” only, for he was then admiral, and said John was on shore at the date specified. Said John was only in the company of said Reniers “en Sellande et en Horlande.” To the demand of Thos. atte Hurst touching goods seized from the “Distaf de Haneforde” by Johan Peidroge, Clay Clinkhamer, Piers Hues, and others in 1302 [sic], the said “Oudart” [sic] replies as he did to the claim of Alayn de Thorndon. [See below.] Aleyn de Thornden, burgess of “Lenn,” loaded a ship in Scotland belonging to Nichol de Caith~ with goods value £133 for Brabant,—mons~ Odard de Maubusshon, Johan Peidrgroge, Johan de la, “soen frere Lani yacop” Gusse Odin, Johan le parker, vaaseur le Mariner, Hirnolet le Man and Petre le Puttere, in August 1304 seized the ship off Kirkele, killed the crew, and disposed of ship and goods at Calais. Aleyn demands restoration and damages, value in all £143. The said John replies that he and others named in above plaint at the date specified were in Holland and Zeeland. “Car le iour de la Seint Laurence1403 il se combatieront en Selande as Flamens as Baionois et as Engleis qi estoient en lour aide.” William Quineberge, burgess of Lynn, loaded his own ship, the “Nicholas,” at Lynn for Scotland with goods, value £35, 15s. 8d.—Odard de Maubusshon, Johan Perdroge, Johan Huard, Gusse Odin, Simond Danyn, Johan Allestein, Clay Clinchamer, Vaaseur le Mariner, Johan Paye, and Petre le Pottere in August 1303 plundered the ship off Scarborough, killed a mariner, and disposed of the goods at Calais. William demands restoration and £10 damages. Adam Honson of Gloucester loaded the ship of “Williame de Douere” at Antwerp for England with goods, value £220. Odard de Maubusshon and Johan Peidroge of Calais, in September 1303, plundered said ship in sight of Dover, “et illoeques la Nief deliuereront al auant dit William de Douere” [sic]. Adam demands restoration and £60 damages. Johan de Hetheye, William le Scherman, Rich. le Goldsmith, Johan le Blunt, Will. de Nesse, Johan Gode, and Wauter Top loaded the ship of William Gare called “Michele de Arwe” in London with goods, value £556, 3s. 8d., for Brabant. Sire Reyner Grimbaud, admiral, on the high seas, the Sunday after Michaelmas 1303,1404 seized said ship and goods and took them “a Roem en Normandie”; sent the crew to Calais, where some were put in prison, and one still remains. Plaintiffs demand restoration and £100 damages. To the complaint touching “la Michele de Arwe,” seized on the To the demand of John de Masworth for restoration of goods and liberty, the “chiualer” says he is in prison as a malefactor against the King of France, and that the commission of the deputies does not extend to such cases. Adam de Fulham against John Paydroge.Libel. Adam de Fulham of London complains that in the year 1302 men of Calais attacked the “Margarete de Jernemuth” off Orfordenessh going to London, killed the crew, and took the ship and goods to the value of £20 to Calais and there disposed of them. Demands restoration and damages. Denial. To the demand made by Adam de Fulham against said John and others touching violence done to him between “le Seint Martin et le Chaundeler” in 1302, said John replies as he did to Johan de Chelchethe. Exemption Requiring Delay. To another demand of said Adam, said John replies as he did to William Seruat. John de Chelchete against Reyner de Grymaus.Libel. John de Chelchethe of London complains that in 1302 John Padrogh and others of Calais attacked the “Margarete de Jernemuth” off Orfordenessh, killed the crew, and took ship and goods to Calais. Demands restoration and damages, value in all £39, 5s. 8d. Exemption Requiring Delay. Said John Padrogh replies as he did to William Seruat. Edmund Lamby ... against John Paydroge.Libel. Said Edmund complains as others have done concerning the “Margaret of Yarmouth.” His goods therein were of the value of £12. Gilbert de Asshendon against John Paydroge.Libel. Said Gilbert de Asshendon of London complains that the “Distaf de Haneford” loaded at Berwick for London was taken off Blakeney in 1303 (Tuesday after St Bartholomew). Demands restoration and damages, value in all £8, 10s. 4d. Denial. Said John replies that at the date specified he was on dry land at Calais. To this demand against Johan Peidroge, Clay Clinkhanner, Piers Hues, Stace Swares, and Johan Huares, Oudart replies as he did to Alein de Thornden. |