A. The Libel regarding Reyner Grimbald. De Superioritate Maris AngliÆ et Jure officii Admirallatus in eodem 741
B. Abstract of Proceedings before the Auditors regarding the same 744
C. License for Fishing at the “Zowe” Bank in the Channel, 1615 749
D. Proclamation of James I. relative to the King’s Chambers, 1st March 1604/1605 750
E. Declaration of the Jury of the Trinity House as to the Limits of the King’s Chambers, 4th March 1604/1605 753
F. Proclamation of James I. for the Restraint of Foreigners fishing on the British Coasts, 6th May 1609 755
G. Instructions by the Privy Council of Scotland for the Levying of the “Assize-herrings” from Foreign Fishermen 757
H. Proclamation of Charles I. as to preventing Abuses in the Narrow Seas and Ports, and claiming Sovereignty of the Sea 759
I. Report of the Admiralty to Charles I. as to the Employment of the Ship-money Fleet in wafting and securing Foreign Merchants passing through His Majesty’s Seas, and in protecting Foreign Fishermen who accept the King’s License, 5th February 1635/1636 762
K. Abstract of the Thirty-six Articles proposed by the Dutch to St John at The Hague, 1650, 1651 764
L. Tromp’s Memorandum to the States of Holland as to the Custom of Striking the Flag to the English, 27th February/9th March 1651 770
M. Copy of Originals of Letters between Tromp and Blake, after the encounter in the Straits of Dover, 1652 771
N. Concession to Bruges to fish in the British Seas, 1666 772
O. Articles adopted by the Institut de Droit International at Paris, and by the International Law Association at London, with reference to the Territorial Waters 774
Index 777


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