A. | The Libel regarding Reyner Grimbald. De Superioritate Maris AngliÆ et Jure officii Admirallatus in eodem | 741 | B. | Abstract of Proceedings before the Auditors regarding the same | 744 | C. | License for Fishing at the “Zowe” Bank in the Channel, 1615 | 749 | D. | Proclamation of James I. relative to the King’s Chambers, 1st March 1604/1605 | 750 | E. | Declaration of the Jury of the Trinity House as to the Limits of the King’s Chambers, 4th March 1604/1605 | 753 | F. | Proclamation of James I. for the Restraint of Foreigners fishing on the British Coasts, 6th May 1609 | 755 | G. | Instructions by the Privy Council of Scotland for the Levying of the “Assize-herrings” from Foreign Fishermen | 757 | H. | Proclamation of Charles I. as to preventing Abuses in the Narrow Seas and Ports, and claiming Sovereignty of the Sea | 759 | I. | Report of the Admiralty to Charles I. as to the Employment of the Ship-money Fleet in wafting and securing Foreign Merchants passing through His Majesty’s Seas, and in protecting Foreign Fishermen who accept the King’s License, 5th February 1635/1636 | 762 | K. | Abstract of the Thirty-six Articles proposed by the Dutch to St John at The Hague, 1650, 1651 | 764 | L. | Tromp’s Memorandum to the States of Holland as to the Custom of Striking the Flag to the English, 27th February/9th March 1651 | 770 | M. | Copy of Originals of Letters between Tromp and Blake, after the encounter in the Straits of Dover, 1652 | 771 | N. | Concession to Bruges to fish in the British Seas, 1666 | 772 | O. | Articles adopted by the Institut de Droit International at Paris, and by the International Law Association at London, with reference to the Territorial Waters | 774 | | | | | Index | 777 |