SOUPSCream soups are seasonable at any time, using any vegetable in its season. Canned goods may be used when the fresh article is not obtainable. Vegetables that are too tough and old to cook in any other way may be used in soups to advantage. If it can be afforded, a teaspoonful of whipped cream may be dropped into each plate, and will be found very delicious. By a puree is meant a thick soup; it differs but little from cream soup, being perhaps a trifle thicker. If properly made, cream soups and purees are dainty, delicious, and nourishing. Fruit soups are in favor during hot weather, for dinners and luncheons; they are very easily made, and are wholesome and refreshing. Any desired fruit juice may be thickened with corn starch, sago, or arrowroot, and served with or without fruit. Fruit soup should always be served cold, in glass sherbet cups, with a layer of chipped ice on top. KINDS OF SOUPObserving these proportions and following the foregoing directions, delicious cream soups are made of rice, squash, celery, peas, asparagus, cucumber, spinach, peanuts, potato, corn, lima beans, cauliflower, beets, tomato, salsify, chestnut, mushrooms, CREAM SOUPS, FOUNDATION OFRub one heaping tablespoonful of butter and two of sifted flour to a cream; melt in a saucepan over the fire, and add slowly four cups milk, stirring constantly. When it thickens add salt and whatever seasoning and ingredient is desired to make the soup. CROUTONS FOR SOUPTake thin slices of bread, cut them into little squares, place them in a baking pan, and brown to a golden color in a quick oven. EGG BALLS FOR SOUP
Rub the hard-boiled yolks and flour smooth, then add the raw yolks and the salt. Mix all well together, EGG DUMPLINGS FOR SOUP
Beat the eggs well, add the milk and as much flour as will make a smooth, rather thick batter, free from lumps. Drop this batter, a tablespoonful at a time, into the boiling soup. NOODLES FOR SOUPBeat one egg till light, add a pinch of salt and flour enough to make a stiff dough. Roll out very thin; sprinkle with flour to keep from sticking. Then roll up into a scroll, begin at the end, and slice into strips as thin as straws. After all are cut, mix them lightly together, and to prevent their sticking together keep them floured a little till you are ready to drop them into the soup, which should be done a few minutes before serving. If boiled too long they go to pieces. VEGETABLE BOUILLON
Mix all the ingredients together, and let simmer NUT CHOWDER SOUP
Chop all together till fine, then add to strained boiling tomatoes, four cups; add boiling water, one cup; thicken with flour, one tablespoonful; reheat and serve. NUT FRENCH SOUP
Slice the onion and mix all the ingredients together, excepting the salt; boil slowly one hour; strain, reheat, salt, and serve. This soup requires plenty of salt to bring out the flavor. MOCK CHICKEN SOUP
Put butter in saucepan with the onion, parsley, and celery; cook it to a golden brown color; add the flour and cook until brown, being careful not to scorch. Now add the milk boiling hot and stir briskly to prevent lumping. Add the nuttolene. Beat the egg with enough flour to make a stiff batter, but thin enough to pour; pour this into the boiling stock, stirring at the same time. This will appear as small dumplings in the soup. Let simmer twenty or thirty minutes; salt, and serve. MOCK CHICKEN BROTH
Wash, then stew the beans in hot water with the onion for three hours, stewing down to six cups; strain, and add a pinch of celery salt and a small PLAIN VEGETABLE SOUP (1)For soup stock.
Shave in fine shreds, add to soup stock, and cook moderately for two hours.
Add a little sage and thyme. When done, run through puree sieve or colander, and add a little chopped parsley and salt to taste. PLAIN VEGETABLE SOUP (2)
Place in heated saucepan, stir often to prevent burning, add a little more butter if necessary; brown till vegetables are quite soft, then add
Season with parsley and salt to taste. Simmer till done. WHITE SOUBISE SOUP
Soak the bread in the milk, boil onions and potatoes in water until well done, and mix with the bread and milk; add salt and flour rubbed in the butter; strain all through a fine sieve; bring again to the boiling point, but do not allow it to boil; serve. If too thick, add a little boiling water. JULIENNE SOUP
Cook the turnips and carrots together in just enough water to prevent scorching, the potatoes and onions in the same manner, the peas by themselves. When all are done, mix together and add the soup stock, salt, and parsley; reheat, and serve. The TOMATO SOUP
Add tomatoes to soup stock, also the nut butter mixed smooth and thin in a little of the tomato; heat to boiling, salt, and serve. BEAN AND TOMATO SOUP
Rub beans and tomatoes through a sieve; add salt and butter rubbed in flour; then add cooked rice and enough boiling water to make the proper consistency; reheat, and serve. TOMATO-VERMICELLI SOUP
Cook the vermicelli in the tomato till done and add water; if too thin, bind with a little thickening of TOMATO AND OKRA SOUP
Brown onion in a saucepan with a little butter; add flour, nut butter, tomatoes, parsley, and okra. Add the soup stock or water and cook slowly for three hours. Season with salt, and serve. WHITE SWISS SOUP
Boil the rice in the water, and add the onion and potato. When the vegetables are well done add the rich milk and bring to a boil. Beat well the yolk of the egg with the flour and stir in the boiling soup. Let it boil, season with salt, rub through a sieve; reheat, and serve. CORN AND TOMATO SOUP
Mix thoroughly, season with salt, heat to a boiling point, and serve. CEREAL CONSOMME
Place in the soup kettle the cooking oil and barley; brown barley till quite brown; add onion, carrot, flour, and brown the vegetables till quite tender; add the protose and boiling water; let simmer very gently for six hours, adding boiling water from time to time. Keep the original amount. Stir often to prevent burning. Half an hour before the soup is done add the caramel-cereal, bay leaf, and salt; press through a fine colander, and simmer to six cups. SWISS LENTIL SOUP
Put lentils to cook in a large quantity of boiling water; boil rapidly a short time, then simmer without stirring. When they begin to get tender and are yet quite moist, slice an onion and press into the lentils until covered; keep the vessel over a slow, even fire, until the lentils are well dried out. The drying-out may be finished in the oven if the lentils are covered so that they will not harden on top. When well dried add a little boiling water and rub through a fine colander, removing the hulls. Into this pulp stir the browned flour. Beat till smooth, then add gradually enough boiling water to make of consistency of soup; salt, boil, and set where it will keep hot twenty minutes to an hour, to blend ingredients. SPRING VEGETABLE SOUP
Put in the stew-pan the lettuce, onion, parsley, and butter, with the water; let simmer till tender; season with salt; when done strain off the vegetables and put two-thirds of the liquid in the stock. Beat up the yolk with the other third. Put it over the fire, TURNIP AND RICE SOUP
Pare a medium-sized turnip, slice, and put with rice and butter into saucepan with sufficient water to cook; let simmer till tender, rub through a fine sieve and return to the saucepan. Mix in enough milk to make of the proper consistency; stir over the fire and let simmer ten or fifteen minutes; then stir in a lump of butter and cream; serve with croutons. GERMAN LENTIL SOUP
Boil lentils in the water with the onion, carrot, turnip, and celery; boil gently about one and one-half hours; put through a sieve and return to soup kettle; If necessary, add a little boiling water or rich milk to thin the soup. LENTIL AND TOMATO SOUP
Stew the lentils with the onion in the water one hour; add stewed tomatoes, nut butter, and browned flour; bring to a brisk boil, season with salt, press through a colander, reheat, and serve. RICE AND NUT SOUP
Boil twenty minutes and serve. BARLEY AND NUT SOUP
Cook the barley and rice until perfectly done in NUT AND OLIVE SOUP
Emulsify the nut butter in a little of the stock, add the remaining stock and the rest of the ingredients, except the browned flour, which should be added after the soup has boiled. Salt, and serve. LENTIL AND NUT SOUP
Cook lentils till tender and put through a colander; in the meantime brown the chopped onion in the oil; add to the lentil pulp, mix with stock, salt, reheat, and serve. NUT NOODLE SOUP
Mix the nut butter in a little of the stock until smooth and thin; then add remainder of stock, salt, boil, add noodles, cook about twenty minutes, serve. NUT AND PEA SOUP
Boil peas till tender, rub through a colander, and add to soup stock. Salt, reheat, and serve. NUT AND BEAN SOUP
Cook beans in just enough water to prevent scorching. When done rub through a sieve or colander; add the vegetable soup stock, thyme, and salt. Reheat, and serve. NUT AND ASPARAGUS SOUP
Cook till asparagus is very tender; put through a sieve; add stock and salt; reheat, and serve. BROWN BEAN SOUP
Cook beans in water till soft, then add vegetables and herbs; after the soup is boiled, add the lemon juice; rub through a sieve; salt, reheat, and serve. WHITE BEAN SOUP
Stew the beans and onions in the water until tender; add nut butter and salt; press through a sieve, bring to a boil, and serve. The addition of some cream will improve this soup. SAGO SOUP
Wash the sago, add it to the boiling milk, and simmer till the sago is dissolved and forms a sort of jelly. At the moment of serving add the beaten yolk of an egg and a little cream previously boiled. BEAN TAPIOCA
Cook beans in water till well done; press through a strainer, add tapioca, and cook till clear; add hot water to make of proper consistency; season with salt and cream; heat well, and serve. GREEN PEA SOUP
Shell peas and throw into a dish of cold water; break the shells and put them into a kettle with boiling water; set over the fire and simmer half an hour. Remove pods, and add lettuce, spinach, salt and sugar. Let boil till the spinach and lettuce are pulpy, take up, and run through a puree sieve; boil the peas and cucumber in a little water, mash and rub through a sieve; mix with the soup, season with salt and a dash of lemon juice. Serve with croutons. Boil the rice in the water for forty minutes, or until perfectly soft, adding salt; add sufficient boiling water from time to time to keep the original amount; press through a sieve and thicken with well-beaten yolk of egg, milk, flour, and butter. Add a little more salt if necessary; serve with toasted crackers or zwieback sprinkled with crumbs of cottage cheese. LIMA BEAN SOUPLima bean soup may be prepared same as white bean soup, omitting the tapioca. BREAD BISQUEDry sifted bread crumbs, one cup, added to cream soup, four cups. TOMATO BISQUE NO. 1
Place butter in pot, add one bay leaf, one small onion; let braize till light brown, add flour, and stir until flour is well mixed; add hot milk, slowly stirring constantly to keep smooth; add nut butter, which should be emulsified first with the tomato, then add slowly stirring briskly; salt, heat thoroughly, strain; reheat, serve. TOMATO BISQUE NO. 2
Put tomatoes in double boiler, set on the range, and when scalding hot add the nut butter emulsified in enough water to pour readily, mix together and salt to taste. Use plenty of salt to bring out the flavor. ROLLED OATS SOUP
Into a saucepan put the chopped onion and butter; cook carefully, without browning the butter, until the onion is perfectly soft; then add celery salt, bay leaf, and porridge; stir for a moment, then add water and milk; bring to a boil and strain; add salt, reheat, and serve. FAMILY FAVORITE
Mix all together and boil one hour; strain, reheat, and serve. NUT MEAT BROTH
Let all boil together thoroughly, and serve. PEA SOUP WITH VEGETABLE STOCK
Cook peas till soft and put through a fine colander to remove the hulls. Add soup stock and mint, reheat, salt, and serve. A cup of cream is a great improvement to this soup. SAVORY POTATO SOUP
Cook the potatoes and onion till soft. Put through a colander, add the soup stock, mint, marjoram, and salt, which have been simmered together half an hour. Heat well, and serve. CELERY AND TOMATO SOUP
Chop celery rather fine, and cook in a little water till tender; add the tomato, salt, and soup stock; heat well, and serve. NUT AND CREAM OF CORN SOUP
Bring to a boil, rub through a colander, reheat, and serve. ARTICHOKE SOUP
Select prime, green, globe artichokes before they have developed; cut off the stems, trim off the hard leaves round the bottom, and cut off the upper quarter of the artichoke leaves. Put the water in soup kettle; add the artichoke, onions, and protose. Let simmer gently for two hours, then add sage, IMPROMPTU SOUP NO. 1
Slice into heated saucepan with
Let brown two or three minutes, then add
Brown a little longer, then add
Let all boil together and thicken with gluten; salt, strain, and serve. IMPROMPTU SOUP NO. 2
Mix, and dissolve in a little milk, then add
and heat to boiling point, stirring often to prevent scorching; set back far enough to keep from boiling, then whip into the broth
Salt, and serve. CREOLE SOUP
Boil all together, season with a little salt, rub the vegetables through a sieve, and thin to the consistency of cream with hot water or nut cream. PALESTINE SOUP
Wash and peel the artichokes, put over them cold water sufficient to cover, add leeks, celery, and salt. Simmer an hour and a half. Press through a sieve, put back on the stove, and beat into it a pint of boiled cream. Add a little nutmeg. Serve with croutons. If too thick, add a little hot milk or cream. FRUIT SOUP (PINEAPPLE)Thicken pineapple juice with arrowroot. Serve cold with a bit of pineapple glace in each cup. CHOCOLATE SOUP
Soak the chocolate in two cups of the water; when soft put to cook; when it boils add the sugar and flour rubbed smooth in the rest of the water. Cook slowly for five minutes and add the hot milk. Strain, stir in the cinnamon and whipped cream. Serve at once with crisps or wafers. Blanched almonds toasted are served with the soup. FRUIT SOUP
With the strawberry or other juice cook the sago; add the pineapple juice and sugar; cool, and serve in sherbet cups with chipped ice. FRUIT SOUP (SWEDISH)Boil prunes and raisins slowly till tender, sweeten and save the juice; boil sago till clear, mix with the fruit and juice, and serve very cold. FRUIT SOUP (ORANGE)Thicken orange juice with arrowroot, and serve very cold in cups with a bit of candied orange peel on top of each glass. FRUIT SOUP (LEMON)Make a strong lemonade, thicken with arrowroot, serve very cold with a bit of candied lemon peel or candied ginger in each glass. FRUIT SOUP (MARQUISE)Take two parts red raspberry juice and one of currant, sweeten, thicken with arrowroot and sago; candied orange peel or blanched and shredded almonds are a dainty addition. FRUIT SOUP (CRANBERRY)Thicken some sweetened cranberry juice with arrowroot, and serve cold in cups, as a first course at a Christmas or New Year's dinner. FRUIT SOUP (GRAPE)Thicken bottled grape juice with arrowroot, and serve cold with chipped ice. This is refreshing for invalids. FRUIT SOUP (CHERRY)Thicken cherry juice with arrowroot, and serve with other fruit soups; garnish with black cherries in their season. FRUIT SOUP (STRAWBERRY)Thicken fresh strawberry juice with arrowroot and put on ice to chill; put a layer of chipped ice on top of each cup before serving, and lay a ripe strawberry, stem and all, on top of each glass. RAISIN, APPLE, OR PRUNE SOUPEither seedless raisins, apples, or prunes may be added to sago soup. The soup should then bear the name of the fruit used. |