
For Vegetables, Entrees, Puddings, Etc.



  • Cooking oil, ½ cup.
  • Butter, ¼ cup.

Put into a saucepan and add

  • Carrot, medium, 1.
  • Turnip, 1.
  • Celery stalks, with root, 2.
  • Parsley sprigs, 2 or 3.
  • Onions, large, 2.
  • Bay leaves, 2.

All to be chopped fine; place on range and cook slowly, stirring occasionally to prevent burning, until vegetables are nicely browned, then add

  • Flour, ½ cup.

Stir and mix thoroughly, until a rich brown, being careful not to burn. Now add

  • Strained tomato, 1 cup.
  • Boiling water to required consistency.

Strain through a fine sieve, and the stock is ready for use.


Boil some turnips, carrots, celery, and onions in enough water to make half the amount of stock required. When the vegetables are done, drain and add an equal amount of rich bean broth with a little brown flour, nut butter, celery salt, and just enough strained tomato to remove the sweet vegetable taste. This should be of the consistency of broth when done. Use with roast braized protose, etc. Protose may be cooked with the vegetables if it can be afforded. The vegetables should be put to cook in cold water that the substance and flavor may be well drawn out.


Take one-fourth cup of ripe olives, and after extracting the stones, chop fine. Put on the stove and stew for two or three hours in water enough to cover well. Brown together a little olive oil and flour, the same as for gravy. Strain through a colander and add the stewed olives. Season with salt.

(For Vegetables and Roasts)

  • Nut butter, 1 cup.
  • Sage, 1 tablespoonful.
  • Browned flour, 3 heaping tablespoonfuls.
  • Salt.
  • Minced onion, 2 tablespoonfuls.
  • Water, 1½ quarts.

Mix all together, salt lightly, put in an enameled baking-pan, cover, and bake till of the desired consistency.


  • Butter, 1 tablespoonful.
  • Olive oil, 1 tablespoonful.
  • Flour, 1 tablespoonful.
  • Salt.
  • Lemon juice, 2 tablespoonfuls.
  • Eggs, 2.
  • Nutmeg.

Rub the butter, flour, nutmeg, and salt together until smooth, and add slowly one and one-half cups hot water, stirring constantly. Boil, remove from the fire, and add the lemon juice, olive oil, and the yolks of the eggs, one at a time. Beat slowly and thoroughly together. Strain, and serve.


  • Stewed tomatoes, 1 quart.
  • Bay leaves, 2.
  • Onion, medium, 1.
  • Lemon, ¼.
  • Chopped parsley, 1 tablespoonful.
  • Thyme, 1 teaspoonful.
  • Cooking oil, 2 tablespoonfuls.
  • Flour, 2 tablespoonfuls.

Put the oil, parsley, bay leaves, thyme, and onions into a stew-pan, set on the range and cook until the onion is a golden brown, being careful not to burn; then add the flour, let cook a few minutes, add the lemon and tomato, and let stew half an hour. Strain, salt, and serve. The chopped parsley may be added just before serving, if desired.


  • Mint, ¼ cup.
  • Sugar, 1/3 cup.
  • Lemon juice, ½ cup.

Mix all together, set on the side of the range where the sugar will melt, and the sauce be hot, but it must not get too hot. Serve with protose or meat substitutes.


  • Butter, 2 rounding tablespoonfuls.
  • Flour, 2 rounding tablespoonfuls.
  • Milk, 2 cups.
  • Salt, ½ teaspoonful.

Melt the butter in a saucepan, add the flour, and cook until well blended, but not browned; add the milk gradually, and stir until boiling well; then add the salt.

Half milk and half broth of the vegetables may be used if desired, unless the broth has a bitter or otherwise objectionable taste, as is sometimes the case with asparagus.


  • Egg yolks, 12.
  • Fruit juice, bright colored, 1 cup.
  • Sugar, ½ cup.
  • Juice of ½ lemon.

Beat the yolks of the eggs about two minutes; put the sugar into a saucepan with the fruit juice (preferably cherry or strawberry); stir it over the fire till hot, then remove it to the side, as it must not be permitted to boil. Stir in the beaten yolks and add the lemon juice. Whisk the sauce at the side of the fire until well frothed and thickened.


  • Tomatoes, stewed, 1 quart.
  • Butter, 1 tablespoonful.
  • Salt.
  • Minced onion, 1 tablespoonful.
  • Flour, 1 tablespoonful.

Put the tomatoes into a saucepan over the fire; add the onion and salt; boil about twenty minutes; remove from range and strain through a sieve. In another pan melt the butter, and as it melts sprinkle in the flour; stir till it browns and froths a little. Mix the tomato pulp with it, and it is ready for use.


  • Stewed tomatoes, 1 quart.
  • Celery salt, 1 teaspoonful.
  • Sugar, 1 tablespoonful.
  • Sliced onion, large, 1.
  • Salt, 1½ teaspoonfuls.

Mix all together and let simmer two or three hours. Strain through a sieve. Serve with croquettes, broiled protose, or nuttolene.


  • Nut butter, 4 tablespoonfuls.
  • Strained tomatoes, 1 cup.
  • Hot water, 2 cups.

Thoroughly mix the butter with the water and tomato. Let it boil, and salt to taste. If too thin, thicken with a little flour rubbed smooth in a little water.


  • Water, 1 quart.
  • Strained tomatoes, 1½ cups.
  • Salt to taste.
  • Nut butter, 1 heaped tablespoonful.
  • Flour.

Emulsify the butter in the tomato, add to the water, and put in a saucepan over the fire, being careful not to scorch. When it boils, thicken with a little flour rubbed smooth in water, using plenty of salt to season, as it brings out the nice flavor of the sauce.


Make a tomato sauce and add one-fourth part rich cream, beating well.


Make a rich cream sauce and add one-fourth part of strained tomatoes, or an equal amount of tomato sauce. Beat up well.


  • Water, 2 cups.
  • Minced onion, small, 1.
  • Browned flour, 2 rounded tablespoonfuls.
  • Strained tomato enough to mix the flour smooth.
  • Salt.
  • Minced protose, ¼ cup.
  • Butter, 1 rounded tablespoonful.
  • White flour, 1 tablespoonful.
  • Celery salt.

Put the water, butter, and onion in a saucepan and set on the stove; when it begins to boil, add the protose and let simmer ten or fifteen minutes, then place where it will boil, and thicken with the browned and white flour rubbed smooth in the tomato; the thickening should be thin enough to pour readily. Let cook a few minutes and add salt and celery salt, and serve with vegetables or roasts.


  • Ground walnuts, 1 cup.
  • Milk, 1 cup.
  • Flour.
  • Water, 2 cups.
  • Salt to taste.

Put the water and milk in a saucepan, and when boiling add the walnuts. Thicken with a little flour thickening, and salt to taste.


Add two tablespoonfuls of finely chopped parsley to two cups of cream sauce.


  • Vegetable stock, 2 cups.
  • Browned flour, 2 tablespoonfuls.
  • Strained tomatoes, ¼ cup.

Heat the stock to boiling, add the hot tomato, and thicken with browned flour.


  • Cream, ½ cup.
  • Flour, 1 heaped tablespoonful.
  • Milk, 2½ cups.

Mix the flour to a smooth cream in a little milk, boil the cream and remainder of the milk, and thicken with the flour. Salt to taste. If a richer sauce is desired the beaten yolks of one or two eggs may be added.


  • Cream sauce, 1 pint.
  • Egg, 1.

Beat the egg and add to the cream sauce, mixing thoroughly.


  • Stale bread crumbs, 1 cup.
  • Chopped onion, 1.
  • Butter, 1 large teaspoonful.
  • Vegetable stock, 1 cup.
  • Mace, ¼ teaspoonful.

Rub the bread crumbs through a sieve and add the onion and mace. Boil for a few minutes in the vegetable stock, add the butter, and serve.


  • Butter, ¾ pound.
  • Powdered sugar, 1 pound.
  • Nutmeg to suit.

Beat the butter and sugar together until white and creamy, then add the nutmeg.


  • Nutmeg, ½.
  • Sugar, 1 cup.
  • Butter, 1 rounding tablespoonful.
  • Egg yolks, 2.
  • Corn starch, 1 tablespoonful.
  • Water, 2 cups.

Break the nutmeg into pieces and put in a saucepan with the water, boil, and add the corn starch mixed (sifted) with the sugar. Stir over the fire until the corn starch is cooked, then add the butter. Beat the yolks with one tablespoonful of the sauce, then stir quickly into the remainder, which should be immediately removed, as the yolks will curdle if boiled. Strain, and serve.


  • Cream, 2 cups.
  • Eggs, 3.
  • Flour, 2 tablespoonfuls.
  • Sugar and vanilla to taste.

Thicken the cream with the flour and stir in the beaten yolks. Cook a few minutes, stirring all the time. Add sugar to taste. When cool, add the beaten whites, and flavor with vanilla.


  • Oranges, 2.
  • Eggs, 2.
  • Butter to suit.
  • Sugar, 1 cup.
  • Lemon juice, ¼ cup.

Put the juice of the oranges and the grated rind of one with the sugar into a saucepan. Set on the range and stir till the sugar is melted or dissolved, then strain through a fine sieve to remove the rind. Add the beaten eggs, lemon juice, and butter. Before serving, set in double boiler and stir for a few minutes to melt the butter and thoroughly mix the eggs. Serve hot or cold.


  • Sugar, 2 cups.
  • Eggs, 2.
  • Lemons, 2.
  • Boiling water, 1½ cups.

Add the grated rind and juice of the lemons to the sugar, beat the eggs until light, and add to the sugar, and stir well. Just before serving, add the boiling water and set on the stove, but do not boil. For a richer sauce add one-third of a cup of butter.


  • Water, 2 cups.
  • Corn starch, 3 tablespoonfuls.
  • Butter, 1 tablespoonful.
  • Sugar, 1 cup.
  • Lemon, grated rind and juice, 1.

Boil the sugar in the water for five minutes, then stir in the corn starch previously mixed with a little cold water. Stir over the fire ten minutes, then add the grated rind and juice of the lemon and the butter. When the butter is melted, the sauce is ready for use.

Put the butter into a saucepan; when it has melted stir in the flour and mix well; then pour in gradually the hot water and stir over the fire till well cooked; then add the sugar, lemon juice and a small quantity of grated nutmeg.



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