Pare the apples and remove the core, being careful not to break the apple. Put into a granite or enameled baking-pan of suitable size. Fill the hole made by removing the cores, with the sugar; moisten the sugar with the lemon juice and sprinkle a little of the grated rind on each apple. Pour sufficient water into the pan to half cover the apples. Cover and bake until clear. FARINA MOLD
Put the milk into double boiler; when scalding hot, set the inner boiler on range until the milk boils; then stir in the farina, sugar, and salt. Let boil till the farina is set, then set back in outer boiler and cook one hour. Turn into molds previously oiled or dipped into cold water. May be served with cream sweetened and flavored, or with fruit juice. BROWN BETTY
Fill a pudding dish with alternate layers of the fruit, crumbs, and butter,—fruit first, finishing bread crumbs on top. Pour over the fruit juice. Set the dish in a pan of hot water; cover and bake in a moderate oven for nearly an hour; then remove the cover and brown lightly. Serve with sweetened cream or lemon sauce. STRAWBERRY SHORT CAKE
Warm the cream to about seventy degrees, add the salt, yeast, and about two cups of the flour. Mix thoroughly, cover, and set in a warm place to rise. When well risen and lively, add the rest of the flour, and leave until perfectly smooth. Roll out about half an inch thick. Put in greased pans, brush the top with melted butter, let rise until about double its original size, and bake. Split, and fill with whole or crushed berries, sprinkled with sugar. STRAWBERRY GRANOSEPut a layer of granose in a deep pan of sufficient size; cover with a layer of crushed berries and sugar; repeat till the pan is full. Press lightly. Serve with cream. FLOATING ISLAND
Make a custard with the milk, the yolks of the eggs, the whites of two, and the sugar. Whip the remaining three whites to a stiff froth with a little sugar and flavoring, same as custard. Pour the custard into individual glass dishes, drop spoonfuls of the whites on the custard so as to form islands, or it may be put on with a pastry tube or paper funnel. Drop a little bright jelly in the center of each island. CORN STARCH BLANC MANGE
Put half the milk in a double boiler and set over the fire. When scalding hot, add the remaining milk in which has been dissolved the sugar and A pleasing effect may be obtained by dividing the mixture after it is cooked, and coloring one-half pink, then filling the mold one-third of one, and filling up with the other. When turned from the mold they will look like small, white pyramids capped with pink, or pink with white. A custard to be served with this blanc mange is made of two cups of milk, the yolks of three eggs, and half a cup of sugar. Flavor same as blanc mange. GRANOSE MOLD
Stir the granose flakes into the boiling milk; then add the beaten eggs and sugar. Let boil two minutes, and pour into molds. Serve with vanilla sauce. PINEAPPLE TAPIOCA
Wash the tapioca, and put to cook with the water and sugar in a double boiler; cook until cleared. BANANA TAPIOCASame as pineapple tapioca, but use bananas instead of pineapples. Milk may be substituted for water, and two eggs used if desired. The tapioca may be flavored and colored if desired. DATES STUFFED WITH MALTED NUTSWash, dry, and pit the desired quantity of dates, being careful not to break more than are necessary. Fill the cavity made by removing the pit with malted nuts, and press together. Make an icing of the white of an egg, eight or nine tablespoonfuls of powdered sugar, a few drops of lemon juice, and one teaspoonful of corn starch. Dip the dates in this, using a sharp toothpick with which to handle them, and place on an oiled paper or plate to dry. Or the icing may be made with less sugar, and after they are dipped, roll them in powdered or Victor sugar. SAGO FRUIT
Wash the sago through three waters, and simmer in a quart of water with the sugar until transparent and thoroughly done. Peel and slice the oranges, remove the pips, and add to the sago. Cook a few minutes longer, then turn into six or eight individual glass sauce dishes, and put away to cool. Garnish with a little bright colored jelly or jam. RICE PATTIES
Mix, and stir over the fire till well blended; when cold, form into patties, roll in beaten white of egg, and then in bread crumbs moistened with melted butter. Bake. Serve hot with sweetened cream, flavored with nutmeg. LEMON OMELET
Mix the corn starch, flour, cream and salt. Beat till smooth; add the beaten yolks of the eggs and LEMON HONEY
Put the juice, sugar, and butter in a double boiler over the fire; while it is melting, beat the eggs and add to them the grated rind of the lemon. Add this to the sugar and butter, cooking and stirring till it is thick and clear like honey. STRAWBERRY SOUFFLE
Put two and a half quarts of the strawberries and the powdered sugar into a saucepan. Put in oven and let it simmer till sugar is melted. Beat the yolks of the eggs in the cream or milk, and PLAIN CUSTARD
Beat the eggs till light, and stir in the milk, sugar, and salt. Bake in a pudding-pan; set in a pan of hot water. Bake until the center of custard is set. CARAMEL CUSTARD
Put the butter into a saucepan and set on the range. When melted, stir in the sugar, and let cook until of a dark brown color, stirring frequently to prevent burning. Now add the water, which should be hot, and stir until the caramel (the browned sugar) is dissolved. Beat up the eggs and mix with the milk; add this to the caramel and flavor with TAPIOCA CUSTARD (RICH)
Wash the tapioca and put to cook with the milk in a double boiler; stir occasionally, and cook till clear. Beat the eggs till light; beat in the sugar, and add to the tapioca. Let cook a minute and remove from the range. Stir in the flavoring, and turn into a pan of suitable size. Serve cold. If desired, the whites of two of the eggs may be used as a meringue, which should be flavored the same as the custard. RICE PUDDING
Put all together and bake about two hours. Stir with a fork three or four times during first hour to prevent sticking. Should it get too dry, add a little more milk. CREAM RICE PUDDING
Cook the rice in the cream or milk; when nearly done, remove from the range, and stir in the yolks of the eggs. Pour into a pan, and set in another containing water, and bake fifteen or twenty minutes, or till the eggs are cooked. Make a meringue of the whites. SANITAS CHOCOLATE PUDDING
Soak bread crumbs in hot milk, add eggs, sugar, and chocolate. Beat the eggs and mix all the ingredients thoroughly. Put into a buttered can, and steam two hours. See note under "Beverages, Sanitas Chocolate." APPLE NUT PUDDING
Grate sufficient tart apples to make two cups; then add the sugar, cinnamon or nutmeg, bread crumbs, nuttolene, which has been put through a vegetable grinder, and the beaten yolks of the eggs. Beat well and add the stiffly-beaten whites, put into an oiled pudding-pan set in a pan of boiling water, and bake. Serve with sweetened cream or flavored sauce. PRUNE TAPIOCA PUDDING
Put the prunes into enough water to cover them, and let simmer gently till they absorb all the water. Turn onto a plate to cool and remove stones. When tapioca has cooked until clear, put all the seasoning into it, and put a layer into a pudding dish, then a layer of prunes, and so on, having the top layer tapioca. Bake in moderate oven one hour; then allow to partially cool, and serve with cream. PRUNE PUDDING
Stir the beaten whites of the eggs with the prune pulp, and add the chopped prune meats and sugar. Bake till lightly browned, and serve with cream. BREAD PUDDING
Soak the bread in the milk; beat the yolks and one of the whites of the eggs with the sugar, and flavor. Mix and put into a pudding dish. Set into a pan of hot water and bake until the custard is set. Meringue with the whites. If desired, the top of the pudding may first be marked with jelly, marmalade, or fresh fruit of some kind, and the meringue put over all. PRESSED FRUIT PUDDING
Trim the bread, cutting off all crusts, put four slices in the bottom of a pudding-pan, cover with half the berries, which should have the juice strained off, sprinkle over part of the sugar, then the rest of the bread and the remainder of the berries and sugar. Pour over all the juice that has been drained; there should be enough to moisten the bread thoroughly. If served the same day, put another SNOW PUDDING
Set milk, sugar, and salt in double boiler over the fire; when scalding hot, add the corn starch mixed smooth in a little cold milk. When the starch is cooked, remove from the fire, and beat well. When cold, stir in carefully the stiffly-beaten whites and flavor with vanilla. Serve with vanilla sauce. APPLE PUDDING (BAKED)
Stir the butter and sugar to a cream; stir into this the well-beaten yolks of the eggs, the juice and grated rind of the lemon, and the grated apples. Stir in the beaten whites of the eggs, flavor with cinnamon or nutmeg, and bake. Serve cold with cream. PLUM PUDDING
Beat the eggs, add the cream, bread crumbs, flour, and butter. Beat well together, and mix in the sugar and fruit. Mix well, pour into a buttered pan, cover, and steam about two hours. CABINET PUDDING
Butter a pudding mold that will hold at least two quarts. Have the citron and raisins chopped fine, the currants well washed, and the cake cut into strips about an inch and a half wide and half an inch thick; sprinkle some of the fruit on the bottom of CREAM SAGO PUDDING
Wash the sago, and with the milk put into a double boiler, and cook until clear. Beat the eggs very light, and add the sugar and flavor. Remove the sago from the range, and allow to cool a little, then pour in the eggs and sugar, beating all the time. Put in a pudding-pan, set in a pan of water, cover, and bake until the custard is set. STEAMED FRUIT PUDDING
Mix all well together except the whites of the eggs, which should be beaten stiff and added last. Turn into a buttered mold, and steam or boil for three hours. Serve with sweetened cream, flavored with nutmeg. SPONGE PUDDING
Put milk into a double boiler. Mix the sugar and flour with a little cold milk; pour this into the scalding milk, and stir till it thickens; then stir it into the well-beaten yolks of the eggs; then add the whites beaten stiff. Pour the mixture into buttered cups or into a pudding dish. Put the cup or dish into a pan of boiling water, place in the oven, and bake twenty minutes. About five minutes before it is done, remove from the pan of water, and finish baking on the grate. Serve in the cups in which it is baked or on hot plates if baked in a pudding dish. This should not be allowed to stand, but be served immediately. FIG PUDDING
Mix the butter with the corn starch and flour; mix the fig marmalade and the cream; stir in the butter, corn starch, and flour mixture, together with the sugar and the yolks of eggs. Mix well and fold in quickly the well-beaten whites. Pour into a buttered pudding-pan and steam one and one-half hours. DATE PUDDINGMake same as fig pudding, using date marmalade. ADELAIDE PUDDING
Over the beaten yolks pour a syrup made by boiling the sugar in the water. Add lemon rind and juice, lemon extract, and salt. Beat up well, and mix in slowly the flour and corn starch. Fold in the beaten whites of the eggs, pour into a greased pudding dish, and steam one and one-half hours. Heat milk to boiling and stir in cream of maize or cerealine. Set in double boiler and cook half an hour. Remove from range and stir in the yolks and sugar. Flavor with grated rind and juice of lemon. Pour in a shallow pan, and set within another containing water, and bake till the custard sets. Meringue with the whites. |