OMELETSOmelets may be made with asparagus, cauliflower, lima beans, onions, peas, lentils, granose, gluten, rice, nuts, etc. Boil the vegetables till tender, chop fine, then beat with the eggs and proceed as with plain omelets. OMELET SOUFFLE NO. 1Take two eggs, separate whites from yolks, beat whites very stiff, salt, and add yolks, beating just enough to mix yolks with whites. Turn into a hot oiled omelet pan, put in medium hot oven, and bake till done, or to a rich brown. Serve in great haste on being removed from the oven, to prevent falling. OMELET SOUFFLE NO. 2
Beat the yolks of the eggs as light as possible, and add the sugar, a few drops of flavoring, and beat to a cream. Beat the whites until you can turn the plate bottom side up, without their falling. Pour the beaten whites and yolks together and mix thoroughly. Put into an oiled baking dish, and dust with powdered sugar. Bake in a moderate oven till a golden brown. Serve at once. A very delicate souffle is made of whites of eggs beaten stiff, adding a tablespoonful of sugar to two whites, and chopped apricots or peaches. Any kind of marmalade may be used in place of fruit. PLAIN OMELET (FRENCH)Break eggs into a dish, whip lightly with egg whip or fork, turn into hot oiled skillet, and place on range. As soon as they begin to set, lift edges of omelet, so that the uncoagulated part can run under, next to bottom of the skillet. When light brown, turn, and cook till light brown on the other side. Fold with knife about one-third over; then toss out on hot platter, so that the one-third fold will be underneath. Garnish with parsley and watercress. Serve at once. PROTOSE OMELET
Mince the protose fine, break two eggs, separating the whites, beat the yolks a little, and stir the minced protose into them. Beat the whites into a froth, not stiff, and stir into the protose; add a little minced parsley; put a little oil into the omelet pan, and when hot pour in the mixture. Cook a few minutes. Insert a knife between the omelet and pan, and with a sudden turn of the hand fold the GLUTEN OMELETSame as plain omelet, adding one tablespoonful of gluten to eggs and cream before whipping. Serve at once on a hot platter. RICE OMELETSame as plain omelet, only adding one tablespoonful of cooked rice to eggs and milk before beating. Serve on a hot platter at once. APPLE OMELETSame as plain omelet. Serve with a tablespoonful of well seasoned apple sauce, mixed with equal amount of beaten white of egg on side of platter. GRANOSE OMELETSame as plain omelet, adding two tablespoonfuls of cream instead of milk, and one or two tablespoonfuls of granose, before whipping. OMELET WITH TOMATOPrepare a plain omelet, and when ready to fold, put a layer of baked ripe tomatoes on one half, and fold the other half over it. Serve with or without a tomato gravy as preferred. ONION OMELETMake as for plain omelet, placing one dessertspoonful of lightly braized onion on the omelet just before you fold, folding the one-third over the onion. Serve on hot platter at once. GREEN PEA OMELETMake as for plain omelet, folding one tablespoonful French peas with a little thick cream sauce over them. Serve at once on hot platter. ASPARAGUS OMELETMake as for plain omelet, folding in one tablespoonful of asparagus tips, which have been nicely seasoned. Serve on hot platter at once. EGG A LA MODE
Soak bread crumbs in milk, beat eggs very light, add the soaked bread crumbs, and bake for five minutes. Have ready a hot oiled or buttered saucepan; pour in the mixture, salt, and stir briskly for three minutes. Serve hot on squares of buttered toast or zwieback. CURDLED EGGSBring a kettle of water to a boil, set at back of JELLIED EGGSCook the same as curdled eggs, leaving eggs in fifteen minutes instead of eight. SHIRRED EGGSOil a small platter or granite egg dish, break in fresh eggs, being careful not to break the yolks. Sprinkle with minced parsley, salt, and add a bit of butter. Set in oven and bake till cooked as desired. Serve at once. CREAM SHIRRED EGGSPrepare eggs as for shirred eggs, omitting parsley. Pour about one tablespoonful of rich cream over them, salt, set in oven, and bake as desired. Serve at once. FLOATED EGGSTake two fresh eggs, separate whites from yolks, put yolks into a soup bowl of hot water, being careful not to break them. Let set two minutes, then place them, bowl and all, into a larger dish of boiling water, and cook till set as desired,—two minutes for medium, four minutes for hard. Meantime beat whites very stiff, mold them in a soup bowl, then float mold on boiling water two or three minutes till nicely set. Then place them on large platter, BAKED EGGS IN TOMATO CASESTake nice, ripe, medium-sized tomatoes, remove the stem and center with sharp paring knife or spoon sufficient to encase an egg nicely. Place them in an oiled granite baking-pan, break an egg into each tomato, salt and sprinkle with chopped parsley, and add a small piece of butter. Set in moderate oven and bake till eggs are medium done. Serve at once. MUMBLED EGGS
Put milk on to heat in agate pan; when it begins to boil, break in the eggs, and with a fork stir rapidly till it thickens. It must not be as hard as scrambled eggs. Split granose biscuit in half and heat them in the oven a few minutes. Serve a spoonful of the mumbled eggs on each half of the biscuits. Do not forget to add salt. SCRAMBLED EGGS WITH SUGAR CORNPrepare as for scrambled eggs with protose, using nice, tender corn in place of protose. Salt and serve at once on hot platters. SCRAMBLED EGGS WITH ONIONSPrepare as for scrambled eggs with protose, using one teaspoonful of lightly braized onion in place of protose. Salt, and serve on hot platters at once. SCRAMBLED EGGS WITH PROTOSE
Into an oiled skillet containing one tablespoonful of cream or milk break the eggs, slightly whipping them with egg whip or spoon, then add protose. Stir to prevent sticking to bottom, also to thoroughly mix egg with protose. Salt, scramble (soft medium, or hard), as desired. Serve at once on hot platters. SCRAMBLED EGGS WITH PARSLEYPrepare as for scrambled eggs with protose, omitting protose and substituting minced parsley. POACHED EGGS ON TOASTServe poached eggs on nice light brown slices of zwieback, or fresh toast if preferred, that has been POACHED EGGSTake nice, fresh eggs, as only fresh eggs poach nicely; break them into a pan of hot water, almost boiling. Let pan set on range so that it will not boil; poach as desired,—soft, two minutes; medium, three minutes; hard, five minutes. Serve on platter, garnish with watercress or parsley. Serve while very hot. POACHED EGGS ON GRANOSEHeat some granose in the oven a few minutes; put a few spoonfuls on a plate and place poached eggs on top. A small piece of butter may be added to each egg. |