

(A Substitute for Coffee)

For each cup of the beverage required use two tablespoonfuls of the cereal and boil for ten to twenty minutes. Then remove to the side of the range and let steep a few minutes. The strength and aroma of cereal coffee are developed by long steeping.


Grate some Sanitas chocolate, place in a saucepan, and to each two ounces allow one cup of cold water. Let it stand until the chocolate is soft, place over the fire, and when it boils, cook one minute. Work it briskly with an egg beater, then serve at once, adding at the last moment a tablespoonful of whipped cream to each cup.

It is considered an improvement by some to use two-thirds chocolate and one-third malted nuts.

Other chocolate is not recommended, as it contains an injurious alkaloid, which in the Sanitas brand is removed by a special process.


For every eight parts of fruit juice used add one part of lemon juice and sweeten to taste. A combination of fruit juices, as grape, cherry, and raspberry, makes a very nice nectar, always using the lemon juice. The nectar should be served ice cold.


  • Ripe strawberries, crushed, 4 cups.
  • Water, 4 cups.
  • Lemon, sliced very thin, 1.
  • Powdered sugar, 2 cups.

Mix the strawberries, water, and lemon together, and let stand in glass or earthen jar for two hours; strain through coarse cloth and add the powdered sugar. When sugar is dissolved strain and keep on the ice until served.


  • Sugar, 1 cup.
  • Mint sprigs, 6.
  • Strawberry juice, ½ cup.
  • Juice of 4 lemons.
  • Water, 1 pint.
  • Boiling water, 1 cup.
  • Raspberry juice, ½ cup.
  • Ice.

Boil sugar and water twenty minutes; crush mint and pour over it one cup boiling water. Let stand five or ten minutes, strain, and pour into the syrup. To this add strawberry, raspberry, and lemon juices. Serve ice cold.


  • Lemons, juice and rind, 12.
  • Powdered sugar, 2½ pounds.
  • Ice.
  • Ripe pineapple, 1.
  • Water, 2 quarts.

Put into a dish the juice of the lemons and the rind sliced very thin. Slice the pineapple into another dish and pour over it half a pound of the powdered sugar. Let stand overnight. In the morning strain off the juices and add the rest of the sugar and the water. Stir till the sugar is dissolved, then strain through a coarse cloth, and serve with crushed ice.


The best lemonade is made from lemon syrup. Into the juice of twelve lemons grate the rind of six. Be careful to exclude all seeds and the inner white skin, as they impart a bitter taste. Let stand overnight. Make thick syrup of white sugar, and when cold strain the lemon juice into it. A tablespoonful added to a glass of water makes a perfect lemonade.


Three lemons to a pint of water makes a strong lemonade. Sweeten to taste.


  • Sugar, 1 cup.
  • Water, 2 cups.
  • Orange juice, 2 cups.
  • Cracked ice.

Boil sugar and water together ten minutes to make a syrup; then add the orange juice and let it cool. When cold, pour into goblets half filled with cracked ice.


  • Juice of 6 lemons.
  • Rind of 4 lemons, sliced very thin.
  • Sugar, 2 cups.
  • Apollinaris water, ice cold, ¼ bottle.
  • Cracked ice.

Mix the lemon juice, rind of the lemons, and sugar together and add Apollinaris water. Serve in goblets of cracked ice.


  • Sugar, 1 cup.
  • Water, 2 cups.
  • Ice water, about 4 cups.
  • Juice of 4 lemons.
  • Pineapple, freshly grated, 1.

Boil the sugar and water together ten minutes, and then add lemon juice and freshly-grated pineapple. Let this cool, then strain carefully, and add ice-water, about four cups.



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