Albuminoids, 5
Animal heat, 18
Average weights of hogs, 66
Backbone, average weight of, 67
Bacon and hams, 59
and sides, dry salting, 48
box for storing, 62
bug, season for, 62
dampness detrimental, 61
distribution of salt, 49
exports, 76
hogs, prices of, 77
pig, 16
preservatives, 48
quality wanted, 6
second salting, 48
weight of hogs, 48
Wiltshire cut, 72
world’s supply, 74
Black pepper for skippers, 51
Bleeding the hog, 9
Blood puddings, preparation of, 36
Boiler for scalding, 10
Box for salting meats, 42
Brain sausages, 30
Brawn, 35
Breeding, 9
Brine, purifying, 42
Bristles, 14
Butchering on joint account, 2
Butcher knife in slaughtering, 9
Carcass, raising a, 21
Care of hams and shoulders, 44
Cauldrons, 11
Census of hogs, 2
of live stock, 2
Chine, 23
Chute for handling hogs, 68
Control of smoke house, 52
Cooling the carcass, 19
Co-operative curing houses, 76
Corn a fat producer, 5
Corn cobs for smoking, 52
Country dressed hogs, 64
Cracknels, 34
Crate for moving swine, 79
Crushed crackers in sausage, 32
Curing houses, co-operative, 76
Cutting up a hog, 23
Dermestes, 51
Devices for scalding, 14
Division of work, 18
Dressing and cutting, 18
bench, 10
hints on, 22
the carcass, 18
Dry salt for bacon, 49
Entrails, 22
Exclusion of insects, 61
Exports of pork product, 76
value of, 76
Farm price of hogs, 2
Fat forming foods, 5
producers, 5
Feeding chart, 5
for flesh, 5
Fence for orchard tree, 47
Flesh forming foods, 5
Fires in smoke house, 52
Fire proof smoke house, 54
Foods for flesh and fat, 5
Frozen meat, 18
Fuel for smoke houses, 52
Gallows for dressed hogs, 22
Gambrels, 22
Gate, device for opening, 68
Gates for handling hogs, 67
Griskins, 26
Hair, removal of, 14
Hams, a general cure, 44
American cut, 71
and shoulders, 44
in close boxes, 61
in cloth sacks, 61
in pickling vat, 46
in shelled oats or bran, 61
pickling with molasses, 44
picnic, 71
shaping, 24
Westphalian, 45
Handy salting box, 43
Hanging carcasses, 18
Head, average weight of, 67
cheese, 35
for sausage, 27
Heavy hogs, handling, 14
Hints on dressing, 22
Hog feeding convenience, 7
packing for a series of years, 77
prices at Chicago, 77
product, exports, 76
product, foreign outlet, 74
product, our best customer, 74
farm price, 2
movement at leading points, 78
Normandy, 6
on the farm, 2
receipts at Chicago, 76
Hoister for carcass, 20
Ideal meat house, 59
Insects, avoidance of, 60
Intestines, 22
Jawbone, 25
Jowls and head, preparation of, 34
Kettle for heating water, 10
Knife, use of, 19, 22
Lard, an important point in, 39
boiling, safeguards, 39
cheaper grades, 37
cooking, 38
fine points in making, 37
from back fat, 37
in hot weather, 40
kettle or steam rendered, 37
leaf, 37, 39
neutral, 37, 73
standard, 72
stearine, 73
storing, 40
time of cooking, 38
to refine, 37
water in, 37
Leading cuts of meat, 69
Light packing hogs, 16
Lights, use of, 27
Liver sausage, 30
Meat house, 59
care of, 60
earthen floor, 60
Meat packed for home use, 43
Meats, box for salting, 42
Mess pork, 70
Methods now in use, 1
Middlings, 24
Molasses in curing pork, 45
Neat meat, 23
Net to gross, 67
Neutral lard, 73
Normandy hogs, 6
Offal, 26
Oven and smoke house combined, 52
Packing and marketing hogs, 77
at eastern cities, 77
centers, 76
house cuts of pork, 69
western, 77
Penetration of salt, 49
Pepper in pickled pork, 41
Pickling and barreling, 41
Picnic hams, 71
Pigpen, automatic door, 7
self-closing door, 6
traveling, 3
Pigs in orchard, 47
Pork, barrel, cleaning, 41
brine, renewing, 42
for the south, 50
making, side lights on, 64
packing in barrels, 41
packing in boxes, 42
pickled without brine, 41
product of commerce, 70
Possibilities of profit, 2
Potatoes for swine food, 46
Prices of hogs at Chicago, 77
of pork and lard, 67
Prime steam lard, 72
Profit in home pork making, 1
Protein diet, 5
Pyroligenous acid, 54
Rations, 5
for bacon purposes, 6
Receipts of hogs, 78
Relative weights, 67
Removing bristles, 16
Renewal of pork brine, 42
Resalting bacon, 50
Ringing hogs, 66
Roast pig, merits of, 80
Salt penetration, 49
Saltpeter in bacon, 48
in curing hams, 44
Sausage bench, 32
Black Forest, 29
Bologna, 28
brain, 30
Frankfort, 28
homemade filler, 32
in cases, 32
in jars, 27
Italian pork, 29
liver, 30
making, 26
of pork and beef, 26
packed in jars, 27
Royal Cambridge, 30
seasoning, 27, 31
smoked, 27
Spanish, 31
stuffing, 27
Suabian, 28
tomato, 31
tongue, 29
Westphalian, <
a href="@public@vhost@g@html@files@32414@32414-h@32414-h-1.htm.html#Page_28" class="pginternal">28
with bread, 31
with sardines, 29
wrapped for boiling, 29
Sawbuck scaffold, 20
Scalding, 11
cask on sled, 14
in hogshead, 15
tub, 11
vat, 11
Scraping, 12
and washing, 14
Scrapple, Philadelphia, 35
Season for killing, 1
Seasoning sausage, 31
Shaping the ham, 24
Short bones, 34
cut in smoking, 54
ribs, 71
Shoulders, shape described, 71
Singeing pigs, 16
Singers, 16
Skippers, 51
Slaughtering, best methods, 9
Sled and cask for scalding, 14
Small hams in pickle, 45
Smoked meat, best color, 53
Smoke house, and oven combined, 52
barrel, 57
cheap substitute for, 56
fire proof, 54
floors, 59
hardwood sawdust for, 52
objectional fuel, 52
substitute, 56
with French draft, 58
with kettle track, 56
Smoking and smoke houses, 51
best color, 53
best days for, 53
best meat for, 51
care of fire, 52
meats in a small way, 56
preparation of meat, 51
use of old stove, 54
Souse, preparation of, 34
Spanish sausage, 31
Spare bone, 24
Spareribs, 34
Speculative commodities, 70
Spice puddings, preparation of, 36
Standard cuts of pork, 70
lard, 72
Stearine, 73
Stretcher, 19
Substitute for smoke house, 56
Sugar cured hams, 45
Swallow, 25
Swealed hogs, 17
Sweet bacon objectionable, 48
Swill, control
Meats smoked in a few hours with
Krauser’s Liquid Extract of Smoke.
| |
Made from hickory wood. Cheaper, cleaner, sweeter, and surer than the old way. Send for circular. |
E. KRAUSER & BRO., | | Milton, Pa. |
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52 Lafayette Place, New York.Marquette Building, Chicago. Ill.