Fig. Page.
1. A California almond orchard, 18
2. Budding knife, 24
3. Yankee budding knife, 24
4. Prepared shoot, 26
5. Incision for bud, 27
6. Bud in position, 28
7. Hard-shelled almond, 36
8. Thin-shelled almond, 37
9. Beechnut leaf, bur and nut, 51
10. Leaves and nut of Castanopsis chrysophylla, 56
11. Castanopsis bur, 57
12. Chestnut flowers, 61
13. Splice graft, 75
14. Splice graft inserted, 75
15. Stock, 77
16. Cion, 77
17. Two cions inserted, 77
18. One cion inserted, 77
19. American chestnut leaf, 88
20. Spike of burs of bush chinquapin (Castanea nana), 89
21. Spike of chinquapin chestnut bur (C. pumila), 90
22. Single bur, nut and leaf of chinquapin chestnut (C. pumila), 91
23. Japan chestnut leaf, 92
24. Burs of Fuller's chinquapin (one-half natural size), 97
25. Fuller's chinquapin, five years old from nut, 98
26. Bur of Numbo chestnut, 101
27. Spines of Numbo chestnut, 102
28. Numbo chestnut, 102
29. Paragon chestnut bur (one-half natural size), 103
30. Spines of Paragon chestnut bur, 103


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