Ackawai nutmeg, 274
Acorn, 254
Acrodiclidium camara, 274
Æsculus hippocastanum, 268
Agathophyllum aromaticum, 274
Aleurites triloba, 259
Almond, 12
bitter, 34
budding, bud in position, 28
incision for bud, 27
budding knife, 24
budding knife, Yankee, 24
prepared shoot of buds, 26
season for budding, 22
culture in California, 17
history of the, 13
insects and diseases, 39
Cercospora circumscissa, 43
Goes pulverulenta, 52
Scolytus rugulosus, 42
Taphrina deformans, 43
orchard in California, 18
planting and pruning, 32
propagation of the, 19
properties and uses of, 39
pruning, 33
raising seedlings for stocks, 20
soil and exposure for the, 30
varieties, 34
hard-shelled, 35, 36
large-fruited, 37
ornamental varieties, 38
peach, 37
soft or brittle-shelled, 36
sweet, 40
thin-shelled, 37
Amygdalus argentea, 39
Cochinchinensis, 38
communis amara, 34
dulcis, 35
fragilis, 36
macrocarpa, 37
persicoides, 37
incana, 39
nana, 39
orientalis, 39
Anacardium occidentale, 260
Apios tuberosa, 267
Arachis hypogÆa, 275
Aralia trifolia, 266
Areca catechu, 256
Atherosperma moschata, 274
Attalea funifera, 264
Australian chestnut, 255
Australian hazelnut, 256
Aydendron cujumary, 274
Beech, American, 48
Chile, 48
European, 48
evergreen, 48
history of, 44
injurious insects, 52
properties and uses, 52
propagation of, 47
soil and location for the, 47
species and varieties, 48
Beechnut, 44
leaf, bur and nut, 51
Ben nut, 256
Bertholletia excelsa, 267
Betel nut, 256
Bladder nut, 257
Brazil nut, 257
Brazilian nutmegs, 273, 274
Bread nut, 258
Brosimum alicastrum, 258
Buffalo nut, 259
Bunium bulbocastanum, 265
Butternut, 259, 280
Byzantium nut, 259
California chestnut, 55
California nutmeg, 275
Calodendron Capense, 259
Candle nut, 259
Cape chestnut, 259
Caryocar nuciferum, 280
Caryotaxus nucifera, 283
Cashew nut, 260
Castanea chrysophylla var. minor, 57
Castanea chrysophylla var. pumila, 57
Castanea sempervirens, 55
Castanopsis, 55
bur, 57
chrysophylla, 55
leaves and nuts, 56
Castanospermum Australe, 255
Caucasian walnut, 261
Chestnut, 60
budding, 80
diseases of the, 116
distance between trees, 82
European varieties of, 99
Comfort, 100
Cooper, 100
Corson, 100
Dager, 101
Moncur, 101
Numbo, 102
spines of, 102
Miller's Dupont, 102
Paragon, 102
bur, 103
nut, 104
spines of, 103
tree, four years old, 105
Ridgely, 104
bur, 106
Scott, 107
Styer, 108
flowers, 61
French variety of the, 108
gathering and assorting, 65
grafting, 71
cleft, 77
growth of cion, 78
large trees, 79
materials, 72
modes of, 75
season for, 71
splice, 75
sprouts, 79
success in, 78
wax, 72
history of the, 62
insects injurious to, 113
Balaninus carytripes, 113
weevil, 114
Japan, 109
Advance, 110
Alpha, 111
Beta, 111
Early Reliance, 111
Felton, 111
Giant, 110, 111
Killen, 112
Parsons, 112
Parry's Superb, 112
Success, 112
mulching, 82
native varieties of the, 94
burless, 94
bush chinquapin, 96
common chinquapin, 97
Fuller's chinquapin, 97
chinquapin burs, 97
chinquapin tree, 98
Hathaway, 95
Phillips, 95
planting, 68
in nursery rows, 69
propagation of the, 64
seedbed and soil for, 67
soil and climate for, 83
species of, 86
American, 88
species bush chinquapin, 89
Castanea Americana, 88
Japonica, 93
nana, 89
pumila, 90, 91
sativa, 91
vesca, 91
European, 91
Japan, 93
leaf, 92
staking transplanted trees, 81
stocks from the forests, 70
transplanting and pruning, 80
uses of, 119
Chile hazelnut, 268
Chocolate nut or bean, 261
Clearing nut, 262
Clove nutmeg, 274
Cocoanut, 262
double, 263
Cocos nucifera, 262
Cola acuminata, 264
nut, 264
Coquito nut, 264
Coquilla nut, 264
Cream nut, 265
Crescentia cujete, 269
Cryptocarya moschata, 274
Cujumary beans, 274
Dawa nut, 265
Dimocarpus longana, 271
Earth nut, 265
chestnut, 265
Elk nut, 265
Euryale ferox, 265
Evergreen chestnut, 55
Fagus antarctica, 48
betuloides, 48
ferruginea, 48
obliqua, 48
sylvatica, 48
Fisticke nut, 265
Filbert or hazelnut, 118
Fox nut, 265
Galeruca calmariensis, 5
Ginkgo biloba, 265
nut, 265
Goober, 275
Goora nut, 264
Gorgon nut, 266
Groundnut, 266, 267, 275
Guevina Avellana, 268
Guilandina bouduc, 273
bonducella, 273
Hamiltonia oleifera, 275
Hazelnut or filbert, 118
American species of hazel, 126
beaked hazel, 127
Corylus Americana, 126
Corylus rostrata, 127
Asiatic species of hazel, 128
C. ferox & heterophylla, 128
blight, 138
Cryptospora anomala, 139
fungus, 141
European species of, 127
Constantinople hazel, 129
Corylus Avellana, 127
Colurna, 128
tubulosa, 130
history of the filbert, 120
insects injurious to filberts, 145
personal experience with filberts, 132
planting and pruning filberts, 124
propagation of the filbert, 122
soil, location, etc., for filberts, 123
varieties of filbert and hazel seedlings, 135
varieties extra large hazel seedling, 136
varieties large filbert, 119
large seedling hazelnut, 120
select list of, 130
Alba or white filbert, 130
Cosford, or Miss Young's thin-shelled, 130
Crispa, or frizzled filbert, 130
Downton, large square, 130
Grandis, or round cob-nut, 131
Lambert's filbert, 130
Purple-leaved filbert, 131
red filbert, red hazel, etc., 131
Spanish filbert, 132
Horse-chestnut, 268
Hickory nuts, 147
age of fruiting the, 193
big bud, 160
big shellbark, 157
bitter pecan, 165
bitternut, 163, 164
brown, 273
Nuces vel Poma Pinea, 277
Nutmeg, 273
Nutmeg hickory, 165
Nyssa capitata, 282
Oak nut, 254
Oil nut 265, 275
Olea Americana, 276
Openawk, 267
Ophiocaryon paradoxum, 280
Paradise nut, 275
Parkia Africana, 273
Peanut, 275
Pekea nut, 275
Peruvian nut, 275
nutmeg, 274
Phytelephas macrocarpa, 269
Physic nut, 276
Pinang, 256
Pine nut, 276
Pinocchi, 277
Pinolas, 277
Pinon, 277
Pinus cembroides, 277
edulis, 277
monophylla, 278
Parryana, 277
pinea, 276
Piper betel, 256
Pistacia Mexicana, 278
vera, 278
Pistachio nut, 278
Plum nutmeg, 274
Pterocarya fraxinifolia, 261
Puchurim beans, 274
Pyrularia oleifera, 275
Quandang nut, 279
Qudria heterophylla, 268
Queensland nut, 256
Quercus virens, 255
Raffia, or Roffia, 25
Rambutan, 270
Salisburia adiantifolia, 265
Santalum acuminatum, 279
Sapucaia nut, 279
Sardis nut, 63
Sassafras nut, 280
Semecarpus anacardium, 271
Singhara-nut plant, 283
Snake nut, 280
Sonari nut, 280
South Sea chestnut, 282
Staphylea trifolia, 257
Stillingia sebifera, 282
Stinking nutmeg, 275
Strychnos potatorum, 262
Tahitian chestnut, 282
Tallow nut, 282
Tavola nut, 282
Taxus nucifera, 283
Temperance nut, 283
Terminalia Catappa,