Hast thou on summer’s eve ere marked
The storm on cloud wings soaring high,
And spreading far his pinions black,
Across the blue good-natured sky?
And hast thou seen from ’neath his brow
The lightning’s eye gleam fiercely bright,
As if to pierce a thousand foes
With daggers of his living light?
As flash the lightnings in the skies,
So gleam, when angry, “Fire Eyes.”
Hast thou on autumn eve e’er seen
The sun just nestling on his pillow,
While sapphire clouds were silver-fringed,
As seafoam crests the surging billow?
And hast thou seen the golden gaze
The sun bestows on Nature fair,
That dyes the gorgeous landscape o’er
And almost melts the amber air?
As beams the sun on autumn skies
So smile, when pleased, bright “Fire Eyes.”

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