Punctuation and spelling were made consistent when a predominant preference was found in this book; otherwise they were not changed. Inconsistent hyphenation of words and names has not been changed. Simple typographical errors were corrected; occasional unbalanced quotation marks retained. Ambiguous hyphens at the ends of lines were retained. The edges of some illustrations were lost in the binding by the scanning equipment. Illustrations have been moved between paragraphs, so some of the page numbers in the List of Illustrations no longer match the placement in this eBook. However, in versions of this eBook containing links, the links in those lists lead directly to the corresponding illustrations. Some of the plates were missing the "Plate" caption, apparently due to cropping during the scanning process. Since other plates include that caption, it has been restored to the ones from which it was missing. Index not checked for proper alphabetization or correct page references. Text uses “moral” rather than “morale”. Page 44: The "CHARACTERISTICS" table contains 11 columns and has been split into three parts in the Plain Text version of this eBook. Pages 44-45: “Tyler engine” also is printed as “Tylor”. Page 182: In the “A. D. Signals” organization chart, it was unclear whether the lower portion was a continuation of the upper line or subordinate to the “1st Tank Brigade”. The chart has been reproduced here as similarly to the original as possible. Page 213: “1·57” mm. must be a misprint for “157 mm.” Page 218: “Noyon-Montdidier” perhaps should be “Noyon—Montdidier”. Page 272: “2 in. trench-mortar bombs, each containing 50 lb. of ammonal” was printed with those numbers. Page 310: “Kamtchatka” was printed that way. The large form of the General Map is below (top-left, top-right, bottom-left, bottom-right): General Map, top-left General Map, top-left General Map, top-left General Map, top-left |