Title: A Venetian June Author: Anna Fuller Language: English Character set encoding: ISO-8859-1
By Anna FullerA Literary Courtship The Thunderhead Lady
May watched the yacht until it disappeared from sight "May watched the yacht until it disappeared from sight"ToList
A |
I.— | Venice | 3 |
II.— | A Venetian Thoroughfare | 13 |
III.— | A Pair of Pollys | 25 |
IV.— | A Reverie | 37 |
V.— | The Signora | 49 |
VI.— | A Festa | 65 |
VII.— | Gathering Poppies | 87 |
VIII.— | The Pulse of the Sea | 109 |
IX.— | By-ways of Venice | 129 |
X.— | A Benediction | 145 |
XI.— | At Torcello | 163 |
XII.— | A Promotion | 179 |
XIII.— | Illuminations | 197 |
XIV.— | A Summer's Day | 219 |
XV.— | June Roses | 239 |
XVI.— | A Surrender | 253 |
XVII.— | The Serenata | 269 |
XVIII.— | Search-Lights | 285 |
XIX.— | "Decus Et Praesidium" | 301 |
PAGE | |
"May Watched the Yacht Until it Disappeared from Sight" | |
"Between Frowning Walls and Low-arched Bridges" | 4 |
"Time-worn Palaces, and the Darkly Doubtful Water at their Base" | 6 |
"On a Stone Bridge, Leaning Against the Iron Railing, Stood a Woman in a Sulphur Shawl" | 8 |
"They Were Passing the Charming Little Gothic Palace Known as the House of Desdemona" | 14 |
"They had Mounted to the High Gallery that Spans the Space between Pillar and Pillar" | 50 |
"The Gondola is the Centre of Everything; it is Venice and a Living Creature Besides" | 72 |
"Now and then they Stopped at Some Doorway Opening upon the Water, where they Landed" | 138 |
"A Courtyard Embellished by an Exquisite Old Stone Staircase" | 140 |
"The Madonnas, under their Iron Canopies, Looked down, Serene and Beneficent" | 142 |
"Where the Loveliest of All the Parasol Madonnas Keeps Guard over the Still Lagoon" | 166 |
"The Morning was Truly Venetian, Soft and Fair as a Dream" | 170 |
"Under the Beautiful Colonnade of the Cathedral" | 172 |
"May Watched the Water-logged Craft as it Vanished under a Distant Bridge" | 224 |
"The Serenata" | 272 |
"It Seems as if the Lagoons Belonged to them this Evening" | 316 |