
Charles Wolfe was born at Dublin, Ireland, in 1791 and died at Queenstown in 1823. He graduated at Trinity College, Dublin, in 1814 and became curate of Donoughmore, Ireland. His Remains, with a brief memoir, were published in 1825.

His only poem of any distinction is the one here printed, The Burial of Sir John Moore.

The Burial of Sir John Moore at Corunna (Page 43)

First published in the Newry Telegraph, an Irish paper, in 1817, under the initials C. W.

Sir John Moore (1761-1809) was commander of an English army of twenty-four thousand men in Spain against a French force of eighty thousand under Soult. At the battle of Corunna, January 16, 1809, the English army won a doubtful victory in which their leader was killed. After burying him at dead of night, the English troops embarked for their own country.

[106] Corunna is a city in northwest Spain.


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