NOTE: Page numbers in boldface type refer to pictures and captions. All other page numbers refer to the text. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z - A
- Allen, Augustus C., 39-41
- Allen, Charlotte, 39, 40
- Allen, John K., 39, 41, 42
- Alley Theatre, 26
- American Magazine, quoted, 3
- Anderson, Clayton & Company, 18
- Anderson, M. D., 46
- Ashford, Gerald, 10
- B
- Bach Society, J. S., of Houston, 26
- Barbirolli, Sir John, 26
- Baylor University College of Medicine, 26
- Bedell, W. D., 35
- Binford, T., 9n.
- Blaffer, Robert Lee, family, 26
- Blanda, George, 28
- Borden, Gail, 42
- Borden, Thomas, 42
- Buffalo Bayou, 22-23
- Burke, Jack, 28
- C
- Cannon, Billy, 28
- Cawthon, Pete, 28
- Chillman, James, 26
- Clopper, J. C., 22
- Contemporary Arts Association, 26
- Contemporary Music Society of Houston, 26
- Continental Oil Company, 17
- Cotton Kingdom, The, quoted, 14
- Cullen Center, 48
- Cullen, Hugh Roy, 46
- Cutrer, Lewis, 34
- D
- Dali, Salvador, 5
- Dallas News, quoted, 6, 23
- Dean, Dizzy, 28
- Demaret, Jimmy, 28
- Dowling, Richard W., 15, 46
- Dresel, Gustav, 45
- Du Pont (E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company), 17
- Dyer, Eddie, 28
- E
- Ebony Magazine, quoted, 14
- El Paso Natural Gas Company, 17
- Evans, Arthur C., 3
- F
- Fennerty, John M., 15
- First Methodist Church of Houston, 43
- Frantz, Joe B., 42
- Frenchtown, 13
- G
- Glassell, A. C., Jr., 28
- Graham, Billy, 30
- Great South, The, quoted, 14
- H
- Harper’s Magazine, quoted, 34
- Harris, John Richardson, 41
- Harrisburg, 41-42
- Hermann, George Henry, 46
- Herndon, John Hunter, 45
- Hess, Wilbur, 28
- Hilton, Conrad, 10
- Hofheinz, Roy H., 11
- Hogg, Miss Ima, 26
- Hogg, James Stephen, 46
- Hogg, Will C., 46
- Holcombe, Oscar F., 46
- Holiday Magazine, quoted, 1
- Holley, Mary Austin, 44
- Hopkins, Sam (Lightnin’), 8
- Houston, aviation, early, 22-23;
- character of city, 6-9, 24-25;
- Chinese population of, 13;
- Civil War and Reconstruction periods, 45;
- cycles of growth, 15-16;
- domed sports stadium, 48;
- economy of, 15-23;
- German population of, 13;
- history of first years, 39-45;
- Indians in, 45;
- “M” Day (July 3, 1954), 18-22;
- millionaire legend, 10-13;
- Negro population of, 14;
- place in history, 6;
- Port of, 22-23;
- Post Office, 16, 17;
- proportion of natives in, 14;
- sports, 28;
- statistics, population and other, 47;
- type and composition of population, 13-14;
- weather, climate, 35-38
- Houston Academy, 29
- Houston Classic Invitational Golf Tournament, 28
- Houston Colt .45s (National Baseball League), 28
- Houston Grand Opera Association, 26
- Houston Intercontinental Airport (Jetero), 48
- Houston International Airport, 37
- Houston Little Theatre, 26
- Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo, 25
- Houston Museum of Fine Arts, 26
- Houston Museum of Natural Science and Planetarium, 26, 48
- [Houston] Music Guild, 26
- Houston Oilers (American Football League), 28
- Houston Post, quoted, 25, 38
- Houston Ship Channel, 19, 22-23
- Houston Symphony Orchestra, 26
- Houston Turn-Verein, 13
- Houstoun, Matilda Charlotte, 2
- Humble Oil and Refining Company, 17,
- Hutton, Frank R., Sr., 14
- I
- Ilseng, Grant, 28
- J
- Jones, Jesse H., 33, 45, 48
- Juarez, Benito, 40
- K
- Kayser, Paul, 17
- Kellum-Noble House, 24
- Kennedy, John F., 3
- King, Edward, 12, 13, 14, 23
- Knox, J. Armoy, 14
- Kress, Samuel, 26
- L
- Lapham, Moses, 42
- Ledbetter, Huddie (Lead Belly), 8
- London Daily Mail, quoted, 1
- London Times, quoted, 1
- Lords’ Cycle Club, 11
- Lubbock, Francis Richard, 44
- M
- Manned Spacecraft Center, 3, 4, 48
- Marks, E. H., 30, 35
- Maverick, Samuel, 42
- McCarthy, Glenn H., 10
- McCasland, B. C., Jr., 18
- McCormick, R. D. (Mack), 6
- Mewhinney, Hubert, 25
- Mies van der Rohe, Ludwig, 26
- Monsanto Chemical Company, 17
- Morris, J. R., 31
- Muir, Andrew Forest, 15, 23, 42, 44, 45
- Musial, Stan, 36
- N
- National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 4
- New York Times, quoted, 1
- O
- Olmsted, Frederick Law, 14
- On Leong Chinese Merchants Association, 13
- P
- Pin Oak Charity Horse Show, 28
- Playhouse Theatre, 26
- Prudential Insurance Company, 35
- R
- Rice-Cherry House, 24
- Rice Hotel, 33
- Rice University, 11, 26, 46
- Rice, William Marsh, 46
- River Oaks Country Club Tennis Tournament, 28
- Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, 34
- S
- St. Louis Post-Dispatch, quoted, 3
- St. Thomas University, 28
- Salt Grass Trail, 8-9, 25
- Santa Anna, Antonio Lopez de, 41
- Satilla, the, 19
- Scribner’s Monthly, 12
- Shamrock Hilton Hotel, 10
- Sheridan, Francis C., 45
- Smith, Al, 34
- Smith, Robert E., 11
- Soviet Encyclopedia, quoted, 1
- Standard Blue Book of Texas, The, quoted, 25
- Stokowski, Leopold, 26
- Straus, Edith A., 26
- Straus, Percy S., 26
- Street, James, 3
- Sweeney and Coombs Opera House, 27
- Sweeney, James Johnson, 26
- Sweet, Alexander E., 14
- T
- Telegraph and Texas Register, 42
- Tennessee Gas Transmission Company, 17
- Texas Medical Center, 26, 28
- Texas National Bank Building, 36, 43
- Texas Southern University, 26
- Theatre, Inc., 26
- U
- University of Houston, 26
- V
- Van Alstyne, William, 31
- Vance, Nina, 26
- Vick’s Park, 34
- W
- Walker, L. L., 22
- Williams, Amelia W., 40
- White, William S., 34
- Wolcott, Fred, 28
The photographs and sketches of earlier Houston reproduced in this book are from the author’s collection of Houston historical material, which includes around nine hundred pictures of Houston subjects from the 1840s to 1900. The woodcut shows the east side of Main Street between Congress and Preston Avenues in 1866. A photograph of the same scene appears on Page 31. The woodcut shows the yards at the Southern Pacific Lines’ Grand Central Depot in 1894, when cotton was to Houston what oil was to become; the four-story structure with the tower, at the right, is the old Lawler Hotel.