
MARY FRANCES carried her new dolly over into the playroom and laid her down on the little bed by Mary Marie. Then she returned to the sewing room.

The new dolly.

“It seems lonesome without my dear friends,” she thought, “but I believe they will all come to life again if I really need them. I couldn’t expect to keep Fairly Flew all the time, for many other little girls will need her.”

I wish I could tell you about the good times she had making the garments and gifts which were told about on the fairy’s paper; how Mary Marie and the new baby came to life when Mary Frances was following baby, and petted it, and held it in her lap even though it was nearly as big as herself; how pleased Billy was with his airship doll; how surprised and delighted and proud Aunt Maria was when she found out how much Mary Frances knew; how Mary Frances did form a Knitting Club and how the girls and a few boys made many, many useful garments for people who needed them—but that would take another book as long as this one.

“Without my dear friends.”
Proud Aunt Maria

But I can give you the directions which were on the paper that the Queen of All Fairies sent her by Fairly Flew, and you will find them in the next chapter.

Mary Frances told me this whole story herself, and asked me to write this book so that you who read it may have some such pleasure as she had in learning how to crochet and knit.

Mary Frances told me.


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