CHAPTER XXX DOLL’S SLEEVELESS SWEATER W WHEN she came back, Mary Frances had the rice; and she soon finished the little bean bag. “Another surprise.” “Won’t Mary Marie be delighted with this surprise?” she said. “I feel almost like waking her up.” “Oh, don’t do that,” said Fairly Flew, “because we will soon have another surprise for her if you will work hard.” “Indeed I will,” promised Mary Frances. “I wonder what it is?” “Guess!” said Crow Shay. “A—a wash rag?” guessed Mary Frances. “No,” said Fairly Flew. “Guess again.” “A—a stocking?” guessed Mary Frances again. “Guess!” “It’s a sweater.” “Oh, no,” laughed Crow Shay, “It’s something better— It’s a sweater.” “Is it?” cried Mary Frances. “Is it? Why, that’s just exactly what I’d wish for most of all things!” “It is,” answered Fairly Flew, “and this time Wooley Ball is going to give the directions.” “Oh, I am so glad!” exclaimed Mary Frances. “I have wondered and wondered why she is so quiet.” Everybody looked at Crow Shay. Crow Shay looked ashamed. “I’ll tell you about it,” he said at length. “You see, I talked so much that Wooley Ball made a bargain with me. She said that if I would talk only half that I wanted to, she wouldn’t talk at all, and we’ve both kept our bargain.” Then everybody began to laugh. Wooley Ball laughed most heartily of all. Wooley Ball laughed. “You see, it isn’t hard for me to keep the bargain,” she said, “because, while I like to tell about yarns, photo of knitted section Doll’s Knitted Sleeveless Sweater(See frontispiece—color plate)
Fairly Flew. Directions: To Knit the Back of the Sweater 1. Cast on 32 stitches and knit plain for 15 ribs. A rib is made by knitting a row across and a row back again. Two rows form a rib in knitting. 2. To form the waist line, knit 2 stitches and purl 2 stitches for 6 rows. 3. Knit 15 more ribs plain. This will reach the shoulder of the sweater. 4. To Knit the Shoulder.—Knit 10 stitches, and slip them off on a safety pin. (See page 186.) Blue floss and gray yarn. Slip stitch. To Slip off Stitches Needed Later(See picture on page 185) In doing this work, point the safety-pin toward the last stitch on the right-hand needle, and slip it off the needle on to the pin. Slip the rest of the stitches in the same way. Clasp the safety-pin. Very large safety-pins are made for the purpose. 5. Bind off the next 12 stitches to form back of neck. 6. Knit 4 ribs on the remaining 10 stitches to form the shoulders. (See picture on page 187.) 7. Now increase the number of stitches. Make 1 new stitch on every other rib (that is, on one row of every other rib). Add the extra stitch to the neck end of front of sweater. To Increase or Add a Stitch in KnittingKnit 1 stitch on the front thread of 1 stitch, and without slipping a stitch off the end of the left needle bring the right needle over the point of the left needle. Knit another stitch on the back thread of the same stitch. In doing this, point the needle through the back thread away from you. Slip top loop off left needle. 8. Increase the number of stitches as explained in No. 7 until you have 16 stitches on the knitting needle, and continue to knit in ribs without increasing until there are 20 ribs from the starting of the shoulder. 9. Then knit 2 and purl 2 stitches for 6 rows. 10. Then knit 15 ribs plain and bind off the work. 11. To start making the other shoulder, unclasp safety pin and hold knitting needle pointing toward point of safety pin. “Won’t she be surprised?” photo knited back and front Slip on safety pin. Take 1 stitch at a time off the safety pin on to the knitting needle. Fasten the wool at corner of neck. Then make other front like the one just finished. Sew fronts and back together along line a b, pinning a to a, and b to b. The space between a and a will form the armhole. (See frontispiece.) To Make the Collar(See page 188.) 1. With gray teazle yarn cast on 26 stitches, and knit 2 ribs. 2. Break off the gray yarn and tie on the blue yarn. 3. Knit 8 ribs of blue. 4. Knit 8 stitches. Slip them on to a safety pin. 5. Bind off 10 stitches for the neck, and on the other 8 stitches knit 11 ribs of blue. Break off yarn. 6. Join the gray yarn and knit 2 ribs. Bind off the work. 7. Take the 8 stitches off the safety pin on to the knitting needle and make the other side of the collar in the same way. Sew the collar to the sweater with blue yarn. To form armhole. Wind on lead pencil photo The Collar To Make the TieCrochet 15 chain stitches and hang a tassel to the end for trimming; or instead of making a tassel, crochet single crochet stitches over a little brass ring if you have one; or Wind the yarn around a lead pencil 8 times. Without breaking the yarn slip the ring thus formed off the pencil. (See picture p. 189.) (a) Tie it together with sewing thread. (b) Make single crochet stitches over the ring until it is filled, and without breaking the yarn, make a chain of 15 stitches. Sew the chain to the sweater at the end of the collar. Make another tie in this same way. When the beautiful little sweater was finished, with the help of the magic knitting needles, Mary Frances was too happy for words, and Mary Marie danced up and down with joy. “’Et Mary M’rie see herse’f in the glass!” she begged. “Please, Mamma, ’et her loot at et!” Danced with joy. photo To Make the Tie Everyone laughed. So Mary Frances stood her before the doll’s bureau. “Isn’t I tweet?” said the proud doll-baby, “I mean, isn’t it tweet?—I mean, isn’t we tweet?” and set everyone laughing. “Oh,” exclaimed Mary Frances, looking out of the window, “here comes the postman. I hope he has a letter from mother.” And she ran to the door. “Isn’t I tweet?” “The very thing.” |