CHAPTER VI CROW SHAY’S RELATIVES W WOOLEY BALL and the Yarn Baby looked over the yarns that Mary Frances had put on the sewing table. “Yes, I will” “These are just right,” said the Yarn Baby. “You have every kind of wool here that we shall need. Will you see that all the yarns are wound into very, very loose balls before your next lesson?” “Yes,” promised Mary Frances, “I will wind them over my hand the way Aunt Maria does, so that the balls feel quite ‘spongey.’ I wish that all yarns came from the factories wound in balls, though!” “These are just right” “You are not the first person to wish that,” said the Yarn Baby. “Hanks and skeins are much harder for a child to manage than balls. Now, if photograph Wind Yarns Over the Hand Crow Shay began to tell. Crow Shay rolled his eyes toward the Yarn Baby, but did not say a word. “Come, Crow Shay,” said the Yarn Baby; “you may tell us about all your little and big relatives.” Then Crow Shay began to tell about— “Come, Crow Shay” Crochet Hooks and Knitting NeedlesCrochet hooks and knitting needles are made of bone, or celluloid (amber), or rubber, or wood. These are usually made in sizes from 0 to 15, size 0 being the smallest. Steel hooks. Crochet hooks and knitting needles are also made of steel. Steel crochet hooks usually come in sizes from 0 to 14. Steel hooks and needles are generally used for making articles of cotton thread, and needles made of bone, celluloid, rubber or wood are generally used for wool work. “I will give you a gauge card to measure the sizes of crochet hooks and knitting needles,” finished Crow Shay. “Oh, thank you,” said Mary Frances, helping Crow Shay take a card out of the knitting bag. “Now I shall feel very much better acquainted with your whole family.” THIS SCALE FOR STEEL KNITTING NEEDLES ONLY Sizes for knitting and crochet needles. “Take good care of the picture,” said Crow Shay. “You may often want to look at it.” “Dear little girl.” |