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I. Feather Flop, the Garden Boss 17
II. Feather Flop Oversleeps 22
III. Billy Plans the Garden 26
IV. Feather Flop’s Argument 31
V. Gardens for Little Folks 34
VI. Gardens for Big Boys and Girls 46
VII. Early Spring Garden 51
VIII. Early Summer Garden 54
IX. Mid-Summer Garden 56
X. Autumn Garden 61
XI. Some Favorite Annuals 63
XII. Window Boxes 69
XIII. Billy Tests the Soil 74
XIV. How to Plant 79
XV. The Outdoor Seed-Bed 84
XVI. Seed Babies and Their Nurses 89
XVII. Names of Parts of Flowers 96
XVIII. Good Mrs. Bee 102
XIX. The Story of Fertilization 106
XX. The Story of the Honey Bee 113
XXI. How the Bees Work 119
XXII. The Children’s Money-making Plans 126
XXIII. Mr. Hop Toad Hops In 131

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XXIV. Mr. Cutworm, the Villain 142
XXV. Birds as Plants’ Friends 145
XXVI. Little Ladybird 153
XXVII. Curly Dock 157
XXVIII. The Stupid Honey Drops 161
XXIX. Some Sprays for Garden Pests 165
XXX. Early Vegetables 170
XXXI. Feather Flop’s Temptation 175
XXXII. Feather Flop Gets Angry 178
XXXIII. Father and Mother’s Surprise 183
XXXIV. Feather Flop Makes Up <


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