Contents page deco page deco CHAPTER | PAGE | I. | Feather Flop, the Garden Boss | 17 | II. | Feather Flop Oversleeps | 22 | III. | Billy Plans the Garden | 26 | IV. | Feather Flop’s Argument | 31 | V. | Gardens for Little Folks | 34 | VI. | Gardens for Big Boys and Girls | 46 | VII. | Early Spring Garden | 51 | VIII. | Early Summer Garden | 54 | IX. | Mid-Summer Garden | 56 | X. | Autumn Garden | 61 | XI. | Some Favorite Annuals | 63 | XII. | Window Boxes | 69 | XIII. | Billy Tests the Soil | 74 | XIV. | How to Plant | 79 | XV. | The Outdoor Seed-Bed | 84 | XVI. | Seed Babies and Their Nurses | 89 | XVII. | Names of Parts of Flowers | 96 | XVIII. | Good Mrs. Bee | 102 | XIX. | The Story of Fertilization | 106 | XX. | The Story of the Honey Bee | 113 | XXI. | How the Bees Work | 119 | XXII. | The Children’s Money-making Plans | 126 | XXIII. | Mr. Hop Toad Hops In | 131 | page deco page deco CHAPTER | PAGE | XXIV. | Mr. Cutworm, the Villain | 142 | XXV. | Birds as Plants’ Friends | 145 | XXVI. | Little Ladybird | 153 | XXVII. | Curly Dock | 157 | XXVIII. | The Stupid Honey Drops | 161 | XXIX. | Some Sprays for Garden Pests | 165 | XXX. | Early Vegetables | 170 | XXXI. | Feather Flop’s Temptation | 175 | XXXII. | Feather Flop Gets Angry | 178 | XXXIII. | Father and Mother’s Surprise | 183 | XXXIV. | Feather Flop Makes Up | <
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