He was lost!—not a shade of doubt of that; For he never barked at a slinking cat, But stood in the square where the wind blew raw, With drooping ear and a trembling paw, And a mournful look in his pleading eye, And a plaintive sniff at the passerby, That begged as plain as tongue could sue, “Oh, mister, please may I follow you?” A lorn wee waif of tawny brown Adrift in the roar of a heedless town. Oh, the saddest of sights in a world of sin Is a little lost pup with his tail tucked in. Well, he won my heart (for I set great store On my own red Brute—who is here no more), So I whistled clear, and he trotted up, Now he shares my board, and he owns my bed, And he fairly shouts when he hears my tread. Then, if things go wrong, as they sometimes do, And the world is cold and I’m feeling blue, He asserts his rights to assuage my woes With a warm red tongue and a nice cold nose, And a silky head on my arm or knee, And a paw as soft as a paw can be. When we rove the woods for a league about, He’s as full of pranks as a school let out; For he romps and frisks like a three-months’ colt And he runs me down like a thunder bolt. Oh, the blithest of sights in the world so fair Is a gay little pup with his tail in the air! —Arthur Guiterman. Puippy in country, pudgy barking Red Cross nurse and two dogs in Red Cross vests Picture of red cross army dogs—Wonderful dogs of mercy. Such dogs have rescued thousands of wounded and helpless soldiers. How should intelligent animals like these be treated? Drawn toddler and cat; next frame dog on shore with child across front paws Can you tell a story about this brave dog? baby looking up at dog; kittens drawn around picture in center What would the big dog say if he could talk? Write a story about this picture. |