June 14 is the anniversary of the adoption of the flag, and that date is celebrated in many states as Flag Day. We can honor our flag
Our state has one star in the blue of the flag. How shall we honor our star? How shall we show respect for our country and our flag? Since our flag means so much to us, we should respect it and love it with all our hearts. When the flag passes in a parade, people should, if walking, halt; or if sitting, rise and stand at attention and uncover. how to properly hang flag The flag should never be allowed to drag on the ground nor be left out after dark. Did you know that it must never be used as an old rag? You see no matter how old or torn a flag becomes, it is My country! ’tis of thee, Sweet land of liberty, Of thee I sing; Land where my fathers died! Land of the Pilgrim’s pride! From every mountain side Let freedom ring! “America is another name for Opportunity.” What do you understand by that? gateway with two flags What does this picture of an open gateway bring to your mind? Soldiers through time holding different flags