A study of the physical structure of the “Invisible Empire” necessarily starts with its corporate organization, its officers, its general method of functioning, and its ramifications throughout the United States. Although organized under the pretense that it is a “fraternal order,” a close investigation of the system reveals the fact that its activities extend in several directions. Its three principal promoters, William J. Simmons, Edward Young Clarke and Mrs. M. E. Tyler, are engaged in several lines of business all of which are closely related. The show under the main tent is the “Invisible Empire,” Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, Inc., allied to which either directly or indirectly is the “Gate City Manufacturing Company,” a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Georgia for the manufacture of lodge regalia, etc., the Searchlight Publishing Company, which prints a weekly paper which is recognized by the public as the official organ of Ku Kluxism, and Lanier University, which was acquired in August, 1921, and of which William J. Simmons is the president. There is also the Clarke Realty Company in which E. Y. Clarke and Mrs. The charter of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan granted by the Superior Court of Fulton County, Georgia, reads as follows: “Georgia, Fulton County. To the Superior Court of Said County: The petition of W. J. Simmons, H. D. Shackleford, E. R. Clarkson, J. B. Frost, W. L. Smith, R. C. W. Ramspeck, G. D. Couch, L. M. Johnson, A. G. Dallas, W. E. Floding, W. C. Bennett, J. F. V. Saul, all of said State and County, respectfully shows: 1. That they desire for themselves, their associates and successors to be incorporated in the State of Georgia for the period of twenty years, with the right of renewal; when and as provided by law, as a patriotic, secret, social, benevolent order under the name and style of ‘Knights of the Ku Klux Klan’ 2. The purpose and object of said corporation is to be purely benevolent and eleesmosynary, and there shall be no capital stock or profit or gain to the members thereof. 3. The principal office and place of business shall be in Fulton County, Georgia, but petitioners desire that the corporation shall have the power to issue decrees, edicts and certificates of organization to subordinate branches of the corporation in this or other States of the United States and elsewhere, whenever the same shall be deemed desirable in the conduct of its business. 4. The petitioners desire that the Society shall have the power to confer an initiative degree ritualism, fraternal and secret obligations, words, grip signs and ceremonies under which there shall be united only white male persons of sound health, good morals and high character; and further desire such rights, powers and privileges as are now extended to the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, Free and Accepted Masons, Knights of Pythias, et al., 5. Petitioners desire that there shall be a Supreme Legislative Body in which shall be vested the power to adopt and amend constitutions and by-laws for the regulation of the general purpose and welfare of the order, and of the subordinate branches of same. 6. Petitioners desire that the ‘Imperial Klonvokation’ (Supreme Legislative Body) shall be composed of the Supreme Officers and ‘Kloppers’ (DELEGATES) selected by the ‘Kloro’ (State Convention) of the several ‘Realms’ (subordinate jurisdiction); and of such other persons as the constitution and by-laws of the Society may provide. 7. Petitioners desire that the business of the Society shall be under the control of the ‘Imperial Wizard’ (President), who shall be amenable in his official administration to the ‘Imperial Kloncilium’ (Supreme Executive Committee), a majority of whom shall have authority to act, and a two-thirds’ majority power to veto the official acts of the ‘Imperial Wizard’ (President) in the matters pertaining to the general welfare of the Society; and to contract with other members of the Society for the purpose of promoting and conducting its interests and general welfare, in any way, manner, or method he may deem proper for the Society’s progress and stability, subject to the restrictions of the power of the ‘Imperial Wizard’ (President) as is heretofore set forth in this paragraph. 8. Petitioners desire that they shall have the right to adopt a constitution and by-laws and elect the first Kloncilium (Supreme Executive Committee), which shall possess all the powers of the ‘Imperial Klonvokation’ (Supreme Legislative Body) until the first organization and meeting of that body, and shall fix the number, title and terms of officers composing said ‘Kloncilium’ (Supreme Legislative Committee). 9. Petitioners desire the right to own separate unto itself and to control the sale of all paraphernalia, regalia, stationery, jewelry and such other materials needed by the subordinate branches of the order for the proper 10. Wherefore petitioners pray an order incorporating them, their associates and successors under the name and style aforesaid with all the powers and privileges necessary to the extension of the order or the conduct of the business and purposes of like nature.” The casual examination of the above instrument fails to show anything more significant than the fact that it is a simple application for a charter for an ordinary fraternal organization, several of whom, including the Masonic fraternity and the Knights of Pythias, it specifically names. An analysis, however, of the instrument reveals some interesting things, and raises some questions that may be of service to the public in dealing with Ku Kluxism. In the first place, this charter, which was granted July 1, 1916, confers upon W. J. Simmons and certain associates the right to engage in the business of a fraternal society under the name and style of “Knights of The Ku Klux Klan.” As a matter of fact the The following copy of the application for charter membership illustrates this point: “To His Majesty, the Imperial Wizard, Emperor of the Invisible Empire, Knights of the Ku Klux Klan (Inc.): I, the undersigned, a native-born, true and loyal citizen of the United States of America, being a white Gentile person of temperate habits, sound in mind, and a believer in the tenets of the Christian religion, the maintenance of white supremacy, the practice of an honorable clanishness and the principles of “pure Americanism,” do voluntarily most respectfully, seriously and unselfishly petition you for citizenship in the Invisible Empire, Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, and be a charter member of a Klan located at .................. State of .......... I guarantee on my honor to conform strictly to all rules and requirements regulating my “naturalization” and the continuance of my membership, and at all times a strict and loyal obedience to your constitutional authority and the constitution and laws, and all regulations and usages of the fraternity. The required “donation” accompanies this petition. Signed: ....................................., Petitioner. Endorsers will sign on other side. Notice: Check the address to which mail may be sent.” It appears from an examination of the records, that the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan made but little headway for several years, when it was under the sole management of William J. Simmons. An examination of the Atlanta City Directory reveals the fact that the present “Emperor” was engaged in other lines of activity, largely as a professional organizer. In 1915 he appears listed as “Organizer of the Woodmen of the World”; in 1916, “Imperial Wizard and founder of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan”; in 1918, the next year a directory was issued, as “State Manager, Heralds of Liberty”; in 1920, as “Lecturer”; and in 1921, again as “Imperial Wizard, Knights of the Ku Klux Klan.” It was not, apparently, until he joined forces with Edward Young Clarke, that the enterprise was placed on a paying basis. Clarke, it is said, has had wide experience as a professional propagandist, and prior to his taking charge of the Ku Klux movement was employed to raise money for the Anti-Saloon League and the Salvation Army, conducting drives for Clarke, whose chief helper and backer was Mrs. Elizabeth Tyler, was conducting the Southern Publicity Bureau at the time, and quickly saw the big financial possibilities which lay in the capitalization of the name “Ku Klux.” Simmons, who had concocted the scheme of organization which placed the “entire works” into his own hands, lacked the ability to put his ideas into execution. At this point, I should like to take issue with practically every man who had made any attack on the Ku Klux Klan. The general opinion has been that “Simmons is absolutely sincere in what he is doing, but has been in the hands of Clarke and Mrs. Tyler.” I have never met Simmons in person, but I have studied his organization in the most minute detail. From my study of the system and the part the man has played in it, I believe that he is a cunning, shrewd adventurer, who, from the start conceived the idea of acquiring both wealth and unlimited power from his secret “Invisible Empire.” In all of his public utterances In his entire scheme of organization and management, he has so constructed his proposition that he is master of the situation with practically unlimited power. In this particular a good illustration can be found in the contract he made with Clarke whereby the latter became the Chief Sales Manager of the membership peddlers for the whole country. This contract, while it gives Clarke the opportunity of making a vast sum of money, at the same time makes Simmons the absolute dictator of Clarke’s movements. The probabilities are that Simmons, realizing that he himself was ignorant of real organization methods, so framed this contract that he could let Clarke out at any time, and take over to himself the functions of the propagation department after he had learned the system. The contract which brought Clarke and Mrs. Tyler into the organization reads as follows: “State of Georgia, County of Fulton, “This agreement, made and entered into on this the seventh day of June, A.D. 1920, by and between the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, a corporation of said county, acting by its Imperial Wizard (President), W. J. Simmons, party of the first part, and Edward Young Clarke, of said county, party of the second part. “Witnesseth, that the said party of the second part hereto having, by virtue of this agreement, been appointed Imperial Kleagle (General Superintendent of the “Therefore, it is agreed by the said parties hereto that this contract shall continue so long as it is mutually agreeable; that it shall remain of force and may be canceled by either party hereto without previous notice of any intention to do so. “It is agreed that said second party may employ, subject to the approval and appointment of the said Imperial Wizard (President) of the corporation aforesaid, and subject to the right and power of said Imperial Wizard (President) to revoke all such appointments, such assistant organizers as he (the said second party) may deem necessary to properly carry out the plans for the propagation and extension of said corporation; provided, that such persons so appointed or employed be members of the said corporation in good and regular standing prior to their appointment, and that they maintain their good standing therein as an essential condition on which their appointment is made. “It is agreed that in all things the second party shall be subordinate to the said Imperial Wizard (President), and shall attempt no plans or methods of work without the consent or approval of the said Imperial Wizard. “It is agreed that the said second party shall receive as in full compensation and expenses of himself and his duly appointed and commissioned subordinate organizers the sum of $8.00 for each and every new member brought into the said corporation by himself and his assistant subordinate organizers, and in addition to the $8.00 he shall receive $2.00 for each new member added to all Klans organized by himself or his subordinate organizers within a period of six months after the date of the charter of all such Klans organized by himself and his subordinate organizers. “It is agreed that no expense or debts shall be made or “It is agreed that the said second party shall advance, from time to time, as may be necessary the office rent and all other expenses incident to the proper conduct and furnishing of the main office of the aforesaid corporation, and in addition thereto a sum of not less than $75 per week and traveling expenses of the said Imperial Wizard (President) of the aforesaid corporation, reimbursing himself for such expenditures out of the $2.00 due by him to the aforesaid corporation on account of each member received into the aforesaid corporation by him and his duly appointed and commissioned subordinate organizers. “Duly executed in duplicate in the city of Atlanta, Ga., on the day and date above written. “KNIGHTS OF THE KU KLUX KLAN, INC. As is well known the new Ku Klux Klan, like the old, depends to a great extent upon concealing the identity of the members by the means of long white robes and a white peaked helmet, with hangings in which eye holes have been cut. In the old Klan these robes were made by members of the Klansmen’s family, but in the new order of affairs the work of supplying these robes is a monopoly entirely in the hands of the national organization. During the summer of 1921, the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan purchased the handsome, colonial home of H. M. Durant on Peachtree Road, about five miles from Atlanta, at an approximate cost of $75,000. The purchase comprises a block of land about four hundred feet square. Extensive improvements, worthy of a real emperor’s palace are contemplated for this property, and it will be the headquarters of the “Imperial Palace.” The land will be cut up into gardens, small lakes and building sites. It is estimated that $30,000 worth of marble alone will be used. A handsome statue of General N. B. Forrest will be erected, and also a statue of “Emperor” William J. Simmons. While the organization has been buying land and engaging in real estate transactions, the Imperial Kleagle, as a side line, has also gone into the real estate business. On June 27, 1921, a petition was filed for charter for the “Clarke Realty Company” with Edward Young Clarke and Mrs. Elizabeth Tyler as incorporators, with authorized capital stock of $10,000 with privilege of increasing it to $100,000. The corporation seeks the right to deal generally in real estate. Just what real estate the “Clarke Realty Company” has bought, sold, leased, rented, or exchanged or acted as brokers for, has not appeared in print. The functions of Clarke appear to be exclusively to propagate the work and organize Klans, after which they are turned over to Simmons. According to a statement made by Clarke to the World the organization has one “Article I, Section 2. The government of this order shall ever be military in character, most especially its management and control; and no legislative enactment or constitutional amendment hereafter forever shall encroach upon, effect or change this essential, fundamental principle of this order—The Invisible Empire. “Section 2. The government of this order shall be invested primarily in the Imperial Wizard, as Commander-in-chief or Emperor of the Invisible Empire.” Acting in pursuance of the constitution, which provides that the organization is “military in character,” the propagation department functions in pretty much the same manner as the army handles its business. The Imperial Kleagle is virtually a Chief of Staff, or more properly an Adjutant General. The country is divided into eight “Domains” comprising certain States, each State being known as a The “Domain” is in command of a “Grand Goblin,” the “Realm” is under the jurisdiction of a “King Kleagle,” while the field organizer, having charge of certain territory, is known as a “Kleagle.” The following is a list of the Domains with their respective Grand Goblins, revised to July 2, 1921: 1. Domain of the Southeast, composed of Georgia, Tennessee, Virginia, Alabama, Mississippi and the two Carolinas, with M. B. Owen, Box 1472, Atlanta, as Grand Goblin. 2. Western Domain, in charge of Grand Goblin George B. Kimbro, Jr., Box 1521, Houston, Texas, and composed of Arizona, Arkansas, Texas, Oklahoma, Louisiana, New Mexico, Colorado, Utah, Wyoming and Montana. 3. Domain of the East, Grand Goblin Lloyd P. Hooper, Apartment 1, No. 320, Central Park West, New York City, in charge, composed of the State of New York. 4. Domain of the Great Lakes, in charge of Grand Goblin C. W. Love, with headquarters in Chicago, and composed of Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Ohio, Minnesota and Michigan. 5. Domain of the Mississippi Valley, in charge of Grand Goblin Frank A. Crippen, Box 951, St. Louis, composed of Nebraska, 6. Domain of the Pacific Coast, in charge of Grand Goblin W. S. Coburn, No. 519 Haas Building, Los Angeles, composed of California, Washington, Nevada, Oregon and Idaho. 7. Domain of the Northwest, consolidated with former Southwestern Domain and now part of new Western Domain. 8. Capitol Domain, in charge of Grand Goblin Harry B. Terrell, Box 5, 11th Street Station, Washington, D. C., and comprising the District of Columbia. 9. Atlantic Domain, in charge of Grand Goblin F. W. Atkins, with headquarters in Philadelphia, composed of Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware and Maryland. 10. New England Domain, in charge of Grand Goblin A. J. Pardon, Jr., with headquarters in Boston, and composed of Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts and Connecticut. Unattached, Florida, to be in charge of King Kleagle S. A. Givens, who will report direct to the Imperial Kleagle and whose address is Box 1883, Jacksonville, Fla. These “Domains” may be likened to divisions of an army, as they are in control of the spread of Ku Kluxism in the sections named, and the “Grand Goblin” reports direct to the “Imperial Kleagle.” Each State or “Realm” is like a regiment, and the King Kleagle reports to his immediate chief, the “Grand Goblin,” The Kleagle is empowered to administer the obligation, organize and instruct Klans, and collect the requisite and necessary “donation” of ten dollars. Out of this sum he retains four dollars per member for his services, and at the end of the week submits a report of his activities, remitting to the King Kleagle the six dollars balance due on each member secured. The King Kleagle retains one dollar a member for his services, and remits five dollars to the Grand Goblin of the Domain to which he is attached. The Grand Goblin is allowed to shave off fifty cents a member and remits $4.50 to the Imperial Kleagle, who in turn keeps $2.50 and pays into the treasury of the Imperial Palace the sum of $2.00 which is all of the original “donation” that actually reaches the organization. The whole system is carefully conducted as a well organized sales system, each official being required to file his returns each week on a form provided for that purpose. The following is a copy of the Kleagle’s weekly report form: KLEAGLE'S WEEKLY REPORT Larger Image According to its “Emperor” it not only has a program, but at the proper time it will put it forth. He made a statement which was printed in the Searchlight on July 2, 1921: “I am not at all surprised, at the progress of the work, but of course gratified. I have never for one moment doubted that if God gave me strength and ‘men’ with which to lay before America the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, that it would sweep the nation as nothing of the kind has ever done. “The Ku Klux Klan has not started to work. The enemies of the organization have been howling and back-biting and snapping at everything they could see or hear, and lying slanders have been spread broadcast about the organization and leaders and proposed work and present activity. “For the edification of those who do not know allow me to say that the Ku Klux Klan have not yet started to work and may not do so for a year. We are merely organizing at the present time and we do not intend to start any definite activity until we have sufficiently organized to make sure success. “To those who love fireworks—rhetorical and otherwise—allow me to suggest that they wait quietly until the Ku Klux Klan passes through its organizing period and actually starts work. The attacks that have so far been launched will appear significant when the atmosphere becomes surcharged with the shrieks of the enemies of law and order, constitutional principles, and real Americanism, as these forces feel the tightening grip of the Klan around them and they come to the realization that they are whipped. “It will be then, and not till then, that the real anathemas will be hurled at the organization and its leaders, but it will have as little weight and do as little harm as all the lies that have been spread broadcast up to the present time. This intemperate language of Simmons was even exceeded at a meeting held on the night of August 25, 1921, in Philadelphia, which was reported in a press telegram as follows: “A narrow pathway leading to a woodland glade, and every fifty feet a masked and white-robed sentinel. Within the little clearing an altar, and beside it the banner of the nation with the night wind rustling through the folds. Formed in hollow square around the glade rank on rank of masked spectres. A deep voice echoing through the darkness. “‘Imperial One, the men who seek admission to our legions stand prepared!’ “Line after line the candidates marched in, led by a gigantic masker who bore high overhead the Fiery Cross. The candidates marched before the scrutinizing ranks of silent Klansmen. Then every man—veteran Klansmen and new-made members—bowed before the American flag and through the night boomed out the watchword of the order: “‘All men in America must honor that flag—if we must make them honor it on their knees!’ “Then, in a blaze of sudden light, the Grand Goblin of the Realm, a towering form in white and scarlet uniform, appeared at the north end of the glade. Cheers received him. His speech was brief. “‘America for real Americans!’ he cried. ‘Guardianship against the alien, the anarchist and all who would subvert that banner, be they white, or black or yellow!’ the voice thundered through the ranks. ‘The Ku Klux are misrepresented and vilified. Americans do not realize that they sleep on a red volcano’s edge. They sleep; they let petty politicians hold the helm; they make no preparations “‘It is the place of the Ku Klux Klan to rouse the spirit of the real American and to stand guard against the evil forces that seek to stifle this mightiest of nations. Be the foes white, black or yellow; be they native traitors or alien invaders, the Klan shall form a ring of steel to throttle their every devil’s scheme. We, the Ku Klux Klan; we, the Invisible Empire, rally to aid the faltering hands of our law—and to protect our homes, our lives, our people and our nation’s future against a wave of living hell!’” |