h-7.htm.html#Page_193" class="pginternal">193, 196, 249 Devilsdust in ‘Sybil,’ 121-123 Dickens and ‘Pickwick,’ 23 D’Israeli, Isaac, and the Jewish people, 5, 6; boyhood of, 8-11; family of, 12, 13; abandons Judaism for the Church of England, 13, 14; pictured in ‘Vivian Grey,’ 18; and High Wycombe election, 55; death of, 179 Disraeli, Benjamin, the elder, 7-11 — James, son of Isaac D., 13 — Ralph, son of —, 13, 36 — Sarah, daughter —, 12, 13; and Wm. Meredith, 44 Disraeli, Benjamin, birth and education, 12-16; baptism of, 14; school days, 16-19; and London society, 19, 50, 58; enters a solicitor’s office, 22; first novel, 23-25; travels abroad, 24-44, 99; Bradenham, 24-25; satires of, 25-27; dress and manners, 29, 39, 53, 55; improved health, 34, 35; the poetical life, 45-49; prose writings, 49; political ambition, 50, 51; portraits of, 52-54; financial embarrassments, 52, 64, 65, 69, 178, 179; a Radical, 54; High Wycombe election, 55-57; on marriage, 58; takes seat in H. of C., 68, 119; maiden speech in the House, 70-73; outset of Parliamentary career, 74; a Conservative, 94, 95; political and religious belief, 83, 84; Carlyle and, , 162; Reform Cabinet, 191; ——’s son, 55, 56 Hanover, King of, 101 Hartington, Lord, 212, 235 ‘Henrietta Temple,’ 65, 109, 215 Herbert (Sidney), 135, 136 High Wycombe election, 54-58, 60, 65 Holland, the Jews in, 7; Isaac Disraeli sent to, 9 Holy Land, the, 28 Hope, H., 102, 108 House of Commons, first visit to, 50, 51, 65, 69; maiden speech in, 70, 71; power in the, 100, 101; and Ireland, 104-106; and Disraeli, 139, 140 Hughenden Manor, 179; life at, 182, 183, 255; buried at, 258 Human greatness, condition of, 258-260 Hume, 55, 56 Hunting, 58 India, 234, 238-240, 261 Indian Mutiny, the, 158, 183 ‘Infernal Marriage,’ 26, 27, 217 Inquisition, the, and the Jews, 6 Ireland, 59; in ‘Popanilla,’ 60, 65, 70, 71, 98, 102-106, 136; famine in, 138, 142; Fenianism in, 200-203; Church of, 204-211, 233, 237, 238, 242, 260 Irish E
ml@files@48436@48436-h@48436-h-7.htm.html#Page_188" class="pginternal">188; on secret committees, 212, 213; at Manchester, 214; at the Crystal Palace, 1872, 239; at Berlin Conference, 249 Stanley, Dean, 175 — Lord, 139; and Greece, 184 Strafford and Ireland, 60 Strangford, Lord, 63 Strauss, followers of, 172, 173 Suez Canal, 43; shares, 261 Swift, the satire of, 26 ‘Sybil, or, the Two Nations,’ dedicated to his wife, 88, 89, 92; Reform Act in, 96-98; extracts from, &c., 119-129, 215; the Reformation in, 226, 256, 260 Tadpole and Taper in ‘Sybil,’ 125, 126 ‘Tancred; or, the New Crusade,’ impressions of the Holy Land in, 41-43; sketch of, 165-168, 215 Tariff of 1842, the, 101 Taunton election, 60, 64 Theodora, in ‘Lothair,’ 221-226 Theories of life, 169, 170 ‘Times,’ letter to, about O’Connell, 62, 63; Runnymede letters in, 64 Tractarians at Oxford, 107, 108, 204; Mr. Gladstone a, 207, 246 Trafford, 130 Transvaal, 251 Travels abroad, 24-44 Troy, the plain of, 41 Turkey in 1843, 103, 104, 157, 243, 244; and Russia, 247-350; treaty with, 250 Turks, the, 36-38 Turner, Mr. Sharon, 14 Tyre, the Jews and, 4 Under-Secretaries of State, 86 ‘Venetia,’ 65, 109, PRINTED BY SPOTTISWOODE AND CO., NEW-STREET SQUARE LONDON |