[1] Quarterly Review, January 1889, p. 30.
[2] May 24, 1832.
[3] This is authentic, though I cannot give my authority.—J. A. F.
[4] April 27, 1835.
[5] Father of Sir Philip Rose, who was afterwards Disraeli’s executor.
[6] Sybil.
[7] Preface to Lothair.
[8] February 2, 1842.
[9] I do not mention this story without careful enquiry.
[10] Lady Beaconsfield enjoyed her honours only for four years. She died December 15, 1872.
[11] It should be said that the Bill, though supported by Disraeli, was introduced by the Primate, and was not a Cabinet measure.
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St. Dunstan’s House, Fetter Lane, Fleet Street, London, October, 1889.