
To meet the wishes of such as may desire to know on what grounds his opinions are founded, or to pursue them further, the author gives the titles of a few books that may be profitably consulted. It were easy to make a long list of erudite works; much easier than to make a short list of accessible and suggestive volumes. In an essay prepared for the intelligent and thoughtful, not for the learned or scholarly class, reference to stores of erudition would be out of place. For this reason, the pages are left unencumbered with notes, and the books cited are purposely such as come within easy reach of general readers. The better known book is preferred before the less known, the conservative when it will answer the purpose, before the destructive. If the whole case were presentable in English, none but English authorities would be mentioned. Unfortunately for the general reader, the best literature is in German or French, much of which is still untranslated. To indicate these is a necessity for those who are acquainted with those languages, while those who are not, will, it is believed, find enough in English writings reasonably to satisfy their need.

The titles of the books indicate sufficiently the points on which they throw light. The classical references, which are numerous, are most copious in Denis and Huidekoper, though Lecky, Renan, Johnson and others cite all the most important.

Allen, J. H. Hebrew Men and Times.
Baur, F. C. Kanonische Evangelien.
Drei Ersten Jahrhunderte.
Socrates und Christus.
Die TÜbinger Schule.
Ursprung des EpiscopÄts.
Baring-Gould, S. Lost and Hostile Gospels.
Buddha. Romantic History of.
Cohen. Les Deicides, (Translated.)
Coquerel, A. Histoire du Credo.
Les premieres Transformations
Historiques du Christianisme.
Des Beaux Arts en Italie.
Cowper, B. Harris. The Apocryphal Gospels.
Deutsch, E. The Talmud.
Didron. Iconographie Chretienne, (Translated.)
Ewald, Heinrich. History of the People Israel.
Prophets of the Old Testament.
Drei Ersten Evangelien.
English Life of Jesus.
FontanÉ's. Le Christianisme Moderne.
Furness, W. H. Life of Jesus.
Jesus and his Biographers.
Gingsburg, The Essenes
Geiger. Judenthum und Seine Geschichte.
Greg, W. R. The Creed of Christendom.
Huet, F. La Revolution Religieuse.
Huidekoper, F. Judaism at Rome.
Hennell, C. C. Origin of Christianity.
Christian Theism.
Hennell, S. S. Christianity and Infidelity.
Present Religion.
Holyoake. Christianity and Secularism.
Johnson, S. The Worship of Jesus.
Jost. Geschichte des Judenthum.
Knight, Richd. Payne. The Symbolical Language of Ancient Art and Mythology.
Lecky, W. E. H. History of European Morals
Lundy, J. P. Monumental Christianity.
Martineau, James. Studies of Christianity.
Merivale, Charles. Conversion of the Roman Empire.
Milman, H. H. History of the Jews.
History of Christianity.
History of Latin Christianity.
Maury, Alfred. Les Legendes Pieuses du Moyen Age.
La Magie et l'astrologie dans l'antiquitÉ et au Moyen Age.
Neander, A. Life of Jesus.
Planting and Training of the Church.
Newman, F. W. History of the Hebrew Monarchy.
Phases of Faith.
Catholic Union.
Nicolas, Michel. Des Doctrines Religieuses des Juifs.
Essais de Philos. et d'histoire religieuse.
Etudes Critiques sur la Bible.
Les Evangiles Apocryphes.
Le Symbole des Apotres.
Philippson. Developpement de l'idee religieuse.
Parker, Theodore. Discourse of Religion.
PressensÉ, Ed. De. Jesus Christ, son temps, sa vie, son oeuvre.
Renan, Ernest. Life of Jesus.
The Apostles.
St. Paul.
Etudes d'Histoire religieuse.
Reville, A. Histoire du Dogme de la DivinitÉ de JÉsus Christ.
Essais de Critique religieuse.
Etudes Critiques sur l'evangile selon St. Matthieu.
Quatre Conferences sur le Christianisme.
La vie de JÉsus de M. Renan.
Theodore Parker.
L'enseignement de JÉsus Christ comparÉe a celui de ses Disciples.
Reuss, Ed. Histoire du Canon dans l'Église Chretienne.
The Apostolic Age. (Translated.)
Rodrigues. Origin du Sermon de la Montagne.
Schenkel. Character of Jesus (tr. by Furness).
Schwegler, A. Das Nachapostolische Zeitalter.
Strauss. Leben Jesu. (Translated.)
Leben Jesu fur das Deutsche Volk.
Christliche Glaubenslehre.
The Old Faith and the New.
Supernatural Religion.
Schlesinger, M. The Historical Jesus of Nazareth.
Salvador. JÉsus Christ et sa Doctrine.
Tayler, J. J. The Fourth Gospel.
Thierry, A. Tableau de l'empire Romain.
Vacherot Etienne. La Religion.
Weber, C. F. Neue Untersuchung Über das Alter und Ansehen des Ev. der HebrÄer.
Wise, Isaac M. The Origin of Christianity.
Zeller, Ed. Acts of the Apostles. (Translated.)
Strauss und Renan. (Translated.)

[1] Origin of Christianity, p. 335-341.

[2] Bellum Judaicum, VII. 17.

[3] See Milman's Jews, II. p. 461.

[4] See Huidekoper's "Judaism in Rome," p. 325-329.

[5] See "Judaism in Rome," p. 245.

[6] History of Christianity, II; p. 8.

[7] Vol. I.; p. 528.

[8] For references, see Lecky's "European Morals," II., p. 79-81.

[9] See Denis, II., p. 55-218.

[10] The character and influence of the "Gospel of the Hebrews" and of other books of the same kind is considered in full by Mr. S. Baring-Gould in "The Lost and Hostile Gospels." Mr. Baring-Gould argues that while neither of our present Gospels is entitled to be called genuine in the ordinary sense, they contain authentic biographical materials. It is his opinion that "at the close of the first century almost every Church had its own Gospel, with which alone it was acquainted. But it does not follow that these Gospels were not as trustworthy as the four which we now alone recognize." (p. 23.) Mr. Baring-Gould's argument is not strong. The first mention of the "Gospel of the Hebrews" is no earlier than the middle of the second century; the remaining fragments of it are too few and too undecisive to be of weight; and it was, by all confession, written in the interest of the Nazarene or Judaizing Christians. Mr. Baring-Gould himself classes it with the Clementine writings and calls them "The Lost Petrine Gospels."


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