

Abbot, F. E., 117, 282

Abbott, E. A., 256

Abolitionists, 45, 183

Adler, Felix, quoted, 268

Alcott, A. B., 52

Anti-slavery, 44, 46, 49

Arminians, 1

Arnold, M., 13


Barnard, F. A. P., 226

Barnard, T., 43

Bartol, C. A., 119

Baur, F. C., 57

Beecher, H. W., 256

Bellows, H. W., 63, 74, 76, 115, 116, 118, 184

Blake, Wm., quoted, 299

Boston, 17

Brace, C. L., 226

Brazer, John, 43

Broad Church, 71, 257, etc.

Brook Farm, 136, 227, 235, 236, 239, 240, 241, 244

Brown, John, 104

Browning, R., 4, 16, 145, 201

Brownson, Orestes, 203


Calvinism, 1

Carlyle, 7, 124

Carter, R., 226

Cary, Alice, 225

Cary, Phoebe, 225

Chadwick, J. W., 187

Channing, W. E., 47, 183, 186, 235, 300

Channing, W. H., 236, 300

Clarke, J. F., 44, 124

Clerical Profession, The, 146, etc.

Colonization, 181

Communion Service, 66, etc.

Comte, A., 217

Conference, Unitarian, 115-117

Curtis, G. W., 42


Darwin, C., 259

Deists, 61, 62

Dewey, Mary, 176

Dewey, Orville, 176, etc.

Dillaway, C. K., 20

Diman, J. L., quoted, 291

Divinity Hall, 26

Divinity School, 25-34

Dixwell, E. S., 20

Dwight, J. S., 236


Eliot, George, 138

Emerson, R. W., 21, 34, 42, 48, 68, 75, 122, 134, 135, 145, 166, etc., 196, 209, 245, 270, 292

Endicott, John, 36

Ethical Religion, 267, etc.

Europe, 131

Evolution, 145, 194, 217


Field, H. M., 227

Fourier, C., 240

Francis, Convers, 27

Fraternity Club, 128, 129

Free Religious Association, 119, etc., 124-126, 209, 292

Free Thought in America, 133, etc.

Frothingham, Ann G., 14-17

Frothingham, N. L., 2-14


Gardner, F., 20

Garrison, W. L., 44

Greeley, H., 109, 226, 227

Goethe, J. W. von, quoted, 280


Haeckel, E., 217

Harvard College, 21

Hawthorne, N., 42, 236, 246

Heath, 131

Hecker, I. T., 226, 295

Hedge, F. H., 257

Higginson, T. W., 35, 122

Hillard, G. S., 21

Hitchcock, R. D., 226

Holland, J. G., 227


Independent Society, 126-131, 132, 138, 139

Ingersoll, R. G., 227, 253, etc.


James, H., quoted, 155

Jersey City, 63, 65

Jewett, Sarah O., quoted, 255

Joachim (Abbot), 301

Johnson, S., 50, 210, etc.

Joy, Charles, 226


King, T. S., 42, 191, note.

Kirwan, R., 38


Latin School, 19

Laveleye, E. de, quoted, 272, 281

Leverett, F. P., 20

Longfellow, H. W., 51, 258, quoted

Loring, E. G., 245

Lyric Hall, 125, 128


Mahomet, 124

Martineau, J., 58, 165, 185, quoted, 275, 281, 282

Masonic Temple, 127

Maurice, F. D., 123, 264

McQueary, Rev. H., 256

Minister, Office of, in War Time, 106

Ministry in New York, 131

Mott, Lucretia, 121


National Conference, 85

Negroes, 111, 179

Newman, F. W., 282, 299

New York, 76

"North Church," 42

Noyes, G. R., 26


Osgood, S., 92, etc.


Paine, T., 248, etc.

Parker, T., 44, 54, etc., 70, 122, 134, 135, 203, 233, 282

Phillips, W., 9, 44, 292

Poe, E. A., quoted, 134

Prescott, W. H., 6, 21

Priests in the Riot, 113

Prospective Review, 299

Protestantism, 275, 277

Putnam, Eleanor, 36


Reid, Whitelaw, 227

Renan, J. Ernest, 58, 272-274, 276, 279, 293

Riot in New York, 107, etc.

Ripley, George, 227

Romanism, 273, etc.

Rood, O. N., 226

Royce, J., 282

Runkle, Mrs. Lucia, 227


Salem, 35, etc., 51

Sanitary Commission, 83

Scherb, E. V., 51

Schwegler, A., 57

Slavery, 47

Smith, S., 207

Stearns, G., 245

Stephen, Leslie, quoted, 249

Strauss, D. F., 217, 280

Sumner, C., 21, 221


Taine, H. A., 217

Taylor, Bayard, 226

Thackeray, W. M., 8

Ticknor, G., 6, 21

Torrey, H. W., 20

Transcendentalism, 47, 135-137, 214

TÜbingen School, 57

Tyndall, J., 217, 297


Unitarianism, 256, 278

Unitarians, 47, 69, 102, 115, 117, 124, 183, 266


Voltaire, 62


War, Civil, The, 114

Washburn, E. A., 227

Washington, George (Gen.), 105

Washington, L. W., (Col.), 105

Wasson, D. A., 60, 119, 122

Webster, D., 21, 180

Webster, J. W., 22

Weiss, J., 122, 190, etc., 284, quoted

Westminster Review, 299

White, R. G. 226

Williams, R., 36

Winthrop, T., 110

Wise, H. A. (Gov.), 104

Woman, Rights of, 221


Youmans, E. L., 226


Zeller, E., 58


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