AAbbott, E. A., 256 Adler, Felix, quoted, 268 Alcott, A. B., 52 Arminians, 1 Arnold, M., 13 BBarnard, F. A. P., 226 Barnard, T., 43 Bartol, C. A., 119 Baur, F. C., 57 Beecher, H. W., 256 Bellows, H. W., 63, 74, 76, 115, 116, 118, 184 Blake, Wm., quoted, 299 Boston, 17 Brace, C. L., 226 Brazer, John, 43 Brook Farm, 136, 227, 235, 236, 239, 240, 241, 244 Brown, John, 104 Brownson, Orestes, 203 CCalvinism, 1 Carter, R., 226 Cary, Alice, 225 Cary, Phoebe, 225 Chadwick, J. W., 187 Channing, W. E., 47, 183, 186, 235, 300 Clerical Profession, The, 146, etc. Colonization, 181 Communion Service, 66, etc. Comte, A., 217 Conference, Unitarian, 115-117 Curtis, G. W., 42 DDarwin, C., 259 Dewey, Mary, 176 Dewey, Orville, 176, etc. Dillaway, C. K., 20 Diman, J. L., quoted, 291 Divinity Hall, 26 Divinity School, 25-34 Dixwell, E. S., 20 Dwight, J. S., 236 EEliot, George, 138 Emerson, R. W., 21, 34, 42, 48, 68, 75, 122, 134, 135, 145, 166, etc., 196, 209, 245, 270, 292 Endicott, John, 36 Ethical Religion, 267, etc. Europe, 131 FField, H. M., 227 Fourier, C., 240 Francis, Convers, 27 Free Religious Association, 119, etc., 124-126, 209, 292 Free Thought in America, 133, etc. Frothingham, Ann G., 14-17 Frothingham, N. L., 2-14 GGardner, F., 20 Garrison, W. L., 44 Goethe, J. W. von, quoted, 280 HHaeckel, E., 217 Harvard College, 21 Heath, 131 Hedge, F. H., 257 Hillard, G. S., 21 Hitchcock, R. D., 226 Holland, J. G., 227 IIndependent Society, 126-131, 132, 138, 139 Ingersoll, R. G., 227, 253, etc. JJames, H., quoted, 155 Jewett, Sarah O., quoted, 255 Joachim (Abbot), 301 Joy, Charles, 226 KKirwan, R., 38 LLatin School, 19 Laveleye, E. de, quoted, 272, 281 Leverett, F. P., 20 Longfellow, H. W., 51, 258, quoted Loring, E. G., 245 MMahomet, 124 Martineau, J., 58, 165, 185, quoted, 275, 281, 282 Masonic Temple, 127 McQueary, Rev. H., 256 Minister, Office of, in War Time, 106 Ministry in New York, 131 Mott, Lucretia, 121 NNational Conference, 85 New York, 76 "North Church," 42 Noyes, G. R., 26 OOsgood, S., 92, etc. PPaine, T., 248, etc. Parker, T., 44, 54, etc., 70, 122, 134, 135, 203, 233, 282 Poe, E. A., quoted, 134 Priests in the Riot, 113 Prospective Review, 299 Putnam, Eleanor, 36 RReid, Whitelaw, 227 Renan, J. Ernest, 58, 272-274, 276, 279, 293 Riot in New York, 107, etc. Ripley, George, 227 Romanism, 273, etc. Rood, O. N., 226 Royce, J., 282 Runkle, Mrs. Lucia, 227 SSanitary Commission, 83 Scherb, E. V., 51 Schwegler, A., 57 Slavery, 47 Smith, S., 207 Stearns, G., 245 Stephen, Leslie, quoted, 249 TTaine, H. A., 217 Taylor, Bayard, 226 Thackeray, W. M., 8 Torrey, H. W., 20 Transcendentalism, 47, 135-137, 214 TÜbingen School, 57 UUnitarians, 47, 69, 102, 115, 117, 124, 183, 266 VVoltaire, 62 WWar, Civil, The, 114 Washburn, E. A., 227 Washington, George (Gen.), 105 Washington, L. W., (Col.), 105 Webster, J. W., 22 Weiss, J., 122, 190, etc., 284, quoted Westminster Review, 299 White, R. G. 226 Williams, R., 36 Winthrop, T., 110 Wise, H. A. (Gov.), 104 Woman, Rights of, 221 YYoumans, E. L., 226 ZZeller, E., 58 WORKS BY OCTAVIUS BROOKS FROTHINGHAM.The Religion of Humanity. 4th edition, 12mo, pp. 338. $1.50 "A profoundly sincere book, the work of one who has read largely, studied thoroughly, reflected patiently."—Boston Globe. Stories from the Lips of the Teacher. Retold by a Disciple. Sixth edition, 16mo, pp. 193. $1.00 "It is in style and thought a superior book, that will interest young and old."—Zion Herald (Methodist). Stories of the Patriarchs. 3d edition. 16mo, pp. 232. $1.00 "The sublimest lessons of manhood in the simple language of a child."—Springfield Republican. The Child's Book of Religion. For Sunday-Schools and Homes. New edition, revised. 16mo, pp. xii. 273. $1.00 Transcendentalism in New England. A History. Second edition. 8vo, pp. iv. + 394. $1.75 "The book is masterly and satisfying."—Appleton's Journal. The Cradle of the Christ. A Study in Primitive Christianity. 8vo, pp. x. + 234. $1.50 "Scholarly, acute, and vigorous."—N. Y. Tribune. Theodore Parker. A Biography. 8vo, pp. viii. + 588. $2.00 Gerrit Smith. A Biography. 8vo, pp. 371. $2.00 "A good biography, it is faithful, sufficiently full, written with vigor, grace, and good taste."—N. Y. Evening Post. Belief of the Unbelievers. 12mo, sewed $0.25 Speaking of Mr. Frothingham's Sermons, the Springfield Republican says: "No one of serious intellectual character can fail to be interested and taught by these most thoughtful discourses." Boston Unitarianism. 1820-1840. A Study of the Life and Work of Nathaniel Langdon Frothingham. 8vo, pp. 272. $1.75 "The book, to a thoughtful reader, cannot fail to be elevating and suggestive of high ideals, high thinking, and noble living."—Newark Advertiser. Recollections and Impressions. 1822-1890. 8vo. $1.50 G. P. PUTNAM'S SONS, New York and London |