- A
- Alston Rose, champion mare 1901 … 104
- Armour-clad warriors, 1, 7
- Army horses, 6
- Ashbourne Foal Show, 80
- Attention to feet, 42
- Aurea, champion mare, 18, 65
- Author’s Preface, v
- Average prices, 76
- B
- Back breeding, value of, 11, 13, 39
- Bakewell, Robert, 2, 22, 54
- Bardon Extraordinary, champion gelding, 65, 78
- Bardon Stud, 118
- Bar None, 80
- Bearwardcote Blaze, 60
- Bedding, 35
- Birdsall Menestrel, 84, 111
- —— stud, 110
- Black horses, Bakewell’s, 55
- Black horses from Flanders, 58
- Blagdon Stud, 110
- Blending Shire and Clydesdale breeds, 59
- Boiled barley, 36
- Bradley, Mr. John, 83
- Bramhope stud, 111
- Breeders, farmer, 27
- Breeders, prizes for, 65
- Breeding from fillies, 17
- Breeding, time for, 31
- Bury Victor Chief, champion in 1892 … 68, 69
- Buscot Harold, champion stallion, 17, 65
- C
- Calwich Stud, 61, 80
- Canada, 101
- Carbonite, 103
- Care of the feet, 42
- Carlton Stud, 116
- Cart-colts, 23
- Cart-horses, 54
- Castrating colts, 39
- Certificate of Soundness, 62
- Champion’s Goalkeeper, champion in 1913 and 1914 … 67, 104
- Champions bred at Sandringham, 3
- Cheap sires, 12
- Clark, Mr. A. H., 79
- Clydesdales, 58
- Coats of mail, 51
- Coke’s, Hon. E., dispersion sale, 3
- Colonies, 94
- Colour, 17, 60, 65
- Marmion, 70
- Mating, 20, 22
- Members of Shire Horse Society, 63
- Menestrel, 111
- Michaelis, Mr. Max, 74
- Middleton, Lord, 84, 110
- Minnehaha, champion mare, 64
- Mollington Movement, 106
- Muntz, Mr. F. E., 113
- Muntz, Sir P. Albert, 5, 72, 80
- N
- Nellie Blacklegs, 84
- Nicholson, Sir Arthur, 74, 112
- Norbury Menestrel, 114
- Norbury Park Stud, 114
- Numbers exported, 96
- O
- Oats, 33
- Old English cart-horse, 2, 13, 51
- —— —— war horse, 1, 50, 57
- Origin and progress, 51
- Outlook for the breed, 120
- Over fattening, 26
- P
- Pailton Sorais, champion mare, 74, 112
- Pedigrees, 8
- Pendley Stud, 107
- Ploughing, 2, 22, 57
- Popular breed, a, 1
- Potter, Messrs. J. E. and H. W., 115
- Premier, 69, 84
- Preparing fillies for mating, 18
- Primley Stud, 106
- Prince Harold, 77
- Prince William, 69, 78
- Prizes at Shire shows, 63
- Prominent breeders, 103
- —— Studs, 102
- Prospects of the breed, 121
- R
- Rearing and feeding, 30
- Records, a few, 77
- Redlynch Forest King, 113
- Registered sires, 13
- Rent-paying horses, vi, 11, 124
- Repository sales, 5
- Rickford Coming King, 85
- Rock salt, THE END