Abbott’s theatrical booth, 358
Adams, the dancer, 154
African dwarfs, 80
Albinoes, 295, 310, 313
Albion dancing-booth, 263
Algar’s dancing-booth, 263, 328, 333, 355
Allen, the dwarf, 205
Ambroise, the showman, 189
Amburgh, Van, the lion-tamer, 260
American juggler, 294
Annesley, Mrs., the dancer, 164
Appleby, the showman, 63
Arthur, the comedian, 144
Astley, the equestrian, 211
Aston, the comedian, 109, 121
Atkins’s menagerie, 258, 277, 302, 304
Baker, Mrs., the theatrical manageress, 196
Ball, the showman, 271, 303, 309
Ballard’s animal comedians, 169
"menagerie, 232, 241, 287, 303, 305
Banks and his performing horse, 23
Barnes, the showman, 63
""pantaloon, 246
Barnett, Mrs., the actress, 349
Basil, the showman, 191
Baudouin, the comic dancer, 131
Bearded women, 33, 47
Belzoni’s feats of strength, 216
Berar’s optikali illusio, 311
Biffin, Miss, the armless portrait painter, 210, 231
Billington, the comedian, 349
Birds, performing, 178, 182, 188
Bisset, the animal trainer, 177
Blacker, the dwarf, 167
Blight, Helen, the lion-performer, 337
Boheme, the tragedian, 96
Booth, the theatrical manager, 94
Bradshaw, Miss, the actress, 144
Breslaw, the conjuror, 187, 192
Bridge’s theatrical booth, 152, 163
Broomsgrove, the showman, 313
Brown, the showman, 272, 300
Brown’s theatre of arts, 315
Brunn, the juggler, 189
Bullock, the comedian, 78, 95, 105, 107, 114, 119, 132
Burchall, the showman, 314
Burnett, the trapezist, 359
Cadman, the flying man, 145
Campbell, Mrs., the actress, 344, 349, 355
Canterel, Mrs., the actress, 110
Capelli, the conjuror, 307
Carey, the actor, 223, 230
Cartlitch, the actor, 246
Cats, performing, 178, 307
Chapman, Mary Anne, the albino, 314
"Miss, the lion-performer, 337
"the comedian, 114, 119, 127, 132, 138, 143
Chappell, the actor, 353
"the showman, 272
Charke, Mrs., the actress, 114
Cheshire girl, wonderful, 49
Chettle’s theatrical booth, 151
Chetwood, the prompter, 105
Chinese jugglers, 302, 309
"lady, 292
Christoff, the rope-dancer, 20
Cibber, the tragedian, 107, 114
Circassian lady, 290
Clancy, the giant, 313
Clark, the posturer, 59
Clarke’s circus, 268, 307, 332, 341
Clarke, Miss, the rope-dancer, 308
Clarkson, the showman, 191
Clench, the whistling man, 80
Coan, the dwarf, 167
Cooke’s circus, 249
Corder, the murderer, head of, 303
Cornwell, the showman, 61
Corsican dwarf, 155, 188
Cousins’s theatrical booth, 154
Cow, a double, 161
Cox, the comedian, 37
Crawley, the puppet-showman, 83
Crockett, the showman, 341
Crocodile, the first exhibited, 167
Crowther, the actor, 322
Cushings, the pantomimists, 150, 165
Dale’s music booth, 64
Dancey, Mrs. and Miss, the dancers, 131
Day, the showman, 298
Day’s menagerie, 355, 375
Dawson, the dwarf, 313
Derrum, Miss, the female tumbler, 115
Doggett, the comedian, 74, 79
Dogs, performing, 85, 169, 178, 307
Drury’s menagerie, 310
Ducrow, Madame, the rope-dancer, 335
Dunstall’s theatrical booth, 175
Dupain, the showman, 313
Dutch boy, wonderful, 70
"rope-dancer, 53, 150
Dwarf family, 298
Dyan, Ursula, the bearded woman, 47
Edmunds, the menagerist, 337, 355
Egleton, Mrs., the actress, 108
Elephant, performing, 284
"escape of an, 288, 347
Elliston, the theatrical manager, 236
England, the flying pieman, 240
Esquimaux youth, 294
Evans, the wire-walker, 172
Ewing’s wax-work exhibition, 306, 310
Excell, the duettist, 123
Fairgrieve’s menagerie, 365
Farnham, the dwarf, 313
Faucit, the actor, 221
Fawkes, the conjuror, 110, 112, 117
""showman, 116, 123, 139, 150
Ferguson’s wax-work exhibition, 310
Fielding, the novelist, 103, 107, 110, 113, 119, 124, 127
Finch, the posturer, 313
Finley, the acrobat, 73
"Mary, the rope-dancer, 73, 78
Fitzgerald, Mrs., the actress, 110, 123
Fives Court drinking booth, 333
Flemish giantess, 47
Flockton, the juggler and showman, 191, 200, 202, 206
Ford, the gingerbread vendor, 99
Fossett’s circus, 358
Frano, Mdlle. de, the dancer, 131
Frazer, the conjuror, 303
Frazer’s acrobatic entertainment, 341
Freer, the tragedian, 344
French, the single-stick player, 158
Gaetano, the bird imitator, 187
Garrick, the actor, 165
German rope-dancers, 50, 63, 73
Giffard, the theatrical manager, 106, 130
Gipsies’ drinking booth, 333
Girardelli, Josephine, the fire-eater, 235
Glee-men and glee-maidens, 19
Gobert, Madame, the athlete, 244
Godwin, the showman, 151
Goodwin’s theatrical booth, 143
Gouffe, the man-monkey, 306
Gregory, the showman, 374
Griffin, the actor, 107, 114, 137
Grosette, the actor, 225
Grove’s theatre of arts, 341
Gyngell, the showman, 207, 238, 254
Haines, the fire-eater, 311
Hales, the Norfolk giant, 350
Hall, the rope-dancer, 43, 45
""actor, 108, 119
Hall’s museum, 192
Hallam, the tragedian, 107, 114, 119, 127, 131, 138, 143
Harper, the comedian, 96, 103, 109, 111, 114, 118, 137
Harris, the cat imitator, 182
Harris, the showman, 313
Haydon’s theatrical booth, 320
Heads, lecture on, 186
Heidegger, Master of the Revels, 139
Herring, the pantomimist, 322, 336
Hewet, the comedian, 109
Hilton’s menagerie, 336, 341, 359
Hilton, Miss, the lion-performer, 336
Hind, the actor, 121
Hippisley, the tragedian, 108, 110, 113, 119, 127, 132, 138, 143
"Miss, the actress, 162
Hipson, Miss, the fat girl, 289
Hoare, the showman, 243
Hocus Pocus, the King’s conjuror, 30
Hog, enormous, 154
Holden’s glass-blowing exhibition, 299, 301
Holland’s, Lady, mob, 125, 201, 256
Horses, performing, 20, 23, 43, 83, 164, 178, 202, 305
Horton, Mrs., the actress, 94
Howard, the actor, 348, 355
Hoyo’s wax-work exhibition, 310
Hulett, the comedian, 105, 109, 114, 120
Hussey’s theatrical booth, 145, 115
Phantasmagorial exhibitions, 311
Philips, the fiddler and clown, 54, 57
Phillips, the posturer, 113
""showman, 164
""comedian, 133
"Mrs., the dancer, 134
"the Welsh dwarf, 294
Pidcock’s menagerie, 186
Pierce, the gigantic Shropshire youth, 313
Pig-faced lady, 303, 305
Pigs, learned, 178, 243, 297, 301, 314
Pike’s theatrical booth, 303
Pinchbeck, the mechanist, 110, 116, 123, 134, 139
Pinkethman, the puppet showman, 83
Polito’s menagerie, 187, 209
Powell, the comedian, 105
""fire-eater, 179
""puppet showman, 83
Price, the equestrian, 309
Pritchard, Mrs., the actress, 113, 120, 127
Pullen’s theatrical booth, 105
Punch and Judy shows, 27
Punchinello, the puppet showman, 29
Purden, Mrs., the actress, 121
Quin, the comedian, 95
Rapinese, the posturer, 131
Ray, the comedian, 104
Rayner’s theatrical booth, 105
"the tumbler, 149
"Miss, the rope-dancer, 149
Reader, the showman, 341
Reed, the actor, 225, 317
Reed’s theatrical booth, 350
Reverant, Madlle. de, the rope-dancer, 115
Reynolds, the comedian, 104, 106
""showman, 151, 154
Richardson, the fire-eater, 48
""showman, 217, 230, 235, 239, 248, 264, THE END.