ornament: elephant and man "You Lucullus Juniper! Has yo' done gone into yo' secon' chile-hood? What you bringin' ole woreout cast-iron images wif dey arms broke off roun' here fo'?" "Don' you pester yo'sef 'bout dat figger Emmerline Jane; dat's a little surprise fo' Vi'let!" "Now you Vi'let, dis here gen'l'min is a mos' pertickler fren' ov mine. If I go 'way an' leave you, I don' want none ov yo' kicken tricks; you heah me?" "Dat's a mos' pertickler fren' ov his'n; well, I should smile!"– –"but bizness is bizness, an' here goes–!" "—!!!!!" "Brer 'Cullus, yo' 'pears to be mighty cheerful fo' a man dat's stanin' on the aidge ov de grave!" "I ain' gwine ter die jist yit, Brer Hacklefeather!" "Ain' dat yo' kicken' muel Vi'let?" "Dis here my muel Vi'let, but she ain' a kicken mule no mo'! She done had a 'sperience!" |