CHAPTER I. | Page | Geographical Outline of California | 7 | CHAPTER II. | Discovery of California | 11 | CHAPTER III. | From the first Settlement to the Revolution in Mexico | 20 | CHAPTER IV. | From the Revolution till the War between the United States and Mexico | 24 | CHAPTER V. | From the Commencement of the War till its Close | 27 | CHAPTER VI. | Discovery of the Gold Placers | 36 | CHAPTER VII. | Adventures of some of the Miners, and Incidents connected with Mining | 56 | CHAPTER VIII. | Description of some of the Cities and towns of California, before and after the discovery of the Gold Mines | 87 | CHAPTER IX. | The Formation of a State Government | 118 | CHAPTER X. | Present state of California | 132 | CHAPTER XI. | The different Routes to California, and their respective characters | 181 | CHAPTER XII. | Recent Events connected with, and happening in, California | 218 | CHAPTER XIII. | The Mineralogical and other characteristics of Gold, and the mode of distinguishing it when found; together with the assay, reduction, and refinement of Gold | 233 | CHAPTER XIV. | Additional Recent Events | 243 | CHAPTER XV. | A General View of California at the present time | 255 | CHAPTER XVI. | Natural History of California | 275 | Appendix | 287 | THE HISTORY OF CALIFORNIA