ADDITIONAL RECENT EVENTS. The history of the laws of a State affords the best idea of its social condition—present and prospective; for they are framed from the necessity of circumstances and the demands of the inhabitants. We may, therefore, see the condition and the progress of the Californians in their legislative transactions. The California Legislature adjourned on the 22d April. They have passed a law creating a State assayer, until a mint be established in California. Among the one hundred and forty-three acts and joint resolutions passed, we notice the following: To incorporate the cities of Benecia, San Diego, San Jose, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Sonoma, and Santa Barbara, and a general act for the incorporation of cities; concerning the State revenue, etc., and its management; creating loans temporarily, appropriations, and other fiscal acts; relating to the appointment of pilots, regulating the duties of harbor masters, declaring certain rivers, etc., navigable, creating health Here we have all the machinery necessary for the full regulation of a large, commercial, agricultural, manufacturing, Agriculture in California appears to be improving, and as it is getting to be as profitable as any thing else, it is attracting increased attention. Boxes of garden seeds which had cost nine dollars, have been sold for one hundred dollars, and scythes which cost three dollars, sold for forty-five dollars. The seeds which were sent around Cape Horn, were almost useless, while those which went over the Isthmus, hermetically sealed, came up first. One man near San Jose, has made fifty thousand dollars by raising potatoes. What toil in digging and washing gold would be necessary to realize that amount! Among the recent mining incidents, the following is remarkable:—Last winter, three men accidentally struck upon a rich deposit of gold, in a gulch about twelve miles from Knight's Ferry, on the Stanislaus River, and four or five miles back from it. They worked this vein with great success, managing to keep it a secret, until an Indian, wandering through the locality, discovered the secret, and communicated it to his tribe. The next day, several hundred Indians fell to work, with the same success; but as they spent Imitation lumps of gold have been made and brought into circulation in California. The State Assayer states that above forty specimens have been brought to his notice. They are generally in size from four to five ounces to a pound in weight—quartz, and every thing else necessary to make them look right, properly intermixed. It has been definitely settled that gold does exist in the vicinity of San JosÉ. Specimens have been taken to San Francisco. Several artesian wells have been constructed at San Francisco, since the second great fire, and it is thought that others will soon add to the comfort and convenience of the people of that city. The want of good water for drinking purposes, has been the most serious objection to San Francisco as a place of residence; and additional incentive to exertion in the matter is furnished by the constant apprehension of destructive fires.[20] Coal has been discovered in California, in various places, and is reported to abound in considerable quantities in the neighborhood of San Francisco. Every day developes some new wealth of this land of The Trinity River and Humboldt Harbor, in the north-western part of California, have lately become a resort for the superfluous population of the Sacramento and San Joaquin regions. The harbor is pronounced a very good one, and the discovery of abundance of gold on the branches of Trinity River, will, doubtless, contribute to the building of a large town upon its shores. In the middle of June, there was much excitement in San Francisco, caused by the reported discovery of a gold lake, among the mountains between the South Fork of Feather River and the Yuba. One man was said to have got $7000 in four days, and a party of ten Kanakas were reported to have got $75,000 in a The following extract from the Placer Times of the 17th of July, 1850, under the head of "Great Discoveries of Gold—Gold Lake," will afford the reader a lively conception of the degree of excitement caused in California by every new announcement of a newly discovered locality abounding in gold: "We were inclined to give only an average degree of credit to stories that have reached us during the past few days, of the unprecedented richness which this locality has developed. A few moments passed in Marysville on Saturday, convinced us that there is much more show of reality in this last eureka report, than usually attaches to the like. In a year's experience of local excitements from the same cause, we have seen none equal to what now prevails in that town. It has visited all the inhabitants indiscriminately, lawyers, doctors and judges, traders, teamsters, mechanics and gamblers. Our readers know we are the last to justify the circulation of unfounded or exaggerated reports, but we deem it right to conceal nothing of what may prove (for aught that we can see to the contrary) one of the most astounding discoveries in the modern history of diggings. The specimens brought into Marysville are of a value from $1600 down. Ten ounces is reported as no unusual yield to a panfull, and the first party of sixty, which started out under the guidance of one who had returned successful, were assured that they would not get less than $500 each per day. We were told that the previous The distance to Gold Lake was first reported two hundred miles; the best informed, however, say that it is but little more than half of that. It lies at a very considerable elevation among the mountains that divide the waters of the South Fork of Feather from those of the north branch of the Yuba. The direction from Marysville is a little north of east. The story has of course spread ere this far and wide among the miners high up on the Feather and Yuba, and the spot will be as crowded as all other good places are, ere the tardy adventurer from this region could reach it. The region of the Gold Lake wonders is a new one, however, and lies between what are established to be diggings of unsurpassed richness. It is our belief that it is better for one who has got some initiation into the gold mysteries, (if there be any,) not to be content in old 'used up' localities, but to push along to the great field yet unexplored; and that, though the search be long and laborious, the big lift is ultimately pretty sure for those who are patient and persevering." MONTEREY. The same paper of July 18th, contains additional particulars, having a tendency to add plausibility to the reports. Among other things, a man by the name of McLelland came into Marysville on the 17th, with $7000, the result of four days' labor at Gold Lake. The Transcript speaks rather doubtingly on the subject; it says—"The reports come as a general thing, through teamsters and other persons whose interest it is to give as favorable accounts as possible. The statements are very conflicting." To this we may add the statement of a gentleman who reached this city from Marysville, direct, on Tuesday night. The excitement, he says, is great; but no one could give any definite information of the locality or of its productiveness. Yet all seemed to think there was no doubt in the matter, and as many as could get away were starting, or getting ready to push for the new El Dorado. Upon his way down, on board the boat, he conversed with a man who professed to have explored that region lately, although he did not claim to know where Gold Lake was. But between the North Fork of the Yuba and Feather Rivers, at the foot of the great chain of mountains, he reported a series of lakes of various dimensions, and "two thousand people," prospecting all about. The snow was very deep—"six feet"—and but little gold. The following extract from the Placer Times, is the most positive information within our knowledge. On the arrival of the "Lawrence," yesterday, from Marysville, we received more news of the Gold Lake excitement, now prevailing in those parts. It promises to spare no one. Many who would not be understood to have yielded to it, seek, under various pretences, to get away—some pleading business in other quarters of the mines; others desiring the recreation "This party, it is understood, came near losing their way, from the difficulty the guide found in retracing his path, after the snow had melted. Fortunately, however, they encountered another man, who was on his way returning, and he showed the track. The second person has since left with a much larger party, who are to give him two hundred dollars each, and the same forfeit is provided. The spot is described as very difficult of approach, and it is feared that many will lose their way. A party of ten Kanakas are reported to have wintered at Gold Lake, subsisting chiefly on the flesh of their animals. They are said to have taken out about $75,000 the first week. The lake is not large, and, after the wet season ceases, has no outlet; at present, however, the water runs over the basin, and finds its way into the North Fork of Feather River. At a lower stage, it admits of easy drainage, and the undertaking is already projected. "Of course the most extravagant anticipations are founded on the result of this work, induced by the yield from the borders of the lake which have already been realized. The "placer" proper is very limited, and little encouragement is given as to the character of the surrounding country; indeed, it is probably entirely unexplored, as the region lies about as far up among the snows as the most adventurous have yet penetrated." The Yuba River is destined to be thoroughly rifled of its wealth. Three miles above the new town of Lina, a company has turned the river from its course, and made it run through a lateral slough. Prospecting of the bed has proved very satisfactory, and the shares in the company's stock have sold at a high rate. As was apprehended, various difficulties have occurred between the owners of land at Sacramento City, and a large number of squatters upon it. The ground was bought and surveyed, and the title to ownership was perfect. But the number of emigrants who arrive at Sacramento at particular seasons forces them to encamp outside of the regularly built town, and when thus encamped, they consider themselves as settlers, and are unwilling to give up possession of the ground. The power of the law has been called into requisition several times to eject these squatters. The emigrants to California by way of the Great Salt Lake route have endured terrible hardships during the present year. The rigors of the season, and the want of water, have been but secondary matters. The Indians, always unfriendly, have been particularly hostile, and several battles between them and the emigrants have taken place. In one of the battles, thirty Indians were killed, while the whites had several The great body of the emigrants continue to take the old route, which we have elsewhere described, and find that it is the safest and shortest of the land routes. Judging from the statements of the number of emigrants who have passed Fort Laramie this season, we should say, that the route could scarcely be called a wilderness, when it is impossible to travel thirty miles without meeting with parties and families of whites. Part of this tide of emigration will flow to Oregon, no doubt, on account of the fertile lands to be there obtained; but the golden land will get the bulk of it. In a recent tour through the region bordering on Moqueleme River, in California, a couple of gentlemen from Stockton, discovered a cave or grotto of great extent. They found that it contained large quantities of stalactite, and saw evidences of gold. The Indians who accompanied the gentlemen were horror stricken at their audacity, when they entered a cave which tradition said no man returned from alive. The skeleton of a human being was found at some distance from the opening. An event has occurred which will no doubt exercise a great influence on California affairs. This is the discovery of the existence of abundance of gold in Oregon territory. The discovery created great excitement through the various cities and towns of Oregon, and the northern towns of California. That which is exhibited, shows an entirely different character |