Indian Fight on the Little Muskingum. The Squatter's Wife and Daughter. Murder of Cornstalk and his Son. Desertion of a young White Man, from a party of Indians. THE WOUNDED PIONEER. HEROES AND HUNTERS OF THE WEST: COMPRISING SKETCHES AND ADVENTURES OF BOONE, KENTON, BRADY, LOGAN, WHETZEL, FLEEHART, HUGHES, JOHNSTON, &c. PHILADELPHIA: H. C. PECK & THEO. BLISS. 1860. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1853, BY H. C. PECK & THEO. BLISS, in the Clerk’s Office of the District Court of the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. CONTENTS.
PREFACE. To the lovers of thrilling adventure, the title of this work would alone be its strongest recommendation. The exploits of the Heroes of the West, need but a simple narration to give them an irresistible charm. They display the bolder and rougher features of human nature in their noblest light, softened and directed by virtues that have appeared in the really heroic deeds of every age, and form pages in the history of this country destined to be read and admired when much that is now deemed more important is forgotten. It is true, that, with the lights of this age, we regard many of the deeds of our western pioneer as aggressive, barbarous, and unworthy of civilized men. But there is no truly noble heart that will not swell in admiration of the devotion and disinterestedness of Benjamin Logan, the self-reliant energy of Boone and Whetzel, and the steady firmness and consummate military skill of George Rogers Clarke. The people of this country need records of the lives of such men, and we have attempted to present these in an attractive form. CAPTURE OF BOONE. HEROES OF THE WEST. |