| PAGE | Abbott, the clown | 247 | Adams, the equestrian | 62, 86 | ””clown | 263 | Adrian, Miss, the equestrian | 203 | Agouste, the juggler | 110 | Airec, the gymnast | 162 | Alexander, Brothers, the acrobats | 192 | Amburgh, Van, the lion-tamer | 89, 97, 117 | ”””circus proprietor | 238 | American circuses | 223 | Ames, the circus proprietor | 252 | Anderson’s circus | 247 | Angela, the female Samson | 231 | Arab vaulters, first in England | 85 | Arthur and Bertrand, the clowns | 167 | Astley, Philip, the equestrian | 17, 28, 46, 48, 51, 53 | ”Mrs, the equestrian | 19 | ”John, the equestrian | 29, 33, 46, 53, 56 | Atalie, the man with the iron jaw | 231 | Athos, Brothers, the gymnasts | 280 | Atkins’s lion and tigress at Astley’s | 79 | Avolo, the gymnast | 193 | Azella, the female gymnast | 179 | | Bailey’s circus and menagerie | 245 | Balize, the lion-performer | 246 | Banks, the horse-charmer | 4 | Bannister, Miss, the equestrian | 56 | ” the circus proprietor | 66 | Baptiste, the rope-dancer | 27 | Barnum, the great showman | 221, 225, 226 | Barr, the falconer | 143 | Barry, the clown | 96, 109, 118, 142 | Barry, the lyrical jester | 212 | Barrymore, the manager | 15 | | Eaton and Stone’s circus | 126 | Ella, the equestrian | 126 | Elliot, Brothers, the acrobats | 143, 188 | Ellis, Brothers, the gymnasts | 162 | Elliston, the manager | 48, 58, 80 | Ellistria. See Ellis. | | Elsler, Mdlle, the ascensionist | 143, 240 | Espagnole, La Belle, the rope-dancer | 36, 44, 46 | | Fanque, Pablo, the circus proprietor | 97, 99, 117, 135, 160, 192 | Farci. See Ferzi. | | Farini, the gymnast | 186 | Fawkes, the posturer and juggler | 12 | Ferzi, the rope-dancer | 16 | Fish, the equestrian | 210 | Fitzball, the hippo-dramatist | 51, 140 | Forcer, the manager | 8 | Forepaugh’s circus and menagerie | 241 | Fossett’s circus | 161 | Francisco, Brothers, the gymnasts | 144, 162 | Franconi, the circus proprietor | 111, 117, 121 | Franconi’s circus | 46, 55, 136, 142, 190 | Franks, the clown | 188, 197, 263, 275 | Fredericks, the equestrian | 193 | French’s circus | 245 | Frowde, the clown | 197, 203 | | Gallot, the equestrian | 52 | Gardner and Forepaugh’s circus and menagerie | 241 | Garlick, the lion-performer | 103 | Garmon, the acrobat | 21, 27 | Geraldine, Mdlle, the gymnast | 97 | | Nathans, the circus proprietor | 245 | Nemo, Brothers, the jugglers | 170 | Nevit, the acrobat | 22 | Newsome, the circus proprietor | 98, 107, 109, 126, 138, 159, 270, 275 | ””lion-performer | 132 | ”Miss Adele, the equestrian | 187, 190, 263, 275 | ””Emma,”” | 264 | ””Marie,”” | 264, 275 | Niblo, the gymnast | 153 | Nomora’s feats of activity | 16 | North, the vaulter | 94 | ”the showman | 246 | Noyes’s circus | 248 | | O’Donnel, the antipodean equilibrist | 61 | O’Donnell, Miss, the equestrian | 102 | Older’s circus and menagerie | 247 | Olmar, the gymnast | 186 | Oscar, the equestrian | 192 | | Parelli, the gymnast | 166 | Pastor, the equestrian | 245 | Pauliere, Mdlle, the equestrian | 231 | Payne family, the pantomimists | 275 | Pentland, the clown | 252 | Pereira, Mdlle, the female gymnast | 180 | Phillipi, the conjurer. See Graham. | | Phillips, the acrobat | 20 | Plege, the rope-dancer | 98, 109, 117 | Polaski, the equestrian | 97 | Porter, the acrobat | 24, 40 | Powell, John, the equestrian | 97, 117, 125 | ”William,” | 192, 195 | Price, the equestrian | 16 | ””vaulter | 86, 94 | ”Brothers, the gymnasts | 157 | | Zamezou, the acrobat | 257, 263 | Zebras at Astley’s | 79 |
On p. 40, the transcription of an advertisement refers to ‘fricapee’ dancing, which is likely a misprint for ‘fricassee’, which appears later in the same advertisement and is, it seems, an old French folk dance. The apparent error has been allowed to stand. Errors deemed most likely to be the printer’s have been corrected, and are noted here. The references are to the page and line in the original. The following issues should be noted, along with the resolutions. 71.20 | shall the fool reply, “Then I do,[’/”] | Replaced. | 307.28 | The sum collected is the ‘nob.[’] | Added. | |