
Abbott, the clown 247
Adams, the equestrian 62, 86
””clown 263
Adrian, Miss, the equestrian 203
Agouste, the juggler 110
Airec, the gymnast 162
Alexander, Brothers, the acrobats 192
Amburgh, Van, the lion-tamer 89, 97, 117
”””circus proprietor 238
American circuses 223
Ames, the circus proprietor 252
Anderson’s circus 247
Angela, the female Samson 231
Arab vaulters, first in England 85
Arthur and Bertrand, the clowns 167
Astley, Philip, the equestrian 17, 28, 46, 48, 51, 53
”Mrs, the equestrian 19
”John, the equestrian 29, 33, 46, 53, 56
Atalie, the man with the iron jaw 231
Athos, Brothers, the gymnasts 280
Atkins’s lion and tigress at Astley’s 79
Avolo, the gymnast 193
Azella, the female gymnast 179
Bailey’s circus and menagerie 245
Balize, the lion-performer 246
Banks, the horse-charmer 4
Bannister, Miss, the equestrian 56
” the circus proprietor 66
Baptiste, the rope-dancer 27
Barnum, the great showman 221, 225, 226
Barr, the falconer 143
Barry, the clown 96, 109, 118, 142
Barry, the lyrical jester 212
Barrymore, the manager 15
Eaton and Stone’s circus 126
Ella, the equestrian 126
Elliot, Brothers, the acrobats 143, 188
Ellis, Brothers, the gymnasts 162
Elliston, the manager 48, 58, 80
Ellistria. See Ellis.
Elsler, Mdlle, the ascensionist 143, 240
Espagnole, La Belle, the rope-dancer 36, 44, 46
Fanque, Pablo, the circus proprietor 97, 99, 117, 135, 160, 192
Farci. See Ferzi.
Farini, the gymnast 186
Fawkes, the posturer and juggler 12
Ferzi, the rope-dancer 16
Fish, the equestrian 210
Fitzball, the hippo-dramatist 51, 140
Forcer, the manager 8
Forepaugh’s circus and menagerie 241
Fossett’s circus 161
Francisco, Brothers, the gymnasts 144, 162
Franconi, the circus proprietor 111, 117, 121
Franconi’s circus 46, 55, 136, 142, 190
Franks, the clown 188, 197, 263, 275
Fredericks, the equestrian 193
French’s circus 245
Frowde, the clown 197, 203
Gallot, the equestrian 52
Gardner and Forepaugh’s circus and menagerie 241
Garlick, the lion-performer 103
Garmon, the acrobat 21, 27
Geraldine, Mdlle, the gymnast 97
Nathans, the circus proprietor 245
Nemo, Brothers, the jugglers 170
Nevit, the acrobat 22
Newsome, the circus proprietor 98, 107, 109, 126, 138, 159, 270, 275
””lion-performer 132
”Miss Adele, the equestrian 187, 190, 263, 275
””Emma,”” 264
””Marie,”” 264, 275
Niblo, the gymnast 153
Nomora’s feats of activity 16
North, the vaulter 94
”the showman 246
Noyes’s circus 248
O’Donnel, the antipodean equilibrist 61
O’Donnell, Miss, the equestrian 102
Older’s circus and menagerie 247
Olmar, the gymnast 186
Oscar, the equestrian 192
Parelli, the gymnast 166
Pastor, the equestrian 245
Pauliere, Mdlle, the equestrian 231
Payne family, the pantomimists 275
Pentland, the clown 252
Pereira, Mdlle, the female gymnast 180
Phillipi, the conjurer. See Graham.
Phillips, the acrobat 20
Plege, the rope-dancer 98, 109, 117
Polaski, the equestrian 97
Porter, the acrobat 24, 40
Powell, John, the equestrian 97, 117, 125
”William,” 192, 195
Price, the equestrian 16
””vaulter 86, 94
”Brothers, the gymnasts 157
Zamezou, the acrobat 257, 263
Zebras at Astley’s 79

Transcriber’s Note

On p. 40, the transcription of an advertisement refers to ‘fricapee’ dancing, which is likely a misprint for ‘fricassee’, which appears later in the same advertisement and is, it seems, an old French folk dance. The apparent error has been allowed to stand.

Errors deemed most likely to be the printer’s have been corrected, and are noted here. The references are to the page and line in the original. The following issues should be noted, along with the resolutions.

71.20 shall the fool reply, “Then I do,[’/”] Replaced.
307.28 The sum collected is the ‘nob.[’] Added.


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