

wach´sen (wuchs, gewachsen), to grow; wÜchse! would or might grow!

wa´cker, good, valiant, gallant.

Wa´gen, m. (pl. ), carriage, coach, stage-coach; am Wagen hin, along the side of the stage-coach.

wa´gen, to risk, to dare, to undertake.

Wahl, f. (pl. -en), choice.

wÄh´len, to choose.

wahr, true; nicht wahr? is it not so?

wÄh´rend (genit.), during; (conj.) while.

Wai´senkind, n. (pl. -er), orphan (-child).

Wai´senknabe, m. (pl. -n), orphan (-boy).

Wald, m. (pl. -̈er), wood(s), forest.

Wald´ecke, f. (pl. -n), edge of the wood.

Wand, f. (pl. -̈e), wall; an der Wand, along the wall.

wan´dern, to wander; to be taken, to be put or packed.

Wan´ge, f. (pl. -n), cheek.

wan´ken, to falter, to fail.

wann, when; dann und wann, (every) now and then, at times.

Wap´pen, n. (pl. ), escutcheon, coat of arms.

war; wa´ren, see auxil. sein.

wÄr´ = wÄre, would be.

wÄ´ren = wÜrden sein, would have; would be.

war´fen ... um, see umwerfen.

warm, warm(ly), passionate(ly).

war´nen, to warn, to caution, to counsel prudence.

wÄr´s = wÜrde es sein.

war´ten, to wait (for, auf).

was, what (= etwas), somewhat, something; was noch, what else.

was´sergeprÜft (p.p.), water-proof, water-tight.

Was´serglas, n. (pl. -̈er), tumbler.

wat (dialect.), what.

we´cken, to waken, to call (up).

Weck´schnitt, m. (pl. -e), or Weckschnitte, f. (pl. -n) (rhomb-shaped) slice of bread.

we´der, neither; weder ... noch (correlat.), neither ... nor.

Weg, m. (pl. -e), way, road.

weg, away; weit weg, far away.

weg´holen, to (fetch) call away.

weg´ziehen (zog, gezogen), intrans. to move away.

weh´thun (that, gethan), to ache, to give pain.

we´he (adj.), aching, painful; Einem wehe thun, to hurt one’s feelings.

we´hen, to blow, to wave.

weh´mÜtig, woeful(ly), doleful(ly).

weh´ren, sich, to resist.

Weib, n. (pl. -er), woman, wife.

Weib´chen, n. (pl. ), (pretty) young wife.

weich, soft, gentle, mild.

wei´hen, to devote.

weil, because, as, since.

Wei´le, f., while, pause.

Wein, m. (pl. -e), wine.

wei´nen, to weep, to shed tears.

Wei´se, f. (pl. -n), manner, way; melody, air.

1. weiß (adj.), white.

2. weiß (verb), see wissen.

weit; wei´ter, far; further on; nicht mehr weiter, not any further; weiter ziehen, to move on, to proceed.

wei´te (der), wide.

wei´tere (der), further; ohne weiteres, without any more ado, without ceremony, off-hand.

wel´cher, wel´che, wel´ches, who, which; welcher? which?

wel´ken, to fade, to wither.

Welt, f., world; auf der Welt, in the (whole) world.

Welt´getÜmmel, n., bustle (turmoil, throng) of the world.

wen, whom.

wen´den (wandte, gewandt), sich, to address (one, an), to apply or to appeal (to, an).

Wen´dung, f. (pl. -en), turning-point, crisis.

we´nig; we´nige, little; a few.

wenn, if, when, whenever; wie wenn, as if.

wer, who, he who; wer? who? wer ... der, who.

wer´ben (warb, geworben), to woo, to court (one, um).

wer´den (wurde [ward], geworden), to become, to turn out; or auxil. for the formation of the pass. voice and the fut., and the cond. act.

wer´fen (warf, geworfen), to throw, to cast.

Wer´fener, of (the town of) Werfen.

wert, worth, valuable, dear; werthalten, to esteem, to value.

Wet´ter, n. (bad) weather, "wild weather" (Longfellow).

Wet´terloch, n. (pl. -̈er), bad-weather-quarter.

wickeln, to wrap.

wie, as, like; how? Wie heißen Sie? what are you called? what is your name?

wie´der, again.

Wie´dersehen, n., meeting again.

wiewohl´, although.

wild, wild, impetuous.

wild´fremd (or wildfremd´), utterly strange, utter stranger.

will, see wollen.

Wind, m. (pl. -e), wind, breeze.

win´ken, to beckon (to, dat.).

Win´ter, m. (pl. —), winter.

wir, we.

wirk´lich, real(ly), actual(ly), true (truly); wirklich? is that so?

wirst, see werden.

Wirt, m. (pl. -e), landlord.

Wirt´schaft, f. (pl. -en), (colloq.), doings, goings on.

wi´schen, to wipe.

wis´sen (pres. t., weiß, weißt, weiß; wissen, etc.), wußte, gewußt, to know; er weiß nicht zu fragen, he cannot tell; wisse! you must know! let me tell you!

Wis´senschaft, f. (pl. -en), science, learning.

wit´tern, to scent.

wo, where (place), when (time).

Wo´che, f. (pl. -n), week.

wo´chenlang, for weeks.

wo´gen, to wave, to surge.

woher´ (emphat. wo´her), whence, from where.

wohin´ (emphat. wo´hin), whither, where.

wohl (adj.), agreeable, well, comforting, happy; Einem wohl thun, to do one good; (adv.E-9), well, ja wohl, very well; (explet.) I think, perhaps, no doubt; wohl aber, but much more.

wohl´gefÜhlt (p.p.), well-supplied.

wohl´gesetzt (p.p.), well-turned, well-worded.

woh´nen, to live, to reside.

Wol´ke, f, (pl. -n), cloud.

wol´len (pres. t., will, willst, will; wollen, etc.), to wish, to want, will; to be about to.

womit´ (emphat. wo´mit), wherewith with which, by which.

won´nig, delightful; sonnig und wonnig, perhaps: "sunny and funny."

worin´ (emphat. wor´in), in which, where.

Wort, n. (pl. -e or -̈er), word.

Wun´de, f. (pl. -n), wound; das beste fÜr die Wunden, balsam for (the) wounds.

Wun´der, n. (pl. ), wonder, surprise; es nimmt mich Wunder, it is surprising (a surprise) to me; seine blauen Wunder sehen, not to know whether one stands on his head or his heels.

wun´derbar, wondrous(ly), strange(ly), surprising(ly).

wÜn´schen, to wish, to desire.

WÜr´de, f., dignity.

wÜr´de; wÜr´den, would, should.

wÜr´dig, worthy.

wuß´ten, see wissen.



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