Tag, m. (pl. -e), day. Takt, m., tact, right feeling. Tan´ne, f. (pl. -n), fir-tree. Tan´nenbaum, m. (pl. -̈e), fir-tree. Tan´te, f. (pl. -n), aunt. Tanz, m. (pl. -̈e), dance. tanzen, to dance; der Tanzende, dancer. Ta´schentuch, n. (pl. -̈er), pocket-handkerchief. Tau´ern = die hohen Tauern, pl., High Tauern Mountains. Tau´ernhaus, n., "High Tauern Inn," Summit House. Tau´ernwirt, m., host or landlord of the "High Tauern Inn." tau´send, thousand; was tausend! (interj.) the deuce! Good Gracious! tau´sendmal, (a) thousand times. Teil, m. (pl. -e), part, share; zu teil werden, to fall to one’s share, to be granted or bestowed. tei´len, to divide, to part; sich teilen, to share; to divide itself, to fork. Tenor´, m. (pl. -e), tenor; hoher Tenor, upper tenor. Terzett´, n. (pl. -e), terzetto, trio. teu´er (attrib. teurer, teure, teures), dear (dearest); expensive. Tha´rau, Tharau (fictitious name). that ... weh, see wehthun. thÄt´s (condit., dialect. = wÜrde thun or wÜrde), would. Thee, m., tea. Thee´kessel, m. (pl. —), tea-kettle. Thor, n. (pl. -e), (city-)gate; vor die Thore, outside the city-gates. ThrÄ´ne, f. (pl. -n), tear. ThÜr(e), f. (pl. ThÜren), door. thut´s (dialect.) = thut; kennen thut’s kein Mensch (dialect.) = kein Mensch erkennt Sie. tief, deep(ly), profound(ly), lively (conversation). Tier´welt, f. animal world, animal kingdom. Tisch, m. (pl. -e), table. Toch´ter, f. (pl. -̈), daughter. TÖch´terlein, n. (pl. —), beloved daughter, darling daughter. Tod, m., death. To´desnachricht, f. (pl. -en), news of some one’s death. toll, frantic, nonsensical. Ton, m. (pl. -̈e), tone, tune, sound of one’s voice. topp! (interj.), done! agreed! Trabant´, m. (pl. -en), follower. tra´fen ... zusam´men, see zusammentreffen. traf´s (dialect.) = trÄf(e) es, might (could) hit it. tra´gen (trug, getragen), to carry, to bear, to wear. Trag´weite, f., range (of a gun). trau´en, to trust (to, dat.), to rely (upon, dat.). Traum, m. (pl. -̈e), dream; schwerer Traum, oppressive dream. trau´rig, dreary, wretched. tref´fen (traf, getroffen), to strike, to hit; sich treffen, to meet (one another). trei´ben (trieb, getrieben), to drive, to carry on, to deal, to do, to urge on, to compel. tren´nen, to separate, to part; sich trennen, to part with or from one another. treu, true (truly), faithful(ly), devoted(ly). treu´herzig, true-hearted, sincere. trin´ken (trank, getrunken), to drink. tro´cken, dry(ly), cool(ly). trock´nen, to dry, to get dry. Trost, m., solace, relief, comfort; recht bei Trost sein, to be in one’s right mind. trÖ´sten, to relieve, to cheer. trotz (genit.), in spite of. trotzdem´, nevertheless; (= trotzdem daß), although. Ty´phus, m., typhus (-fever). Tyro´ler, m. (pl. —), Tyrolese, inhabitant of Tyrol; roter Tyroler, (home-grown) claret of Tyrol. Tyro´lerhut, m. (pl. -̈e), Tyrolese hat, Alpine hat. |