RÄn´zel, n. (pl. —), knapsack. Ran´zen, m. (pl. —), knapsack. RÄnz´lein, n. (pl. —), knapsack, wallet. rasch, quick, without stop. Rast, f., rest, repose, stop. Rat, m. (pl. RatschlÄge), advice, opinion; in Gottes Rat, by divine providence. rau´chen, to smoke. Raum, m. (pl. -̈e), room. rÄu´men, to quit, to leave. r’aus (dialect.) = heraus, out (of it). Reb´n (dialect.), f. = Rebe, vine, tendril. Recht, n. (pl. -e), right; recht haben, to be right. recht, quite right, thoroughly well, very; vÖllig recht, all right. Rech´te, f., right hand, right side. rechts (adv.), at (on, to) the right. recht´schaffen (dialect.), very much, greatly, quite. Re´de, f. (pl. -n), speech, address. re´den, to speak, to say, to utter, to talk (to, mit), to have a talk with. Re´gen, m., rain. Re´gentstreet (English), f., Regent Street. reg´nen, to rain. reich, rich. rei´chen, to reach, to hold out; Einem die Hand reichen, to hold out one’s hand to one; to marry one. Reich´tum, m. (pl. -̈er), wealth, "riches" (Longfellow). Rei´he, f., row, file, line; round, turn; die Reihe ist an mir, it is my turn. rein, pure; (adv.) purely, absolutely; rein nichts, nothing at all, nothing whatever. Rei´se, f. (pl. -n), trip, journey. Rei´segedanke(n), m. (pl. Reisegedanken), thought of travelling, intention to travel. Rei´sekleid, n. (pl. -er), travelling-dress. rei´sen, to travel, (= abreisen), to start, to depart, to leave. Rei´sende(r), m. (pl. -[n]), traveller, passenger. Rei´separole, f., travelling-order. Rei´sesack, m. (pl. -̈e), travelling-bag. Rei´setasche, f. (pl. -n), travelling-bag, carpet-bag, satchel. Reiz´barkeit, f., irritability, sensitiveness, susceptibility. ’ren (dialect.) = einer. rich´ten, to turn, to direct (to, auf), "to surrender" (Longfellow). rich´tig! (adv.), quite right! right so! Rich´tigkeit, f., correctness, truth. Rie´gel, m. (pl. —), bolt. ringsumher´, round about, all round. Rit´ter, m. (pl. —), knight, cavalier. Rom, Rome. RÖs´lein, n. (pl. —), little rosebud. rot, red, bound in red cloth; rot werden, to blush. rot´backig, ruddy, red-cheeked, cherry-cheeked. RÖ´te, f., blush, flush, color. Rot´kopf, m. (pl. -̈e), red-haired person, "sandy-pate." rot´kÖpfig, red-haired. rot´wangig, ruddy-cheeked, cherry-cheeked. rÜ´cken, to move (intrans.), to advance (to, zu); nÄher rÜcken, to draw nearer. ru´fen (rief, gerufen), to shout, to call, to exclaim. Ru´he, f., rest, repose. ru´hen, to rest, to lie down. ruh´ig, easy (-ily), tranquil(ly), calm(ly). run (dialect.) = rÄnne, (might), would run or flow. rund, round, spherical. rÜ´stig, brisk(ly), vigorous(ly), active(ly). rut´schen, to glide, to slip. |