Paar, n. (pl. -e), pair, couple. paar (ein), a few. packen, to pack, to pack up. Palm´sonntag, m., Palm-Sunday. PÄr´chen, n. (pl. —), loving couple, young couple. pas´send, proper, appropriate, becoming. Paster´zengletscher, m., Pasterze Glacier. Pein, f., torment, trouble, "pain" (Longfellow). Pelz´kappe, f. (pl. -n), fur-cap, fur-coat; in der Pelzkappen, (old dat. sing.). Pensions´drache, m. (pl. -n), boarding-school dragon (— duenna or tyrant). Pensions´mutter, f. (pl. -̈), boarding-school matron (or — duenna). Pfarr´herr, m. (pl. -en), parson, clergyman. Pfei´fe, f. (pl. -n), pipe. Pfle´gebefohlene, f. (pl. -[n]), charge, ward. phili´sterhaft, pedantic, narrow-minded. Phili´sterhaftigkeit, f. (students’ slang), Philistinism, pedantry; seclusion, "dumps." Pinsel, m. (pl. —), (paint-) brush; mit dem fettesten Pinsel, with the boldest touches of a brush. Pinz´gau, n., Pinzgovia, Pinzgau. pla´gen, to torment, to trouble. Plaid, m., n. (pl. -s), plaid. Platz, m. (pl. -̈e), place, spot. plÖtz´lich (adv.), suddenly, all at once. Poesie´, f., poetry. Poet´, m. (pl. -en), poet. Post´expeditor, m. (pl. -expedito´ren), post-master. Po´stillon (or Postillion), m., postilion, post-boy, driver of a post-chaise. Post´wagen, m. (pl. —), post-chaise. prÄch´tig, magnificent, sumptuous. pras´seln, to crackle. Profes´sor, m. (pl. Professo´ren), professor; der Herr Professor, the or their Professor. Protestant´, m. (pl. -en), Protestant. prÜ´fen, to examine, to try. Punsch, m., punch. Pyrami´de, f. (pl. -n), pyramid. |