Oal´les (dialect.) = alles, everything. oanon´da (dat., dialect.) = einander or fÜr einander. ob (dat.), over, above, at, on account of, (conj.) if, whether. Ob´acht, f., attention, heed, care; Obacht geben, to pay attention. o´ben, up, above, up-stairs, (in) on the mountains. o´bere (der), upper. O´beritalien, Upper Italy, Northern Italy. obsolet´, obsolete. Och´se, m. (pl. -n), ox; (= „Zum Ochsen“), "The Ox-Inn." o´der, or. O´fen, m. (pl. -̈), stove. O´fenecke, f. (pl. -n), chimney-corner. of´fen, open, opened. offenbar´ (emphat. of´fenbar), evident(ly). Öff´nen, to open; sich Öffnen, to open (intrans.) = to be opened. oft, often, frequently. Öf´ters, often, frequently. oh´ne (accus.), without. ohnehin´, without that, apart from that. Ohr, n. (pl. -en), ear; die Ohren spitzen, to prick up one’s ears; bis Über die Ohren, up to one’s (ears) eyes. Öl, n., oil. On´kel, m. (pl. —), uncle. Operation´, f. (pl. -en), operation. Opodel´doc, m., opodeldoc-liniment. Ort, m. (pl. -e or -̈er), place, town. |