nach (dat.), after; to, towards; nach ... hinÜber, over to. Nach´barin, f. (pl. -nen), (female) neighbor. Nach´barschaft, f., neighborhood; (collectiv.) neighbors. nach´folgen, to follow (one, dat.). nach´gemacht (p.p.), imitated, fictitious. nachgera´de, gradually, at length, by degrees, by that time. nach´hÄngen (for nachhangen), to give way (to, dat.), to indulge (in, dat.). nach´senden (sandte, gesandt), to send after. nach´spÜren, to investigate. nÄch´ste (der), next. nÄchst´folgende (der), immediately following, one at whose home the next meeting is to take place. Nacht, f. (pl. -̈e), night. Nacht´licht, n. (pl. -er), bedroom-candle, rush-light. Nacht´quartier, n. (pl. -e), night-quarters. Na´gel, m.E-8 (pl. -̈), nail; mit NÄgeln beschlagen, clouted. nah, nÄ´her, nÄchst, near, (nearer, nearest); close, at hand, in detail; nahe daran, close by (it). Na´me(n), m. (pl. Namen), name. nÄm´lich (adv.), that is to say, to wit, you must know. Na´se, f. (pl. -n), nose; der Nase nach, in the direction of one’s nose; follow your nose! NÄs´se, f., wetness, dampness; in gleicher NÄsse, in the same rain, as drenched as ourselves. naß, wet; fluid, liquid; etwas nasses, some kind of wet goods. Natur´, f. (pl. -en), nature. naturell´, real, genuine, true. Nea´pel, Naples. ne´ben (dat., accus.), by the side of, next to. nebenbei´, incidentally, by way of parenthesis. nebst (dat.), together with. neh´ma (dialect.) = nehmen. neh´men (nahm, genommen), to take; Einen Wunder nehmen, to be surprising to one. nein, no. ’nein (dialect.) = hinein, i.e. sich hinein´stÜrzen, to rush into. nen´nen (nannte, genannt), to call, to name. neu, new; aufs neue, anew, again. neu´gierig, curious(ly), inquisitive(ly), staring(ly). nicht, not. Nich´te, f. (pl. -n), niece. nichts, nothing, not anything; nichts mehr, nothing any more; nichts als, nothing but; noch nichts, nothing as yet. ni´cken, to nod; dankend nicken, to express one’s thanks by nodding. nie, never. nie´derbayrisch, of Lower Bavaria. nie´dere (der), lower. nie´derlassen (ließ, gelassen), sich, to sit down, to take a seat; to settle, to locate or to fix one’s self. Nie´derrhein, m., Lower Rhine; am Niederrhein, somewhere on the banks of the Lower Rhine. nie´derrheinisch, from the Lower Rhine. nie´derwerfen (warf, geworfen), to prostrate. nie´mand, no one, nobody. nit (dialect.) = nicht. nix (dialect.) = nichts, nothing, not ... anything. noch, yet, still, more; immer noch, still; noch nicht, not yet; noch nichts, not yet anything, nothing as yet; was noch, what else; weder ... noch, neither ... nor. Nor´den, m., north; nach Norden, (towards the) north. Not, f. (pl. -̈e), need, distress. No´te, f. (pl. -n), note, (pl.) music. No´tenbuch, n. (pl. -̈er), music-book, singing-book. Not´fall, m. (pl. -̈e), case of need, extreme case. not´wendig, necessary. Nr. (abbrev. = Nummer, f.), number. nun (adv.), now; (explet.), well! sure enough! nun ja, well, then; yes, indeed. nur, only, no one but. |