ma´chen, to make, to do, to try; ein Gesicht machen, to look. MÄd´chen, n. (pl. —), girl, maid. Madon´na, f. (pl. Madonnen), Madonna, Holy Virgin. mag, see mÖgen. MÄgd´lein, n. (pl. —), young girl. Ma´gen, m. stomach, appetite. mah´nen, to warn, to remind, to urge, to press. Mai, m., May (month). Main, m., Main (river). Mal, n. (pl. -e), time; zum ersten Mal, for the first time. mal (unaccentuated) = einmal´, just, or won’t you? ma´len, to paint, to picture, to depict. man, one; we, you, they, people, or by pass. voice. man´cher, man´che, man´ches, many a, many a man or one. manch´mal, several times, repeatedly. Mann, m. (pl. -̈er), man, husband, gentleman; woher der MÄnner? of what nationality? Manns´leute, pl. men, fellows. Manns´person, f. (pl. -en), male, male person. Marsch, m. (pl. -̈e), march, marching. Maschi´ne, f. (pl. -n), machine, tea-oven; auf der Maschine, with the tea-kitchen or tea-oven. Mas´ke, f. (pl. -n), mask, disguise. mÄ´ßig, moderate, slender, slim. Mat´te, f. (pl. -n), Alpine meadow. Meer, n. (pl. -e), sea, ocean, Mediterranean. mehr, more; nichts mehr, nothing any more. mein, mei´ne, mein, my. mei´nen, to mean, to remark, to think, to expect. mei´nige (der, die, das), my own, mine. meist, most; am meisten (adv. superl.), most of all. mel´den, to announce, to take in some one’s name or card. melo´disch, melodious. Mensch, m. (pl. -en), man, mankind, individual; pl. people. Men´schenkind, n. (pl. -er), human being. Men´schenscheu, f. misanthropy; unsociableness, solitariness. mensch´lich, human. mer´ken, to note, to perceive; etwas merken lassen, to show, to betray something. merk´wÜrdig, strange (to say), remarkable. mi (dialect.) = mich. mich (accus.), me. mild, mild. Mil´la (abbrev. of Camilla), Camilla, Millie. Miner´va, Minerva (a goddess of the Romans = "Pallas Athene" of the Greeks); Hotel Minerva, "Hotel Minerva." Mini´ster, m. (pl. —), Minister, Secretary (of Justice). mi´schen, sich, to mix, to be mixed, to mingle, to join. mit (dat.), with; (adv.) with or by one’s self; mithaben, to be supplied or provided with. mit´feiern, to help one celebrating or banqueting, to be (one) of the (wedding-)party. mit´gehen (ging, gegangen), to go along with (them), to accompany. mitsamt´, together with. Mit´tag, m. (pl. -e), midday, noon. mit´teilen, to communicate (to, dat.), to exchange, to impart (to, dat.), to make (one, dat.) acquainted. Mit´tel, pl. means, funds. mit´telst (genit.), by means of, through. Mit´telstimme, f. (pl. -n), tenor; baritone. mit´ten, in the midst; mitten unter, in among. Mit´ternacht, f. midnight. mÖ´chte (see mÖgen), might, should like. mÖg´lich, possible, eventual. MÖg´lichkeit, f. (pl. -en), chance, opportunity. mond´hell, moonlit. Mond´schein, m., moon-light; (humor.) baldness. Mond´viertel, n. (pl. —), quarter of the moon. mords´dumm (colloq.), exceedingly stupid or foolish. Mords´qualm, m. (colloq.), tremendous tobacco-smoke (filling a room.) Mor´gen, m. (pl. —), morning; des Morgens, in the morning; des Morgens frÜh, early in the morning. mor´gen, to-morrow. Mor´gengruß, m. (pl. -̈e), morning-salute, morning-music. Mor´genluft, f. (pl. -̈e), morning-breeze. mor´gens, in the morning, every morning. Mr. (= master, pronounce mister), Herr. m’r (dialect.) = wir. mÜh´sam, hard, difficult. Mund, m., mouth. mun´ter, sprightly, cheerful, blithe, awake. MÜn´ze, f. (pl. -n), coin; klingende MÜnze, clinking coin or cash. mur´meln, to grumble, to mutter. Musikant´, m. (pl. -en), musician, singer. mu´stern, to eye, to survey. muß, see mÜssen. Mut, m. mood, courage, humor; es ist mir zu Mut, I feel; es wird ihm italienisch zu Mut, he begins to feel like an Italian. Mut´ter, f. (pl. -̈), mother. MÜ´tze, f. (pl. -n), cap. Myr´te, f. (pl. -n), (-myrtletree). |