

L, n., the letter "L."

lÄ´cheln, to smile (at, Über).

la´chen, to laugh; das Lachen, laughing.

lÄ´cherlich, laughable, funny.

La´ger, n. (pl. ), resting-place.

la´gern, sich, to lie down, to have settled down, to lodge one’s self.

Land, n. (pl. -̈er), land, country; woher des Landes? from what country?

Land´assessorrock (for Landgerichtsassessorrock), m. (pl. -̈e), uniform of an assessor of the county-court.

Land´gericht, n. (pl. -e), county-court, district-court.

Land´gerichtsassessor, m. (pl. -assesso´ren), assessor of the county-court.

Land´gerichtsprÄsident, m. (pl. -en), president of the district-court.

Land´gerichtsrat, m. (pl. -̈e), judge of the district-court.

Land´karte, f. (pl. -n), map, traveller’s map.

lang (adv.) = lange.

lan´ge (adv.), long, a long time, for a long time; wie lange? how long?

lang´sam, slow(ly), little by little.

lÄngst (adv.), long since, for some time, for a long time.

lang´weilig, tedious, wearisome, dead-alive.

las´sen (ließ, gelassen), to let, to allow, to make, to leave; merken lassen, to show, to betray something; Einem etwas schreiben lassen, to have something communicated to one; Einen allein lassen, to leave one.

lau, mild, genial.

Laub, n., foliage.

Lauf, m., run, course; im schnellen Lauf, in a short time.

lau´fen (lief, gelaufen), to walk, to run; frisch gelaufene Blasen, feet blistered with walking.

Laut, m. (pl. -e), sound; keinen Laut von sich geben, not to utter a word, to keep profoundly silent.

lau´ten, to run thus or as follows.

le´ben, to live, to be living; leb wohl! farewell! good-bye; soll leben, (= lebe hoch!) let us drink the health of ...! or ... forever!

Le´ben, n., life.

leben´dig, lively, animated.

Le´bensgeschichte, f. (pl. -n), history of one’s life.

Leb´n (dialect.) n., = Leben, life.

le´dig, single, unmarried.

le´gen, to lay; sich legen, to cease, (of bad weather).

Leib´schneiden, n., gripes, colic.

Lei´chentuch, n. (pl. -̈er), shroud, pall.

leicht, light(ly), easy (-ily), slight(ly), delicate(ly); (dialect. = vielleicht), perhaps.

lei´den (litt, gelitten), to suffer.

lei´der (adv.), unfortunately, I am sorry to say.

Lei´nen, n., linen, linen goods.

lei´se (der), faint (suspicion).

lei´se (adv.), in an undertone; faint (suspicion).

Le´na (abbrev. of Hele´ne), Ellen, Maud.

ler´nen, to learn, to study, to pursue one’s studies.

le´sen (las, gelesen), to read.

Le´ser, m. (pl. ), reader.

Le´serin, f. (pl. -nen), (female) reader.

letz´te (der), last, final, finishing.

letz´terer, letz´tere, letz´teres, the latter.

leuch´ten, to flash, to beam.

leuch´tend, luminous, lucid, bright, with beaming eyes.

Leu´te, pl., people; men.

Li´ab’ (dialect.) f. = Liebe, love.

Licht, n. (pl. -er), light.

Lieb’ (= Liebchen), n., love, sweetheart.

lieb, dear; mir ist lieb, I like; lieb haben, to like, to love; sich lieb haben, to love each other.

Lie´be, f., love.

lie´beleer, destitute of love.

lie´ben, to love, to like.

Lie´ben, pl., those beloved, the beloved ones.

lie´ber, better, rather, sooner; lieber wollen, to prefer.

Lie´besband, n. (pl. -e, -̈er), tie of love.

liebst, dearest or best of all.

Lieb´ste, f. (pl. -n), beloved one, sweetheart.

lieb´wert, dearly beloved.

Lied, n. (pl. -er), song.

Lie´derbuch, n. (pl. -̈er), songbook.

lie´gen (lag, gelegen), to lie, to be situated, to lie hidden or concealed, to be latent.

Li´na (abbrev. of Pauline or Paula), Pauline.

Lip´pe, f. (pl. -n), lip; (pl.) Lippen, mouth.

Loch, n. (pl. -̈er), hole, kennel, burrow.

lo´cken, to entice, to induce.

Lo´denkittel, m. (pl. ), jacket made of coarse woolen cloth.

Lo´denrock, m. (pl. -̈e), coat of coarse woolen cloth.

LÖf´fel, m. (pl. ), spoon.

London Bridgestation (English), f. London-Bridge Station.

Lor´beer, m. (pl. -en), laurel(-tree), bay(-tree).

los! (adv.), on then! up! heartily!

los´schießen (schoß, geschossen), to shoot off, to fire off, to let fly.

LÖ´we, m. (pl. -n), lion.

lud ... ein, see einladen.

Luft, f. (pl. -̈e), air.

Lun´ge, f. (pl. -n), lungs.

lu´stig, hearty (-ily), merry (-ily), sound(ly), hard.



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