

Kaf´feekrÄnzchen, n. (pl. ), coffee-circle, coffee-party.

Kaiser, m. (pl. ), Emperor.

Kai´serschmarren, m. (pl. ), omelet.

kalt, cold.

kÄm´ (= kÄme, condit.).

kam herein´, see hereinkommen.

kam ... vor, see vorkommen.

Kamerad´, m. (pl. -en), comrade, chum.

Kamil´lenthee, m., camomile-tea.

kÄm´pfen, to combat, to struggle.

kann, see kÖnnen.

KÄrn´then, name of an Austrian crown-land.

Ka´sten, m. (pl. ), chest, box, trunk.

Ka´tzensprung, m. (pl. -̈e), (colloq.) "cat’s leap" (= small distance), analog.: "cockstride."

kaum, hardly.

kein, kei´ne, kein, no, not any.

kei´ner, kei´ne, kei´nes, none (of them), nobody.

ken´nen (kannte, gekannt), to know, to be acquainted with; (= erkennen), to recognize.

Kerl, m. (pl. -e), fellow.

Ke´tzer, m. (pl. ), heretic.

keu´chen, to pant, to gasp, to puff and blow.

ki´chern, to giggle, to titter.

Kien´span, m. (pl. -̈e), pine-block.

Kind, n. (pl. -er), child; liebes Kind, darling.

Kind´lichkeit, f., childishness.

Kir´che, f. (pl. -n), church.

Kirch´hof, m. (pl. -̈e), cemetery, burial-ground.

kla´gen, to lament.

Klamm, f., mountain-cleft, glen; caÑon, canyon.

Klang, m. (pl. -̈e), timbre (of the voice), sound.

klar, clear, clear-eyed; plain, evident.

Klause, f. (pl. -n), hermitage.

kle´ans (dialect.) = kleines, little, young, sweet.

Kleid, n. (pl. -er), dress, garment, uniform; ein herrschaftliches Kleid, livery.

klin´geln, to ring (the bell).

klin´gen (klang, geklungen), to ring, to chime, to sound, to clink; klingende MÜnze, clinking coin.

Klip´penhang, m. (pl. -̈e), sloping cliff or crag.

klop´fen, to knock, to beat, to tap (at, an); es klopft, some one knocks at the door.

klug, smart, wise, intelligent.

KlÜmp´lein, n. (pl. ), small lump, heap; auf einem KlÜmplein, all of a heap.

knal´len, to crack, to pop.

Knix, m. (pl. -e), courtesy; einen Knix machen, to drop (bob) a courtesy (to, vor).

Kno´chen, m. (pl. ), bone.

KnÖsp´lein, n. (pl. ), rose-bud.

Kno´tenpunkt, m. (pl. -e), junction (railroad).

knÜp´fen, to tie, to knot, to join closely.

koan (dialect.) = kein, no, not any.

Koa´sa (dialect.), m. = Kaiser, Emperor (i.e. Francis Joseph of Austria).

ko´chen, to cook, to boil, to make (tea).

Kof´fer, m. (pl. ), trunk.

kom´men (kam, gekommen), to come.

kommt´s = kommt es.

Kompagnie´, f. (pl. -en), pronounce kompani, company.

Konfusion´, f., confusion, perplexity.

kÖn´nen (pres. t. kann, kannst, kann; kÖnnen, etc.); konnte, gekonnt, to be able, to be ready, can, may.

kÖnnen’s (dialect.) = kÖnnen Sie; kÖnnen’s Ihnen (dat.) for kÖnnen Sie sich (accus.).

kÖnnet’s (dialect.) = kÖnnen es.

kÖnn´te, could, might.

Kontinent´, m. (pl. -e), continent.

Konzert´, n. (pl. -e), concert.

Kopf, m. (pl. -̈e), head.

KÖrb´chen, n. (pl. ), little basket.

Korn, n. (pl. -̈er), grain (of snow or ice); pl., snow-sprinkling.

Korresponden´tin, f., (pl. -nen), correspondent.

korrespondie´ren, to correspond.

ko´sten, to cost, to be the price; was kostet? what do you charge?

Kraft, f. (pl. -̈e), power, strength; Über meine KrÄfte, beyond my power.

krÄf´tig, vigorous(ly), spirited(ly), hearty (-ily).

krank, sick, ill; die Kranke, patient; sehr krank, critically ill.

krank´haft, morbid, diseased.

Krank´heit, f. (pl. -en), sickness, illness; in Krankheit sinken, to fall ill.

KrÄnz´chen, n. (pl. ), circle, party; meeting-place of a party or club.

Krap´fen, m. (pl. ), fritter, doughnut.

Kreis, m. (pl. -e), circle; im Kreise, round about.

Kreu´zer, m. (pl. ), "kreutzer" (= 1/60 Gulden); ihre Gulden und Kreuzer, their silver and copper-coins or their change.

Kro´ne, f. (pl. -n), (royal) crown.

Kru´zifix, n. (pl. -e), crucifix.

KÜ´che, f. (pl. -n), kitchen.

Ku´gel, f. (pl. -n), bullet, ball.

kun´dig, skilful, experienced.

kunst´gerecht, skilful(ly), knowingly.

kurz, short, brief, concise.

Kuß, m. (pl. -̈e), kiss.

Kut´sche, f. (pl. -n), coach, carriage.



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