

ja (adv.), yes; (explet.), why, you know! certainly; nun ja, well then, yes indeed.

ja´gen, to chase, to drive, to force, to arouse; (intrans.) to be driven, to dash, to fly.

Jahr, n. (pl. -e), year.

jamais (French), never.

Jam´mer, m., misery, misfortune.

je, ever; je einmal, ever.

je´der, je´de, je´des, each, every; ein jeder, each one, every one.

je´desmal, each time, always.

jetzt, now, the present moment; bis jetzt, till now, till then, up to that minute.

Johann´, John.

Jop´pe, f. (pl. -n), shooting jacket of coarse woolen cloth.

Jo´seph, Joseph; Franz Joseph, Francis Joseph.

Juch´zer, m. (pl. ), shout of joy, yodling.

ju´gendlich, youthful.

Ju´gendlust, f., happiness of youth.

Ju´gendschlaf, m., sleep of youth.

Ju´gendtage, pl., days (time) of youth.

jung, young.

Jun´ge, m. (pl. -n), boy, lad, fellow; alter Junge! old fellow!

jÜn´gere, see jung.

Jung´frau, f. (pl. -en), maid.

Jung´geselle, m. (pl. -n), old bachelor.

JÜng´ling, m. (pl. -e), youth, young man.

just (obsol.), just.



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