

ihm (dat.), him, to (for, with, etc.) him.

ihn (accus.), him (it).

Ih´na (dialect. dat. = Ihnen, for accus. Sie), you.

ih´nen (dat.), to them, them.

Ih´nen (dialect., dat.) for accus. sich, yourself.

Ihr (in address), you.

Ihr, Ih´re, Ihr (possess. pron.) your.

ihr, ih´re, ihr, her, to her; their.

ih´rer (genit. pl.), of them.

Im´biß, m., repast, light meal.

im´mer, always, ever; immer finsterer, darker and darker; immer noch, still.

im´merhin, still, after all, at any rate.

in (dat., accus.), in, at; into, to.

indem´ (conj.), while, whilst, or by pres. partic.

indes´sen, in the meantime.

In´halt, m., contents, tenor, purport.

in´nehaben (hatte, gehabt), to occupy.

in´nig, fervent(ly), ardent(ly), sincere(ly), close(ly).

ins = in das.

In´sasse, m. (pl. -n), inmate, occupant.

Instinkt´, m., instinct.

Instituts´dame, f. (pl. -n), directrix (humor., despot) of a young ladies´ seminary.

Instituts´vorsteherin, f. (pl. -nen), mistress of a young ladies’ seminary.

Instrument´, n. (pl. -e), instrument.

interessant´, interesting.

ir´gend, some; irgend ein ..., some, some kind of a.

is (dialect.) = ist or ist es.

Ita´lien, Italy.

Italie´ner, m. (pl. ), Italian, native of Italy.

italie´nisch, Italian, or as if in Italy.



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