Nix’s Erstes deutsches Schulbuch. For primary classes. Illus. 202 pp. 35 cts. Joynes-Meissner German Grammar. Half leather. $1.12 Joynes’s Shorter German Grammar. Part I of the above. 80 cts. Alternative Exercises. Two sets. Can be used, for the sake of change, instead of those in the Joynes-Meissner itself. 54 pages. 15 cts. Joynes and Wesselhoeft’s German Grammar. $1.12. Harris’s German Lessons. Elementary Grammar and Exercises for a short course, or as introductory to advanced grammar. Cloth. 60 cts. Sheldon’s Short German Grammar. For those who want to begin reading as soon as possible, and have had training in some other languages. Cloth. 60 cts. Ball’s German Grammar. 90 cts. Ball’s German Drill Book. Companion to any grammar. 80 cts. Spanhoofd’s Lehrbuch der deutschen Sprache. Grammar, conversation, and exercises, with vocabularies, $1.00. Foster’s Geschichten und MÄrchen. For young children. 25 cts. Guerber’s MÄrchen und ErzÄhlungen, I. With vocabulary and questions in German on the text. Cloth. 162 pages. 60 cts. Guerber’s MÄrchen und ErzÄhlungen, II. With vocabulary.E-11 Follows the above or serves as independent reader. Cloth. 202 pages. 65 cts. Joynes’s Shorter German Reader. 60 cts. Deutsch’s Colloquial German Reader. 90 cts. Spanhoofd’s Deutsches Lesebuch. 100 cts. Boisen’s German Prose Reader. 90 cts. Huss’s German Reader. 70 cts. Gore’s German Science Reader. 75 cts. Harris’s German Composition. 50 cts. Wesselhoeft’s Exercises. Conversation and composition. 50 cts. Wesselhoeft’s German Composition. 40 cts. Hatfield’s Materials for German Composition. Based on Immensee and on HÖher als die Kirche. Paper. 33 pages. Each, 12 cts. Horning’s Materials for German Composition. Based on Der Schwiegersohn, 32 pages. 12 cts. Part II only. 16 pages. 5 cts. StÜven’s Praktische AnfangsgrÜnde. A conversational beginning book with vocabulary and grammatical appendix. Cloth. 203 pages. 70 cts. KrÜger and Smith’s Conversation Book. 40 pages. 25 cts. Meissner’s German Conversation. 65 cts. Deutsches Liederbuch. With music. 164 pages. 75 cts. Heath’s German Dictionary. Retail price, $1.50. |