

ganz, whole (wholly), entire(ly), complete(ly), altogether; nicht so ganz Übel (colloq.), not amiss.

gar, very, very much, at all; gar nicht, not at all.

Gar´ten, m. (pl. ), garden.

Gas´se, f. (pl. -n), street.

Gast, m. (pl. -̈e), guest, visitor.

Gastein´, f., Gastein Valley.

Gast´haus, n. (pl. -̈er), inn.

Gast´hof, m. (pl. -̈e), inn, hotel.

ge´ben (gab, gegeben), to give; es giebt, there is, there are.

ge´ben’s (dialect.) = geben Sie!

gebor´gen (p.p.), safe, secure.

Gedan´ken, m. (pl. ), thought, idea.

geden´ken (gedachte, gedacht), to think (of doing, etc.), to have a mind (to, zu), to remember (something, genit.).

Gedicht´, n. (pl. -e), poem.

gefÄhr´lich, dangerous.

gefal´len (gefiel, gefallen), to please (one, dat.).

Gefal´len, m., favor.

Gefol´ge, n., train; im Gefolge, followed by.

GefÜhl´, n. (pl. -e), feeling, consciousness.

ge´gen (accus.), against; towards, to.

Ge´gend, f. (pl. -en), (adjacent) part of the country, neighborhood.

ge´genseitig (adv.), mutually, to each other.

gegenÜ´ber (dat.), opposite to, over the way, in front of, in face of; in presence of, in the face of.

Ge´genvorstellung, f. (pl. -en), remonstrance.

gehal´ten (p.p.), staid, grave.

Geheim´nis, n. (pl. -se), secret.

ge´hen (ging, gegangen), to go, to come, to walk, to pass, to travel.

gehÖ´ren, to belong (to, dat.); dazu gehÖren zwei, it requires two (participants); gehÖrt in (dialect.) = gehÖrt dem.

gehÖ´rig, due (duly), thorough(ly).

Geist, m., mind, mind’s eye, soul.

geist´voll, full of spirit, intelligent.

Geld, n. (pl. -er), money; "gold," (Longfellow).

Geld´beutel, m. (pl. ), purse, money-bag.

gele´gen, see liegen.

Gele´genheit, f. (pl. -en), occasion; bei Gelegenheit, at (on) the occasion, in cases.

gelei´ten, to accompany, to conduct.

geliebt´ (p.p.), beloved.

gelit´ten, see leiden.

gel´ten (galt, gegolten), to mean, to concern; es gilt ein Leben, a life is at stake.

gemein´sam, common(ly), mutual(ly).

Gems´bart m. (pl. -̈e), chamois-beard, chamois-hair rosette.

Gems´bock, m. (pl. -̈e), chamois-buck.

Gems´jÄger, m. (pl. ), chamois-hunter.

genau´, close(ly), particular(ly).

geneigt´ (p.p.), esteemed; gentle, courteous.

Gene´sung, f., recovery, convalescence.

genug´, enough, plentiful(ly); schÖn genug, good enough.

Geplau´der, n., prattle, (small) talk.

gera´de (adv.), just, exactly; geradeso, just as.

gera´ten (geriet, geraten), to come or get into.

gerin´ge (der), little, small.

gern(e), with all one’s heart, to like to; gern haben, to like; mÖchte gern wissen, should like to know.

Gesang´, m. (pl. -̈e), song, singing.

GeschÄft´, n. (pl. -e), occupation, affair.

gesche´hen (geschah, geschehen), to happen (to, dat.), to occur, to take place.

gescheit´, prudent.

Geschenk´, n. (pl. -e), present, gift, donation.

Geschich´te, f. (pl. -n), story, tale.

Geschoß´, n. (pl. -e), projectile, shot, ball, bullet.

geschwÄ´tzig, talkative, garrulous.

geschwei´gen (defective verb), not to mention; geschweige (imperat. as adv.) denn, not to mention, to say nothing of, = much less.

Geschwi´ster, pl., brothers and sisters.

Gesel´le, m. (pl. -n), journeyman.

Gesell´schaft, f. (pl. -en), society, race, company.

Gesicht´, n. (pl. -er), face; ein verzweifeltes Gesicht machen, to look desperate or hopeless; am Gesicht ansehen, to read from one’s face.

gesinnt´ (p.p.), disposed.

Gespie´lin, f. (pl. -nen), friend (companion or playmate) of one’s youth.

GesprÄch´, n. (pl. -e), conversation.

Gestalt´, f. (pl. -en), figure, personality, person, man.

gestat´ten, to permit, to allow; es ist mir mehr gestattet, I enjoy more liberty, I am more independent.

geste´hen (gestand, gestanden), to confess, to make a clean breast.

GestÖ´ber, n., snow-storm.

gestreng´, grave, severe.

gesund´, sound.

Gesund´heit, f., health.

Gesund´heitszustand, m., state of health.

gethan´, see thun.

gewe´sen, see auxil. sein.

Gewis´sen, n., conscience; aufs Gewissen, in conscience.

gewiß´, certainly, apparently, it seems; ganz gewiß, most assuredly.

gewÖh´nen, sich, to get used or accustomed (to, an).

gewohnt´ (p.p.), wont, accustomed; gewohnt sein, to be in the habit.

gewor´den, see werden.

g’fÄhr´lich (dialect.) = gefÄhrlich.

g’hÖrt´ (dialect.) = gehÖrt, belongs; g’hÖrt dein = gehÖrt dir.

gin´gen ... Ü´ber, see Übergehen.

GlacÉ´handschuh, m. (pl. -e), kid-glove.

Glanz, m., lustre, brilliancy.

glÄn´zen, to glisten.

Glas, n. (pl. -̈er), glass.

glau´ben, to believe, to think, to consider; glauben an, to believe in.

glei (dialect.) = gleich (adv.), at once, in a hurry.

gleich (adj.), like, alike, same, equal (to, dat.); (adv.) at once, immediately, on shortest notice; (conj. = obgleich), although, though.

gleich´gekleidet, dressed in like manner.

Glet´scher, m. (pl. ), glacier.

Glied, n. (pl. -er), limb; es fuhr ihm in die Glieder, terror thrilled through his limbs.

glÜck´lich, happy, felicitous.

glÜ´hen, to glow.

gnÄ´dig, gracious; gnÄdiger Herr! Mylord! Your Honor! der gnÄdige Herr, the gentleman.

Gold, n., gold.

gol´den, golden; most convenient.

Gold´orange (French), f., (pl. -n), gold-orange.

Gott, God, the Lord.

grad (dialect.) = gerade, just so, quite so.

Gram, m., grief; aus Gram, with grief.

grÄm´lich, sullen, sulky, morose.

gram´voll, sorrowful, aggrieved, grief-stricken.

grau, gray, of gray material; gray-haired.

grau´en, to dawn; der Tag graut, it dawns.

grau´sam, cruel, horrid.

grei´fen (griff, gegriffen), to grasp, to catch (at, nach).

grob´geschnitzt (p.p.), roughly carved.

groß, great, large, big, tall, long.

grÜn, green.

grÜn´den, to establish.

Grund´gewalt, f. (pl. -en), fundamental power.

gru´selig, shuddering (at, vor), dreadful (over, vor).

grÜ´ßen, to greet, to salute.

gu´cken (colloq.), to look, to peep; guck mal! just look there!

Gul´den, m. (pl. ), "gulden," florin (= 50 Americ. cents); ihre Gulden und Kreuzer, their silver- and copper-coins or their change.

Gut, n. (pl. -̈er), (collect.) "goods" (Longfellow).

gut, good (well); es gut haben, to have a nice time of it; gut gehen, to come or pass off smoothly; gut thun, to do good, to be good; koan gut (dialect.), no good.



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